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“Is it just me or are the trees and the grass greener the closer we get to the portal?”

The smirk Thorve flashed Einar left him confused for a moment until the woman spoke.

“I forget some of you are ignorant to the stories and knowledge of our realms. The closer we come to Alfheim, the closer we are to the connection they share with Yggdrasil.  While the tree supplies life and growth to us, also acting as a conduit of the magic Odin has granted, our connection is different than theirs.  When we cross over you will immediately notice that things are not the same here.”

Unable to keep his eyebrow from drawing close, Einar grunted.  He had read a book Jarl Bior had on the elves and Alfheim yet it didn’t provide much details beyond items they could trade for, some diplomatic areas to stay away from, and other tales and history of the elves.

“And the magic they draw from?”

“You are always seeking wisdom,” Thorve replied. “A rare trait among warriors and what I believe sets you apart from the others.  Answer me this first and then I shall give you what you seek.  Where do you draw your magic from?”

“My Wyrd… right here.” 

Tapping his chest, between both lungs and near the base of the ribs, Einar took a deep breath and called it to fuel his request.  His right fist was covered in flames for a moment before he let it go.

“I know that when I need Wyrd it has to come from here and yet it flows through all my body.  There are also traces of it in the air I breathe, the food I eat and the water that I drink.”

Laughter came from their healer as she shook her head at him for a moment.  A smile began to appear as she leaned closer, gripping her reins tight.

“Many mages might struggle to come up with such a well worded answer even after years of training and yet you somehow gave the simplest version of the truth possible.”

She tapped her chest where he had and then moved her hand to her head, tracing the lines of the tattoo on her skin.  The lines, runes and images began to glow for a moment as her nail touched them.

“We are given this power by Odin and part of his own life is what fills us.  The runes that are bound inside us, connect us to him.  If one were to receive a rune from Thor, Frigg, or any of the other gods, they would be sharing a part of their life with us.  To ease that strain, Yggdrasil also provides a part of the magic we need which allows us to draw upon the Wyrd that fuels the spells and abilities we cast.”

Shifting in her saddle, Thorve glanced behind them at the other warriors all riding in pairs.  Dust rose from the horse's hooves and the carts that contained all the supplies provided a noticeable trail for anyone looking for travelers.

“The elves draw upon magic from Frey and their land is infused with life from their connection with Yggdrasil.  Unlike us they do not need runes.  Their bodies are rumored to be different, channeling the very power from every part of them.  A light elf who loses a hand, arm, or leg that cannot be healed would be far weaker when it comes to drawing upon the magic of their realm.”

“Yet our runes will still work there, because of the connection to Yggdrasil?”

Snorting, Thorve nodded.

“Both Jarl’s warned me you were sharp.  Yes, that is how we are able to use our runes regardless of the realm we travel through.  Unlike some, our strength doesn’t diminish which is why we are considered weaker without the runes we use.”

Nodding, Einar found himself staring ahead, knowing they were only hours away from the portal.  

The trees along the road looked healthy and strong with large branches and thick canopies.  Squirrels, birds and other small animals seemed to be thriving in the area with plenty of nuts and green grass and plants.  

“And why is there no city or town here?”

“Where is the last river or stream that you have seen?”

Grumbling quietly, he bobbed his head, realizing the answer had been so obvious.

“There aren’t any.”

Smirking once more, their healer pointed at a tree.

“Here there is enough moisture from the rain and from what comes through the connection. However, a city or village would require water beyond what is available.”

Rather than ask any more questions, Einar bowed slightly and then started to slow his horse.

“I shall go and inform the others that we are only a few hours away.  Thank you again for your wisdom.”

“Thank you for listening, Thegn Einar.”


“Is this what the portal you went through looked like?”

Shaking his head, Einar motioned for Thorodd to come toward them.

“No Osvif, this portal is white and beyond it I can see life almost as if looking through a picture.  The other portal was hard to see through and the image it showed wasn’t as clear as this.”

Giving his short friend a nudge, Einar pointed at the path that led through some trees toward a fortification on the other side.

“I also believed I was going to die last time.  Hopefully that doesn’t happen again.”

Chuckling, Osvif slapped his friend and moved back to join the others, preparing the horses to be walked through.

“She is ready,” Thorodd said when he reached Einar. “Thorve will go first and she asked for us to wait a minute before we come through.  She wants to make certain the elves received the notice of our pack's arrival.”

Nodding, both men stood there and motioned to the healer to proceed, watching as she walked up to the white portal.  She had changed into a plain white robe, different from the usual gray or brown one she traveled in.  One moment she was there, hand outstretched and as soon as her finger connected, she was gone from this side, now appearing on the other.

Reminds me of a TV or a computer screen.  She isn’t as sharp but Thorve still looks recognizable.

“You noticed she lotioned up her skin?”

“I did.  She even told me why,” Thorodd replied.  “She said when I get over there and my skin is dull, I’ll feel out of place.”

“I think your size makes you out of place,” Einar stated as he gently gave a tug on the leather strap that was tied around his horse's neck.  “We better get close.  I see a pair of elves already approaching her.”


“Welcome to Alfheim. May Yggdrasil always provide you shade and the food you need.”

Bowing as the elf before him did, Einar found himself fighting to not look like a fool.

The woman who spoke was glowing.  Both elves were actually glowing slightly.  A radiance of power or light seemed to come from their skin and white hair.  Sharp features, green eyes, perfect lips, taunt, lean bodies, stood ready to defend if needed, yet there was an aura around both that seemed to almost command respect.

“Thegn Einar may I present to you Varitan and Lyeneru.  They shall be our guides and overseers to ensure that we are worthy of admittance to the town nearby.

“It is an honor,” Einar replied, giving Thorodd a nudge as he bent at his waist.  “Thank you for allowing my pack to come and hopefully provide aid to your people.”

A snort came from the male elf, Varitan.

“That shall still be determined by your actions. Now, if you would, please follow me and I shall show you a simple clearing where you may set up camp and we can discuss what must be done to earn the right to enter our city.”

Without waiting for a reply the male elf turned, striding with purpose off to a small clearing outside the stone walls that surrounded the back half of the portal.

“Ignore Varitan,” Lyeneru whispered as both men began moving after their escort. “He forgets how Vikings have helped many times long ago.  Still it has been quite some time since one has come on their own.  Tell me, how long do you plan to stay?”

Einar ignored Thorodd and the man’s eyes which were wide, scanning the landscape around them.

Trees were no longer simply brown or green.  Instead there were a variety of colors that easily drew his gaze as well.  Silver bark and branches, purple leaves, blue grass and other oddities compared to what he knew, surrounded them.

“My goal is to be here for about six months if your people will allow it.  I know there are many creatures that might be troubling your kind and we are open to trade and bartering, seeking materials to make runes as well.”

The faintest smile appeared on her thin red lips, hidden even more by the ivory like skin and the glow that radiated from her.

“Six months is a long time but if you can prove yourselves, my people would be grateful for the aid and we could provide shelter and more.  Now please, follow Varitan before he speaks unkindly again.”

Leaving Thorve and Lyeneru near the portal, Einar and Thorodd picked up their pace, leading their horses after the elf who was still walking with purpose.


“She has told me countless stories about this place,” Skardi said as he stood near the fire with all the other warriors.  “Still none of them ever came close to matching what I imagined.”

“I’ve been here one other time,” Starkard stated.  “What we are in for isn’t going to be easy but if we succeed, know that skalds will praise your name.  The beasts we might face are not to be taken lightly.”

“Is that why Einar picked you?” 

Starkard snorted and pointed at Hallad who was chewing on a piece of jerky, unusually silent compared to most times.

“Ospak we all have skills and while he and I are the shields you need when something big decides to attack, I am certain it played a role in my selection.  Just as you have a reputation with all axes, know that every warrior here has a place.  Even those two young ones have a purpose.”

“Yes, bait,” Osvif declared.

Laughter came as the men all nodded, allowing the atmosphere to lighten slightly.

“He is right,” Einar said when he finally spoke.  “All of you have a skill set and a purpose.  Thorodd shared with me the choices I had when you all pledged yourself to this task and my pack.  Just know that we will succeed because there will be no other pack like ours for a long time.”

Einar had risen to his feet, increasing his voice and was motioning at each man with his finger.

“We are here also because each of you knows my promise. If we gather the items we need, I shall have a rune crafted for you.  Not some basic or intermediate one, but an advanced one!”

Cheers came and the men stomped their feet.

A short, sharp whistle came and the men went silent, turning to see the pair of elves approaching them.

“Does he ever smile?” Thorodd asked.

Shrugging, Einar put on his best grin, and waited for the two to reach the group.

“I will say I’m scared of an elf with a bow.”

“Maybe Hogni can get a date!” exclaimed Ospak. “He’s the only one of us that uses a bow.”

Thorodd’s grunt shut down the laughter that had started up in a heartbeat.

“Warrior Einar, have you and your men gotten settled?”

“We have.”

Lyeneru nodded and then motioned to her elven partner.

Varitan moved toward the fire and pulled out a map from behind his back and put it on the ground, squatting next to it.

“If you all are ready then, we shall leave in about thirty minutes and prepare for the first test.  Our scouts have told us that a pack of Bellavan miogs are nearby.  Last we heard there are four or five of them.”

Pointing at the spot where the portal was marked, he slid his finger across the trees that surrounded it to the south.

“Here, in the woods about five miles away we should hopefully find a trail.”

Looking up he smiled.

“The sun will be down in four hours. I suggest we move quickly and find that trail, come up with a plan to find and attack them before it gets dark.  Once it does…”

No one said anything, the way his tone changed as Varitan stopped talking.

Thorve grunted and everyone turned to see the healer holding up four fingers.  She was tapping one of them with her other hand.

“You heard them,” Einar said. “Time to prove we’re the warriors we claim to be. Be ready in ten.”





“If one were to receive a rune from Thor, Frigg, Thor or any of the other gods, they would be sharing a part of their life with us” -> Thor appears twice! Thanks for the chapter 👍👏