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Well, I'll gloss over the whole Ultimate Level 1 - Book 3 Launch today as I already did a post on that.

If you're willing, give it a read on Kindle Unlimited and leave a great review if you like :)

Onward to Battle Through the Nine Realms! 

Started uploading BOOK 2 today to Patreon!

Book 1 ends Friday

Book 2 starts Monday.

TYPICALLY I take a week off between books, but I decided in honor how well BTtNR has done and with how great UL1 has been doing, I'll just go right into the next book.

So don't worry, chapters will keep coming as book 1 comes to an end!

Book 2 Info:

I'm doing some edits now (smaller ones, not major major as I'm still writing book 2). This wont be a clean (and you saw there will still some mistakes) as book 1 as that had an actual line edit (and stuff still gets missed). So please know, if you find something wrong, I'll gladly fix when told!

Otherwise looking forward to seeing how you all handle the 2nd book and where it leads Einar.

July 15-24th

I'll be out of the country (again...)

Just a reminder, I do a lot of humanitarian work during the summers. I've been part of groups that have helped build 250+ wells all over the world (got some cool pictures of us fixing/upgrading old ones), helped build medical clinics, schools, a thriving (self sustaining) chicken farm and more.

Last year we built a trade school in Zambia to teach local people different skills (metal working, leather working, wood working & electrician stuff). This year's plan is a little skewered with the Baltimore bridge slowing down the delivery of stuff we sent (won't arrive till after we leave). Even worse is the lack of water in Zambia has crippled their hydro electric farm. Even now most days are without power (20 hours a day where I'll be at).

Going to help setup some Solar panels and battery stuff to try and ease the struggles where I'm going but know if I'm not online for a few days, its most likely power problems.

Still - feel free to leave messages, point out mistakes and I'll get on them as soon as I can (biggest fear is how internet might suffer but again, I won't know till I'm there).

Again as always - thanks for supporting me and I'm glad to be home for a few weeks, typing once more!


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