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All I can say is WOW!

My new Viking Story - Battle Through the Nine Realms has been tearing it up on Royal Road...

#1 on RS, #2 on Popular this week!

I NEVER expected such a great reaction and want to thank all of you that have joined as a Patron.

First - If you love the story, a solid review is huge! Currently this story has the highest ranking of any of my others. Got my first .5 Sunday on that first chapter stuff... no comment just a rating... joys of writing ;)

Keeping with the Viking side - I'm working on book 2 this week! Be ready for a post where you can be a part of the send book! (hint, small spoiler).

Ultimate Level 1 - 

OMG.... I finished book 5 last week!

Book 3 is in Podiums hand so hopefully soon I'll have an ETA on the audio for it. Ebook hits Amazon July 1st.

Book 4 is in edits right now! Ebook hits Amazon Sept 1st (I'll be at DragonCon during release!)

Book 5 is sitting 2 till July for me to go back, edit, and then begin book 6. (Hits Amazon Nov 1st).

Book 6 - mostly plotted, working on cover (its going to be best one yet I believe). Goal is right after Christmas on Amazon!

Stay tuned for another post in a few minutes to help with names for Viking story!

ANNUAL Patrons - CHECK YOUR MESSAGES! - Special invite for you all!



I absolutely love the new Viking Novel. I was a fan of your other series but the Viking one has set me down a whole rabbit hole of searching for books similar to get my fix while waiting for new chapters