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Man! The week has been blazing by but lots of COOL news to share...

First Ultimate Level 1 - BOOK 5 is 'done'! - Currently going back and editing book 4 to get ready for final edit from publisher. That said - Wohoo!

Book 4 ends on chapter 219.

Book 5 ends on chapter 274 (Currently - occasionally I go back and add).

That means there are 90 chapters roughly still out there.

For those of you who like math, that's 18 weeks of solid reading 5x a week ;)

Battle Through the Nine Realms is going well it appears!

Welcome to all of you who just joined for the series and thank you for the support.

I hope you enjoy that story as well as all the others I have.

I'll start writing book 2 next week!

On a side note - if you're willing to show a little love:

This is the link for my Viking story on Royal Road.

I have NEVER reached #1 on the RS (3x's at #2).

SO far it looks like a decent run, but if you are willing, head over and give it a Follow and a Favorite!

If you really enjoy it, remember a solid review and a lot of stars helps to keep it pushed to the top!

I 'may' have a quick 10k story for the Magazine challenge, but who knows... Times running out and I can only spend so many days not working on my 2 main stories right now.... (we'll ignore the other 3 I occasionally make progress on).

As always, thank you for supporting me and msg anytime!


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