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“You have grown,” Avitue said as she looked Einar up and down.  Her green eyes sparkled as she studied the boy she knew who had become a man. “A thegn band, and only eighteen.  It appears the stories my shield sisters share are true.”

“I’m not certain what stories you have heard,” Einar replied, trying to keep his composure, “but I have always attempted to be kind to everyone I meet.  You look well also, Avitue.  The shieldmaiden life suits you.”

She snorted and flicked her head, sending her red braid of hair flying free from her shoulder.

“My father has inquired about you.  Rumors abound, and he told me I needed to seek you out.  Tell me, when should my sisters and I should expect an invitation to your warband?”

Frowning slightly, Einar knew his head was tilted slightly, trying to figure out the game Avitue was playing and what it was she really wanted.

We have flirted for years and made promises and love, but this seems too sudden and bold.

“If I said I am still years away from a warband, what would you say then?”

It was her turn to frown as she glanced around the room they were in. Four other maidens waited for her, letting Thorodd and Bior entertain them.

“Just be honest, Avitue,” Einar said quietly. “We’ve done this dance for years and I can almost read you like a book.  What do you want?”

She fidgeted as she always did whenever he trapped her like this.

“I heard… I heard you destroyed a portal stone and that your reputation is growing.  My father already gave you permission, and we acted upon that.  You promised me when your renown was great enough, I could join you.  There are very few within the land that haven’t heard of your name. So, tell me, will you allow me to join you?”

She stood there, a warrior, built for battle, toned body, and he knew she was skilled with her axe and shield, yet at this moment, she had lost that composure.  Part of him felt sorry for her.  She was laying everything out on the table, and his reply would determine the path of her life in some way.

“Are you here for me or my reputation?”

Avitue’s green eyes rose from her view of the ground to his blue ones.  For a moment, her cheeks went flush and then turned redder, not from embarrassment, but from anger.

“Einar Sibbison, do you seriously question me on that?!” she shouted, her voice echoing around the room.

Every eye turned for a moment, watching the pair before turning and giving the little privacy afforded in this area.

Standing his ground, Einar nodded.

“I do. You could have come at any moment, but here you stand, proclaiming how my reputation is finally enough for you to pursue me.  I know your father and Hrein is a man who cares about that, but I also know you have him wrapped around your finger, tighter than that leather around your axe shaft.  So, tell me the reason and I will give you my answer.  Don’t, and I will walk away.”

His blue eyes held her, and the cold, icy glare he gave didn’t flinch from the fire inside her emerald ones.

“You’re a bastard!” she exclaimed. “Ever since that day we danced in the village, and I gave you that one kiss, you knew I loved you, and now I come here, bearing my heart and—”

She never got to finish her words as Einar moved so fast she couldn’t react.  His right hand held her by the waist and his left hand held her neck, bringing her in close.  Their lips were pressed together, and his tongue parted her lips, going well beyond the simple kiss they had shared many years ago.

For a moment she was rigid in shock at what had just happened and then her arms brought him in tight, gripping his neck and hips, pulling him just as tightly against her.

Time passed as they both stood there, kissing in front of all those who wanted to see, not caring about it.

Finally, the need to breathe came, and both pulled away, a small strand of saliva stretching as their lips broke free.

“You have my answer,” Einar said with a wink as he let go and backed up slightly. “I will call for you in six months.  That should give you time to prepare with your sisters what must take place.”

Glancing over his shoulder at the gawkers who all were smiling and chuckling, he turned back, seeing her face a little flushed, but her eyes never left his. “You can bring four sisters with you.  Later, I can form a full group of ten, but right now, I cannot promise when.  I will fight afar and in realms, death will always be a possibility, but if you are willing to shield me and let me shield you, I will not seek any other.”

Avitue hadn’t responded, her mind trying to wrap itself around what had just happened still and the words Einar had spoken.

“Six months? I need to wait six months?”

Her tone didn’t hide her disappointment, but Einar nodded and held out a hand, motioning for her to come close.

“Stay for three days.  You’ll understand why, and then you will know.  I cannot say more.  Worse yet, I won’t be able to see you until the third day.  Again, you will know everything soon.”

She nodded. His warm breath on her ear had sent her skin into a state of goosebumps.

“You will see me, though, on the third day, and we will talk?” she asked.

“I swear by my axe.”

She nodded and grabbed his braid in the back and pulled his head to the side. It took some force, but she pulled him down a few inches, giving him a rough kiss once and then letting go.

“I know I haven’t commented, but that tattoo looks impressive on your head. I hope you will soon let me see all of them again.”

Laughing, he nodded and grinned.

“I will speak with Bior and see if he can house you if you don’t have a place already.”

Shaking her head, Avitue motioned out one of the windows.  

“We have rooms already. I wasn’t sure when I would get to see you and have this talk,” she replied.  “Just know I will be here in three days, and I expect us to have a conversation that makes me okay with having to wait six months.”

Grinning, Einar nodded and gave her a wink.

“Now then, are you going to introduce me to your fellow sisters?”

Smirking, Avitue cocked her head sideways and grinned.

“I would love to,” she said as she took his arm and led him toward the group. “Though I think you already know Jodis.”


Thorodd turned the mug of mead in his hand slowly.  The smile he wore had been there all night, and for once in all the time he had known Einar, the Viking was in a pinch.

“This, Avitue Serksson… she is a special one, and smart, too, it appears.”

Groaning, Einar nodded, not bothering to drink the rest of his cup.

“She trapped me like a fox in a hen house,” he replied. “I never saw it coming, and when that door slammed shut, I knew things were going to go bad.”

“Everyone could see it on your face as you walked toward us,” teased Arngrim.  “I’ve paid a lot of money in my time for entertainment, and yet today was probably the greatest show I’ve ever gotten, and best of all, it was free.”

Thorodd banged the table softly with his hand and nodded.

“On a different topic than Einar’s exploits coming back to bite him on the arse, tomorrow is going to be busy and the next after will be even more so.  The only perk is that the bath day is in three days.  We will have a day to prepare and rest and then I expect us to start this foolish plan of yours.”

“Time is money,” Einar stated. “We don’t have a lot of money, which means we don’t have a lot of time.”

“That’s probably the smartest thing you’ve said all day,” Arngrim muttered.  “You realize I’ll be here until you get back.  Working on runes for Bior and your men.”

“Just two of them,” Thorodd said. “Unless you’re going to craft advanced ones already for eight of us, we don’t need any of the intermediate ones.  Besides, doesn't Einar need another rune?”

Shaking his head, Einar tapped his left arm and grinned. 

“Like you, if it isn’t an advanced rune, I will pass.  I can’t afford to waste money or slots.”

“Seems awfully weird taking orders from a thegn with only five tattoos, but I know that’s not what separates you from us.”

Pushing back on the bench he was sitting on, Einar rose and rapped the table with his knuckles.

“I’m headed to bed. I need to sleep and clear my mind.”

“And pour a bucket of cold water over yourself,” Arngrim teased. “If Hrein had been here when his daughter sprung her trap, I’m almost certain you would have had to kill that man.”

“But he wasn’t,” replied Einar as he walked away.


The day of shopping went fast, with carts and supplies purchased from other warbands and even a slightly better deal from Hersir Torrad. The man ended up taking Osvif, and the value he saw from his men's training was shown in the discount.

With everything packed and ready, all that was left was tomorrow.

Bior stood next to Einar, and behind them were the four Hersirs. 

On the field of the jarl’s training ground stood over 200 men as the call came for action.

“Vikings! Today, your Hersirs and I have granted a chance that most will never see.  Before me stands a warrior who has already found his name spreading across our land faster than the wind. He is forming his own pack, and today, all who choose to come forward and offer him their axe may!”

Jarl Bior still had his hand up, keeping the men silent, knowing the moment he lowered it, a cheer was going to come, and it wasn’t time for that.

“Today, you may not be chosen, but you can show your faith in this one.  Only ten may go, and we shall judge his success by their assistance.  Do not step forward and lay down your axe without understanding that the things he is planning on attempting may result in a swift death.”

Bior paused, seeing that the men’s gazes hadn’t changed.  Excitement swirled in their eyes.  Grown men with scars, pain, and the knowledge of how bad death was grinned at the young warrior standing before him.

“He has mentioned he will not spend much time in the woods, fighting trolls or slaying packs of wolves.  No, he will risk everything, seeking the blessing of Odin by offering a sacrifice and heading straight for the realm of Alfheim!”

Murmuring began to spread, and a few cheers and shouts came even though the Jarl still had his hand raised.

He frowned, quickly silencing the warriors before him with a glance.

“Now choose! If you will risk everything for glory, honor, and the service of Midgard, then lay your axe at his feet!”

The moment the Jarl’s hand was at his side, an ear-deafening roar filled the ground, rolling out into the city.

Men moved without hesitation, a mass of warriors forming for a moment until a few of the Hersirs moved forward, and the men quickly formed a line.

Axe after axe was laid at Einar’s feet, and soon, he had to keep moving sideways, a new pile forming again.  When that was no longer an option, he stepped forward, repeating the process over and over.

Time stretched as every man almost came forward, offering him an axe and their service.  

When no more came forward, and nine piles of axes were scattered near Einar, the impact of what had just happened hit everyone.

Off to the side stood Avitue and the other shieldmaidens, who began to move, not bothering to acknowledge the sound of the men who were about to protest.

Einar gave a look and shook his head, quieting the those about to protest as he raised his hand.

“You have my axe and heart when you want it,” Avitue said as she placed her weapon on the ground with the others.

Each of the other maidens gave him theirs, and soon, when everyone stood there in silence, shocked at what had been allowed, Bior moved forward.

“Today, you have shown Einar Sibbison how much faith you have in him and Odin.  Tomorrow, you shall find out if you have been selected. Tonight, rest and pray that Odin will guide his mind and that you shall be one of the ten.”



What an amazing chapter 😍 I love how his character is developing and i hope his First raid in another realm will be not only successful but also fruitful with treasures and resources for advanced runes FOR ODIN 🪓💪


Hell yeah we wanna see that sweet sweet loot from other realms!

