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“You need to open up your eyes and focus, Einar.”

Blinking, he did just that, sitting up. As the light of the room allowed things to come into view, he saw a lanky, fiery-red-haired man lounging on the stone floor near him. His lips were cracked, and a scar ran along his face.

“What… where… who are you?”

Laughter that reminded him too much like Arngrim echoed in the tiny room he was lying on the stone floor.  No doors were present and even without a source of light showing anywhere, the room was completely illuminated.

“You know where, you just don’t know how.  As for who I am… if you had to guess, I’m certain you could figure it out in a moment.”

Racking his mind, Einar slid back onto his rear and then moved a few feet further from the person he shared the room with.

He’s not a person… he’s a god.

His mind started to easily connect the dots, and frowning, he nodded.


Laughing again, while rocking back and forth, the man held his knees as he looked pleased with being recognized.

“Father said you were smart.  Thor, of course, thinks more of your bravery and Strength, but I see within you a spark many lack.  A true hunger for greatness and the hunt.  You have guile and cunning most Vikings never began to even consider!” the god exclaimed.  “Choosing a rune most would never consider, and then managing to bring back something from the past! Oh, that is beyond wonderful!”

“Why am I here? Just to tell me how smart and cunning I am?” Einar asked, studying the god’s eyes that burned with a sense of almost exuberant fun and enjoyment.

“Because Father asked, and I find myself unable to say no.  All of Asgard is in a tizzy at the things you are accomplishing, and word is some are afraid the other realms will soon learn of you and what you possess.”

The god smiled, one that seemed to carry a hint of danger.  Like a predator who was studying its prey, Einar knew he was no match for the god his world had never spoken highly of.

“You’re known for being smart and for making deals. What are you looking for from me?”

Cackling, Loki’s hair almost seemed to burn, the red color appeared alive and ready to catch fire if something flammable got close.  He continued to rock, smirking as he did at the talk of Asgard.

Sighing, the god finally settled down, crossing his legs, and nodded.

“Father chose right. Most humans wouldn’t pick up on why you are here with me.  Very well, time is limited, and I will make my offer. Just know,” Loki said as he leaned forward, his blue eyes going from dark depths of the sea to light shades of illuminated sapphires, “I won’t give you this chance again.”

Nodding, Einar sat on the floor as the god stood up, rising to his feet in a single motion.

“I need something from one of the realms—an item. When the time comes, I will seek you out and let you know it is time.  Do not worry you are not anywhere near ready for this moment, but one day, when you make it to Jotunheim, I will be there, ready to assist and collect on our part of this deal.”

“And what do you seek?”

“A weapon, long since stolen from us and held in their armory and a place where I cannot enter, or I would.  Only those like yourselves can.”

Einar shifted slightly, biting his lip as he held back some of his thoughts.

“What’s in it for me?”

Clapping his hands together, Loki grinned wider than the Cheshire cat, his lips cracking and the scar on his face looking like it might rip apart.

“I will grant you knowledge of three runes that will assist your crafter in the time to come.  Runes that have not been seen in ages.  Acquiring the items needed for the runes will be part of the test to prove you are ready for Jotunheim.”

“And after you get this weapon? Then what? I don’t expect you to think risking our lives for that over three runes would be worth it for me.”

Loki scowled, his hair burning with color as the god watched Einar sitting on the floor, seemingly unconcerned by his appearance.

“You would dare try to bargain for more from me?! Do you not remember—”

“Stop, Loki,” Einar replied, cutting off the god. “Your father tried and failed.  Whatever it is you want, I’m the only one who can apparently get that for you, so if it’s worth all this, then it is worth more than you want to admit.”

The room began to darken and shrink, yet Loki grew, reaching ten, then twenty and finally thirty feet as he appeared in full leather and chain armor, holding a staff with a glowing gem.

“Do you dare—” he began to boom.

Einar started to close his eyes as he laid back on the floor.

Loki’s mouth hung open words stopping as he watched the man he had tried to intimidate appear to be resting or taking a nap.

“When you’re done trying to wag your manhood and prove to me how strong you are,” Einar said in that moment of silence, “talk to me like a real person and make me a deal I can’t resist.  Otherwise, end this so I can go back to Midgard and get on with the task your father has me on.”

Opening his eyes, Einar smiled and gazed upward at the massive god towering over him.

“Because I’m pretty certain your father didn’t ask you to meet with me, and you don’t want him to know I’m here.”

Like a balloon that someone let go of the end of, Loki’s size shrank immediately, the room and him returning to as they had been moments ago.

Redness filled the god’s cheeks, but he bit his cracked lips, glaring at the chosen one of his father.

“Very well,” Loki hissed.

He took a few deep breaths and let them out, his hair returning to a lighter shade of red after he did that.

“I will assist you when you call one time.  Whatever realm you are in, call my name three times in a row and I will come.”

“Will you fight if I require it?”

Those eyes told Einar that he had read the god’s intentions well.

Glaring again, Loki nodded.

“You may ask one thing, and if it is within my power to do so, I will grant it, but”—Loki held up three fingers—“I cannot raise the dead, heal those who are dying, or defeat the Lords of the realms.  Only my father or a Viking can do that.  I can, however, buy some time, providing a distraction if it is required.”

Einar nodded, considering the offer.

“Fine, three runes that will be useful in our journeys, ones lost long ago—”

“Knowledge of them!” Loki corrected.

“Knowledge of them,” Einar repeated.  “Assistance when we are in Jotunheim, and one other time in a different realm when I call upon you, having to do anything within your power that I request.”

Frowning, Loki nodded, watching as the Viking held out his hand toward the god.


“No more additions to our agreement unless it falls only in my favor,” Einar said, beginning to pull his hand back.

“Fine!” Loki exclaimed, flabbergasted at all this. “I feel like I’m being bent over and taken advantage of, if I’m honest.”

Frowning, Einar shook his head and watched as the god of mischief extended his hand.

“We both know your ability to pretend is well known and you’re doing backflips in your head.  I’m certain I could press my advantage, but know that I’m not, so that there is no animosity between us afterward.”

Loki’s blue eyes studied the man whose hand began to creep toward his and he started to laugh.

Without waiting, he moved forward a step and grabbed the hand, shaking on it, and roared even louder with amusement.

“You are worthy of what my father and brother have said.  Be careful on your journeys.  No doubt the others of Asgard might seek to find a way to tie you to them as well.”

Einar started to open his mouth, but Loki laughed and snapped his fingers, sending the world into a whirlpool, draining downward into a darkness that hadn’t been there.

He felt weak and dropped to his knees, blacking out as his face felt like it smacked into a cold stone floor.


“He’s awake!”

Einar could hear the movement of others in the room and the pain in his head was like someone had used it to drive in a few nails.


“I’m here, Einar!” the jarl exclaimed. “You were muttering, talking in your sleep, calling out to the gods! Tell me, are you okay?”

It took a few more seconds for his eyes to adjust and for him to be able to see, but when Einar could finally focus, he saw concern etched across the three people in the room with him.

“Yeah… that was… intense.”

The three of them chuckled after a moment, each of them nodding in agreement.

“A head rune is a painful and difficult thing to endure, and the higher grade of the rune… well, that is why I went ahead and drew the lines beforehand. To help with the pain.”

“Look over here, boy,” Arngrim said as he snapped his fingers. “See for yourself what it looks like.”

Sitting up, Einar turned and looked at the polished metal and got closer so that he could inspect the work.  On his face, over his right eye, was a half-circle with a dot over its design that some used to convey ice or cold.  Along the right side of his scalp were the markings for lightning and on the left for fire.

“Wow, that really stands out,” Einar said as he traced the lines of each of the tattoo markings. “Will people know what the rune does?”

“No,” Hilde responded first. “Some will wonder, though, why you have a tattoo that is clearly marked as one a mage would have.  In the end, you’ll have to prove to everyone it was worth acquiring.”

“Enough!” Arngrim exclaimed loudly. “Tell me what it does!”

Smiling, Einar focused on bringing up the newest information.


[ V.A.L.H.A.L.L.A ]

Magnus / Einar Sibbison

Age: 32/18

Strength - 23+10

Endurance - 20+8

Agility - 23+2

Perception - 16+6

Wisdom - 14+2

Mysticism - 11+2


Gungnir’s Strength (Chest) Legendary (Hidden) 

Max Training Stat for Strength, Endurance and Agility is 50. 2.5 x Growth Rate

25% Bonus to Perception - No Stat Limit

Max Training Stat for Wisdom and Mysticism is 50. 1.5 x Growth Rate

Valkyries’ Blessing [ Death Penalty Mitigated ]

Muninn’s Memory - Learning Speed [ Normal ] 2.5x

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 10% Bonus to Strength and Endurance

Lvl 2 + 10% Bonus to Agility and Perception

Experience 0%

Warrior’s Defense (Back) Intermediate

10% Bonus to Endurance

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 5% Bonus to Endurance

Experience 65%

Warrior’s Blessing (Stomach) Advanced

10% Bonus to Strength and Endurance

5% Bonus to Damage

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 4% Bonus to Strength and Endurance

Experience 65%

Might of the Viking (Right Arm) Advanced

10% Bonus to Strength

10% Bonus to Damage

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 10% Bonus to Strength 

Experience 65%

Forked Rune of Elements (Head) Advanced

15% Bonus to Wisdom and Mysticism

Advanced Lightning Affinity

Intermediate Fire Affinity

Basic Ice Affinity

Experience 0%


His mind felt sharper and more acute, and with that bonus of just a few points to his Mysticism, Einar could tell that his pool of wyrd had grown.

A few grumbles came from the rune crafter who patiently waited as he read the description of the rune.  

Holding up his hand, Einar quieted the man as he twisted the stick in his beard so fast, the Viking was afraid it might catch on fire.

“So, I have a basic affinity to ice, an intermediate affinity to fire, and an advanced affinity to lightning.”

All three sucked air in at the same time after Einar shared with them what he had acquired from that rune.

“That kind of power?” Hilde asked. “I knew the rune was strong, but three affinities? The mage’s guild would clamor to have him on their side, even with all the other runes that are not designed for casting!”

Bior nodded, frowning slightly as he considered the truth of what had just been given to the one he put so much faith in.

“She’s right.  No one talks about this outside of our group,” the jarl said as he made eye contact with each person, making certain they were all understanding the weight of his words. “I’ll look through my mages and start trying to figure out which one might be able to help guide Einar in learning how to control one of the magic affinities. The other…”

Everyone nodded except the one with the new head rune.

“I’ll have to learn on my own?”

Arngrim snorted and bobbed his head again.

“Einar… you are going to shine like the left testicle of Odin himself!”

Hilde started to laugh much harder than Einar thought the joke deserved but soon Bior joined in, and the three of them had a moment of enjoyment as the youngest one in the room rolled his eyes ignoring them.

I guess I’ll need to really work on the next step in all this.





I'm pretty sure Odin called Loki his brother before because it made me google their relationship and discover they indeed were blood brothers and not father-son as in Marvel