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“We need to go,” Arngrim said after he had taken a few deep breaths as the carriage rolled along the stone streets. “Tell the man you need to go outside the wall and find somewhere else to stay tonight.  He’ll take us there, and then I’ll give him some money.  After that, we make haste for the docks and leave tonight.”

“You’re certain this is the best choice? What about Runa and Grani?”

“They’ll be fine.  They know how to tell people they don’t know anything.  Besides, I paid more than enough.  After I tip this driver to take the cart somewhere and move around the inner city, we’ll have a few hours to be gone.”

“You spent more than you wanted to,” Einar said, changing the subject.  “Why get all of those?”

“Because I can’t get anything like this for a while and even if I wanted to, I’m not sure Betmout could get me back into that tent while other dwarves are around.  That insult was about one of the worst you can give a dwarf.  The beard… it’s a very special thing.”

Sighing, Einar knew there was still a lot he didn’t know about this realm and the others.  Learning things the hard way had always been part of his life. Expecting anything less would be foolish.

“Fine.  But why all three? We’ve talked and I know enough about the items to know two of those will be an advanced rune.”

Arngrim nodded and grinned. 

“Then I guess you’ll just have to trust me.  Of course, when you actually have the rune slotted, you’ll find out the hard way just how much you’ll wish you had more time practicing with Groa.”


The driver had dropped them both off, almost as if the cart hadn’t stopped for a second.  No complaints came when two gold coins were handed through the window at the front.  He was on his way, circling through the outer area of town, having promised to take the cart all the way back into the second gate and wait at the Mead Hall.

“Walk slower,” Einar said again to Arngrim. “Your body language is telling people you are in a hurry, far more than everyone else.  A few extra minutes won’t matter but if we attract attention and if someone is actually looking for us while we are still here, finding us will be easier.”

Arngrim didn’t fight this time when he pulled on the man’s robe and slowed him down a little.

“You’re right.  I just want to be on the water.  I’ve still got enough money for the trip home, and I know you haven’t even dipped into what you brought yet.”

“How do you… the tournament,” Einar said. “How much did you make off me at the tournament?”

“I already told you, but you didn’t listen, so 300 from just betting on your final result alone.  In total, probably close to 600.”

“You never said—”

It was Arngrim’s turn to caution his young friend, his voice getting loud enough to be heard by those nearby.

“We can talk later, but yes, I did.  You just never paid attention.”

Grunting in disagreement, Einar forced his face to return to a blank look, letting the blood he felt rising calm back down.

I swear, Odin… if I find out someday this is you in person, I may kill him just to make certain.


Finding a boat that was going to leave the town wasn’t hard.  Finding one willing to leave right now and travel at night had been a little harder, but soon, they had boarded the Slippery Viking, a cargo ship that had yet to acquire anything.  It was smaller than the one they had come upstream on but that was because the trip upriver required the men to row.

Arngrim hadn’t calmed down until they were on the water. He looked over his shoulder every other minute, expecting a large group of guards to come chase them down and carry them away.

“For a moment, I thought you might die when those two guards came down the docks,” Einar said with a smirk. “Something about you going so white made me think a ghost had appeared.”

Sharing his usual hand motion, Arngrim ignored the joke and nodded, resting against the bow of the ship, watching the capital fade away in the distance.

“When you pull off something like I just did, perhaps one day you’ll understand. Sneaking into a place you're not supposed to be, acquiring something no one is supposed to have, and then successfully getting away.”

It took more than Einar wanted to admit to himself, not stealing the moment of joy Arngrim was relishing in, wanting to say that yes, he knew that feeling more than the man could imagine.

“Now what? Three days till we get home?”

“Yeah, that’s what the captain said.  We’ll drift all night. They know these areas, and only the ships that are still moving stay in the middle of the river.  All have lanterns going to keep them away from others, so it's safe.”

“I guess then all we need to do then is relax,” Einar said as he began to strip off his shirt and took off his boots.

“Are you really going to practice what Groa taught you?” asked Arngrim.

“Yup! Unless you have something better for me to do?”

Shaking his head the older man shifted a sack he was leaning against and closed his eyes.

“Not a thing.  Just move away so I don’t have to listen to you grunt or smell you.”


Walking along the docks that led into Kopanes felt like returning home.  Even though he had weeks before needing to be back, Einar wanted to spend a few days here, watching as Arngrim did his work on the runes, getting a chance to see the process.


“You went to the capital?” Guat asked, his mouth still open after asking that question.

“I did.  I must say your description of it was terrible.  Now I wonder if it was because deep down inside you preferred if I didn’t go.  You didn’t even mention the massive temple to Odin, Thor or Freyja.  They make the places here look like our little shack back in Kroppr.”

Chuckling, Guat shook his head as he twisted his mug in his hand.  

“No, it’s a fine city but not my place anymore.  As a kid, when I went once with my father, I dreamed about being there, serving the king in his warband, but now…”  Reinn’s son looked saddened, his cheeks puffing out as he chose his words carefully.  “I’m grateful for Odin letting me beat your head in so you could later knock me senseless.”

Both of them laughed and groaned, never tiring of the teasing about that moment.

“So things are going well then? When the time comes are you planning on staying or attempting to join me?”

Frowning, Guat shook his head and tapped the tattoo on each arm as he crossed them.

“No, not yet.  In time I will.  Right now, I’m in a position where I think I can get stronger and draw more men to our fight.  I’ve heard the stories about how you died and all I could do was laugh.  Eventually, when you can afford a warband, I’m not certain you will be able to handle the amount of men looking to join you.”

His friend leaned across the table they were sitting at in the ale house and motioned for Einar to come closer.

“Rumor is it even some of the shieldmaidens are wanting to join you.  Apparently the ‘great Einar’ has earned a reputation among their midst.”

Groaning, Einar nodded and just smiled.

“You’re not going to ask, are you?”

Shaking his head, Guat shrugged.

“I already have my hands full with someone, and she isn’t keen on me doing anything with a shield sister.  Let me know how Avitue handles that.”

Groaning, Einar rubbed his eyes.

“I might not have thought that one well enough and let myself be convinced it was okay.”

Banging the table with a fist and laughing, Guat grinned, facial hair having begun and the young man he had grown up with was gone, replaced with a man more muscular than his father.

“No… it is allowed… if anything, it’s a testament to what she has laid claim to. Now once you do get married…”

“I know,” Einar replied. “Ignoring that, have you talked to Osvif lately?”

“Yes and he is ready for you to save him from the misery of his band.  While they respect him and treat him fairly, some feel he continues to be carried by your belt and it has made life harder on him.  He told you that last time you both met?”

Nodding, Einar couldn’t help but wince knowing it was as bad as his friend had let on.  

“I’m trying to speed things up.  Gold is my weakness right now.”

“Do you want to borrow some from me?”

Guat’s offer was sincere, and Einar could see that his friend meant it as an aid but right now he couldn’t accept it.  Doing so would slow the pace Guat had set, preventing him from getting the runes the man needed.

“I’ll pass unless things become too grim for Osvif.  For now, focus on getting stronger.  You read my letter about the runes?”

Grinning, Guat nodded, his brown hair braids bouncing as he replied.  

“You really found someone?” he asked, whispering again. “That will make runes?”

“Just keep it a secret.  Hopefully we can get you and Osvif outfitted with a full set.”

Leaning back in his chair, Guat grinned as he rubbed his stubble on his chin.

“I can’t imagine having all eight slots filled.  Oh, how my dad would be jealous!”

For another hour, Einar enjoyed getting a moment to escape what was coming, seeing the boy who once hated him now as a friend each would die for.


“You’re causing some problems with my plans,” Bior said as he and Einar watched Arngrim laying materials out on the table to start his rune crafting.  “Promise me you will stay away for a few more days and then only come find me once you are ready to return to duty.”

Nodding, Einar motioned at the rune crafter who was busy paying attention to all the different elements he had spread out.

“Apparently, we acquired a few things that hadn’t been part of the original plan, but it gives us some chances of making something better.  What I want to ask is, are you certain about him making me another rune?”

Scratching his blond beard, Bior shifted in the small chair that was in the workshop, his lips dancing as the man’s blue eyes watched two of the greatest rising treasures in his city.

“I got a letter from King Erik while you were gone. It only arrived three days ago, but word of your last mission has spread faster than flames in a dry field on a windy day.  He has requested to meet you in the coming year.  I will send out a letter, which is why I don’t want you here, that when I come for the yearly meeting with Jarl Unnulf and him, I shall bring you.”

A curse from Arngrim drew both of their attention as the older man sucked on his finger, apparently having cut himself on one of the sharp objects.

“Ignore me,” the rune crafter grunted. “I forgot how pointy those could be.”

Shaking his head, Bior rolled his eyes for a moment.  Here in this room, without the watchful eyes of a city and his guards, he let his hair down for a moment, not hiding his feelings.

“You need to have a pack in three months.  Four, maybe at the most.  You also need to lead a mission and return without failing.  If that happens, when we meet the king, it will be harder for him to influence my hand if he asks for you.”

Einar saw the frown behind the man’s beard.

“He might want me? To join his forces?”

Nodding slowly, Bior motioned to the armband.

“Right now, you’re just a thegn, and while that is a powerful sign at your age, it means you are still free to move like a piece on the Hnefatafl board.  If you become a pack leader, it will be harder because he doesn’t want to bring ten or eleven men into his fold, and asking a pack leader to dissolve their pack is considered bad form, as you know.”

“Do you want me to recruit from your men or the other warbands?”

Frowning again, Bior stood up and dug through a pouch on his belt, bringing out two silver coins.

“Is there any difference between these?”

Einar shook his head.

“Correct,” the jarl replied as fished out two more coins, one copper and one gold. “Now we both know these aren’t the same value. Just like the warriors in every warband, my band, and even the king’s.  You’re going to struggle to find gold coins at first.  Every bronze warrior will come looking, wanting to be part of the renown they all know you are going to acquire.”

A trash box stood off to the side, and Bior easily tossed the copper coin into it.

“Now, these silver coins represent the potential for good warriors that are worth having in your pack.  If you can get a majority of these, you’ll be in a good position to succeed and grow them and yourself.”

Depositing the two silver coins into his pouch, Bior grinned as he held up the gold coin before flicking it to Einar, who caught it in his hand.

“Find one of those, maybe two of those and you’ll be fine with six warriors being silver and the rest copper.  Together, you’ll become one of the greatest packs we have seen in ages.  When you’re ready for that moment, I’ll share my wealth, knowing that the return will be worth the fee I charge later.”

Arngrim chuckled and both men turned to see the rune crafter studying Bior.

“I’m pretty sure I’m a part of this fee.”

Laughing, Bior nodded and tapped his temple.

“I’m certain there will come a time when you decide to go with him. Until then, I’m going to work your fingers to the bone and drain every ounce of wyrd from you I can while making all of our warriors stronger.”

“At least he’s honest,” Arngrim said. “The truth is, I knew what he wanted and every decision I make is designed to help Einar get stronger.  If I ever feel that our deal has shifted from that goal, I will move elsewhere.”

Bior grunted and frowned.  

“How is it I feel like you two are coming out ahead in all this? I’m still paying for the rune crafting, supplying the materials, paying for food and other items, and am told that I’m the weakest member of this relationship.”

“Odin wills it?” Einar asked playfully.

All three of them laughed and nodded.

“Fine.  Let’s say Odin wills it,” the Jarl replied. “Tell me what rune are you working on then? What was worth so much money?”

Arngrim nodded and motioned for the two men to join him at the stone area he had everything resting on.

“These are the ingredients for something I’m going to attempt to make.  One of these hasn’t been done in about 400 years, but I’ve studied the process many times in my free time.”

“How is that—”

A hand came up, cutting off Bior who was trying to comprehend how Arn could have access to such knowledge.

“Don’t ask and I won’t tell. Now listen and pay attention you two.”

His finger moved from item to item as he spoke.

“The gold, silver, and stone here serve as the base.  This is the stone from the monument in the area you were at a few weeks ago.  There is a magical energy that runs through it.  Most of it is wasted on other things, but I am glad I found out about it.  It makes this next part easier.

“The gold and silver will flow through the etchings I make.  My wyrd will take the power within the lightning stone, the ember crystal, and the ice orb and place all three within. I will—”

“Wait!” exclaimed Bior. “You’re making a rune with three affinities?!”

Frowning, Arngrim turned and gave the man who could snap him in half a disapproving look.

“Do people stop you in your own hall when you speak?”

Both eyes widened as much as possible and Bior looked at Einar who was trying to not sigh at Arngrim’s actions.

“But this is my city!”

“And this is my workshop!” Arngrim fired back. “You remember our deal. In here, I am king.”

The red that had started to appear on the man’s cheeks lessened as he blew out a loud burst of air from his nostrils.

It took another two breaths before he was able to respond.

“Forgive me, Rune Crafter Arn.  Please continue.”

Nodding the older man didn’t miss a beat.

“I will be using the confulex to bind the three together.  Einar is going to receive a rune that will forever change how Vikings consider doing combat.  I would have asked for a wind tear but that would require a trip to the elves we don’t have the time or money for such a thing.”

“A rune with all four elements.. That would be…”

“Epic, but I don’t have the stone or metal required for it. We would somehow have to convince the king of the dwarves to give up that, travel to a few other realms, and harvest the essences of certain creatures.  In time… I expect that to be possible.”

The entire time the two men had been discussing things, Einar stood there in shock.  His original plan of a fire rune had changed the moment he learned he could possibly acquire the lightning one.  Now, with the knowledge that Arngrim was attempting to make something not seen in 400 years left him speechless. Even more surprising was  and how easily the old man felt making it was possible.

“Einar, are you listening?”

“Sorry… no I was still in shock.  What did I miss?”

Chuckling, Arngrim nodded and motioned to the corner of the room.

“Go stand over there and start practicing what Groa taught you.  I need to prepare many things before the time of crafting the rune will begin.  In three days, I will start.  Until then, I want to see you reach three hours of holding that form.”

Sighing, Einar nodded and moved to the corner without complaining, stripping off his shirt and boots.  He paused for a moment and then took off his pants, keeping just his underclothes.  

“What am I missing?” Bior asked as he watched Einar assume the position he learned on the boat.  “Did someone teach him that?”

Grinning, Arngrim nodded and winked. “Just a wind mage on a ship.  Odin never lets things happen by chance, and after seeing how he performed, and what I found in the shop, I decided to do something I had dreamed of for a while.”

Bior’s face couldn’t hide the shock as he glanced between an older man almost cackling with joy and a young warrior whose entire body was tight and tense.

“What should I do?”

“Go and don’t let anyone bug us for a few days.  Have food, water, a few cots, piss pot, and some spare clothes brought.  Those who get nosy, make them run until no one else wants to be nosy.”

It took a second but after the Jarl realized Arngrim was being serious, he chuckled and nodded.

“Consider it done.  Send for me the moment you are going to start though, no matter when it is.  I want to see this.”

“Seems like a fair trade,” the rune crafter said as he turned and moved to the stool he had seated by his work area.

Jarl Bior stood there, taking in the sight once more and then turned, opened the door and shut it. 



Thanks for the nice chapter 😊 3 affinities in one rune? Crazy and worth the risk they took. More important is the ability to get those resources more regularly so they can outfit others for the apocalyptic war going to happen


You’re really going to like book 2 ;) hah the group of beta readers all like how the rune starts to play out (and yeah it changes everything down the road)


Let’s fricking go! What’s stronger than lightning? Flaming icy lightning that’s what! 👍💪