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“That is not how one should die.”

The voice sounded so warm and comforting, yet there was a hint of anger in it.

Opening his eyes, the darkness faded, and the same Valkyrie he had seen twice now stood there before him.  Her gold hair pulsed with power, and the white Pegasus she rode stomped a hoof upon the stone.

They were in a hallway different from the one in which he had met Odin.

“What?” Einar muttered, trying to stand but couldn’t.

He was on his back, lying against the cold stone.  No clothes covered him, and for a moment, he might have been embarrassed if it wasn’t for those eyes that stared at him.  Anger inside.

Sapphire blue eyes with a hint of molten fire studied him. 

“A Viking does not die by taking their own life.  They do not fear death. One should strive to take down any that they can.”

A wall of information waited for Einar as his vision cleared.

[ Your actions have failed to earn the favor of Odin. ]

[ A wager was lost about your bravery. ]

“I know, I—”

“Quiet!” she shouted, her voice having lost all warmth as she yelled.  She bent down, leaning over, and her golden braid fell near her face.

“You could have slit your wrist and still fought.  I can read your mind and know that you didn’t want to be taken prisoner.  The All-Father has spoken highly of you, yet I see a man who forgets what he is.  Do you know what Einherjar means? Do you understand what you are to become?”

Nodding, Einar continued to try and get up, yet none of his body besides his neck seemed to work.

“An army of one… someday… someday you may become that, but right now, I saw a child who chose the easy way out.”

She held up her hand, and his mouth failed to work, preventing him from replying.

“Brave as you are, you wanted to see what was beyond the realm, not just to close the portal.  You played the role of gaining honor in doing so.  Yes… your mind, I know everything and even now what you want to say, so please, don’t make excuses.”

She paused as Einar thought about what it meant to end his own life.

“I know that fear, but even more, what if you had faced it, overcame it, and killed at least one of those trolls? Do you not remember the ability you had just acquired because somehow you convinced the All-Father to give you a rune no man should have? You have no idea what that cost him or what it has allowed the other realms to do.  Those portals, they are—”

A boom of thunder was so loud that spots appeared before his eyes. The concussive force roared through his head.

“Do not say those things, or you will not like how he responds.”

Einar tried to blink, tried to turn, and see who the man was somewhere behind him.  The voice carried a Strength and power that was felt, and there was no doubt the man wasn’t close.

“Forgive me, son of Odin, I—”

“You did not think. Do not try to convince me otherwise, Geiravör. He has been marked; now send him back to where they wait for him.”

Einar saw the woman bow slightly, a frown on her face only visible to him as she did so.

“Sleep until the time of returning,” she commanded, touching his temple with her fingers.

Darkness overtook everything again.


Light erupted, and a sensation impossible to describe overcame him.


[ V.A.L.H.A.L.L.A. System Initiated ]

[ Loading ]

[ Viking Administration Lifetime Hero Acclimation Local Link Application ]

[ Valkyries’ Blessing: Activated. No permanent loss of rune power or to rune slots ]

[ Rune level reset to level 2 ]

[ Divine Protection Ability Lost ]

[ Rune Experience Set to 0 ]

Magnus / Einar Sibbison

Age: 32/18

Strength - 22+10

Endurance - 19+7

Agility - 23+2

Perception - 15+5

Wisdom - 13

Mysticism - 9


Gungnir’s Strength (Chest) Legendary (Hidden) 

Max Training Stat for Strength, Endurance and Agility is 50. 2.5 x Growth Rate

25% Bonus to Perception - No Stat Limit

Max Training Stat for Wisdom and Mysticism is 50. 1.5 x Growth Rate

Valkyries’ Blessing [ Death Penalty Mitigated ]

Muninn’s Memory - Learning Speed [ Normal ] 2.5x

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 10% Bonus to Strength and Endurance

Lvl 2 + 10% Bonus to Agility and Perception

Experience 0%

Warrior’s Defense (Back) Intermediate

10% Bonus to Endurance

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 5% Bonus to Endurance

Experience 65%

Warrior’s Blessing (Stomach) Advanced

10% Bonus to Strength and Endurance

5% Bonus to Damage

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 4% Bonus to Strength and Endurance

Experience 65%

Might of the Viking (Right Arm) Advanced

10% Bonus to Strength

10% Bonus to Damage

Rune Level Bonuses:

Lvl 1 + 10% Bonus to Strength 

Experience 65%


The pain wasn’t as bad as he thought it might have been as his body formed from the ground.  What hurt was the last moment when every memory flooded back into his brain, and the pain of his ending hit.

It had been brutal. His chest caved in, the troll having sent the knife through his chest and out his back.

Then, there was the memory of Valkyrie and the conversation with her and someone else.

Focusing his eyes, the message he saw scrolled past.  There above him stood Hallad, winking at him and smirking.

“Welcome back, hero of the forest, slayer of trolls, and portal closer.”

Something hard fell upon his naked skin, and shaking his head, Einar sat up and saw that there was a used set of armor resting upon his privates.

“Get dressed so everyone can celebrate your return,” the man said, still smirking.

Looking around, dozens of men were getting dressed.  Every one of them looked frustrated and upset.  They knew the cost of death, and he had escaped its sting because of Odin's gift.  The others, though, had not.  

One Viking was crying softly, rubbing his hand up and down the naked left arm.  It wasn’t a man he knew, but it was obvious that whatever rune had been there was gone.

Without saying anything, Einar grabbed the clothes and started putting them on.  The ceremony he had witnessed the first time in Kroppr didn’t happen in the field.  No long speeches or anything else.  

He had seen half a dozen or more, but this was the first time being on the end of those who died.

After he was done getting dressed, having to tighten the cord more than usual as the pants were not fitted for him, Einar saw Hallad and Luit waiting with the others.

Each warrior moved to where the wagons were, Vog standing in the bed of one, waiting for everyone to gather close.

“These are yours.”

Turning, he saw that Mar had snuck up behind him and was holding out his belt and the two axes.

“Thank you.  Should I ask how that fight went?” Einar asked as he started putting the belt on first.

“Only nine survived.  Most everyone died from the original group,” Mar replied quietly. “Once the portal vanished, it was like the fight went out of the beast.  The troll was either wounded or something happened that weakened it.”

Nodding, Einar wasn’t sure what had happened, but he looked forward to finding out later.

Slipping both axes into his loops, he saw the young woman Aslaug moving toward them.

“I don’t suppose you have a good story about my axe?” she asked, grinning as she arrived.

“No… the four trolls I faced weren’t in the mood to trade stories or blades.  The one that hit me basically ended me in a single punch.”

Both of them winced and nodded.

“Well, I had hoped.  Glad to see you managed to close it.”

Einar nodded and then heard his name called out from ahead.

Thorodd was waving at him over the other, and he bid goodbye and worked his way through the group of men still dealing with their losses.

“You okay?” Thorodd asked after he got close to the wagon where the Viking was waiting.

Shrugging, Einar nodded. 

“It needed to be done.  I figured, why not go out for the first time in a big way?”

Snorting, the brown-haired man shook his head. 

“You’re going to one day find out there is never a good time for it, but if one gets to choose and accomplish what you did, then yes, you’re right.  That is a big way to do it.”

“How many trolls are left out there?”

“None came after the portal closed.  We’re never certain, but with the portal closed and the elite gone, we expect this area to return to normal.  The real question Vog has been dealing with is why this is the third time we’ve seen one of these.  Years used to go by without one, and now, over the last five years or so, Bior and Unnulf have been having to deal with them.  

“Even King Erik has taken care of two, I think.”

“Seven years,” Skarf said from behind. “Five years ago, this all started.  Like someone opened up a flood gate, and they started pouring out.”

What that Valkyrie…Geiravör had said in the hallway that it rang true after hearing how many years this had been going on for now.  

Is this my fault for making Odin give me the rune that he did?  

“Did this ever happen before then?”

Both Vikings shrugged and frowned. 

“Maybe every five years, one might show up, and both Jarls and the king would work together.  Now we’re so spread thin.  Even the other warbands are stuck dealing with tasks.  I cannot tell you much that upsets them, as all they want to do is raid and get materials for runes.”

Thorodd had just finished speaking when Vog held up his hands, cutting everyone off.

“Warriors! We have won something I wasn’t sure we would win for a moment! Celebrate that even in those who gave their lives, we achieved victory!”

A roar came from the gathered warriors, but Einar could tell the difference in the sound.  They were glad it was over.  Many were not happy with how much it had cost.

When Vog silenced them, he pointed at Einar.

“Most of you have probably heard, but Einar Sibbison sacrificed himself to close the portal.  For one so young, no doubt you know the cost that a death like this means.  Just know that everyone gathered today will be honored and repaid as best as possible.”

A few cheered for him, but most just cheered at the payment they were expecting.

“We need to finish resting for the night.  Then, we will head back to Kopanes.  I’ll be staying here and overseeing a few things with the local outpost and Lendmann.  The rest of you have earned a little celebration.”

With those words spoken, a cart took off the tarp that had covered it, and some of the Vikings lifted and handed over casks full of mead.

“Drink and eat! Then sleep! Tomorrow, you ride home the victors!”

Men pounded their chests and cheered once more before making a quick escape to the golden liquid they felt they needed at this moment.

“Not going?” Thorodd asked as he watched Einar standing still.

Frowning, he shook his head at his tall friend.

“I will in a moment.  I just want to let them get first dibs at everything.”

Skarf was already gone, having left the two of them there, and Thorodd motioned at their shorter, red-headed friend.

“He doesn’t have that problem, does he?”

Chuckling, Einar smiled.

“Everything is a lesson.  One day, I want to command all this, which means I need to understand how it works.

“Look at all the housecarls,” Einar said, pointing at a group. “They are gathered together, moving as one and discussing things. I’m not sure what the exact words are, but I can imagine it has to do with the cost and pain.”

Cocking his head slightly as he nodded, Thorodd scratched his beard a moment.  

“For such a young one, you have a sharp eye and keen mind.  Most would miss that and instead be with the younger ones, looking to drink their sorrow and pain away.  Be honest with me. Does the pain of death scare you?”

There was a look of sincerity in those brown eyes.  Vikings were known as tough men, but each warrior understood the pain of death.  Losing a part of themselves they could never regain.  Each one, especially when they died without their body being recovered, left them weaker and reminded them that there were worse things than dying.

“I’m fine.  Honestly, I saw what I wanted to, and learned a lot.  It also helped everyone defeat the troll, I hear.”

Groaning, Thorodd went from scratching his chin to rubbing his eyes.

“Dear Odin, we don’t need this one to get a bigger head. Finding a helmet that fits is already hard enough.”

Giving the older man a punch to the side, Einar motioned toward the casks that appeared to already have one missing.

“Let’s go.  I don’t want you moaning all night that you missed out.”

Clapping a hand on Einar’s shoulder, the housecarl shoved the younger one toward the celebration.

“Time to get you drunk and listen to others share about your glory.”

Laughing, they moved to where Skarf was already making his way toward them, holding three mugs of mead at once.




Scholar of Endless Knowledge

It was honestly a dumbass move on his part. Totally siding with Odin on this one. It was also kind of out of character for the mc.