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Can you believe it’s been almost nine months since the tournament?” Guat asked as he fidgeted with his mug.

“My body hurts in ways I cannot even begin to describe,” Osvif moaned as he leaned against the table. “Between that program we follow and my warband’s nonstop training, I think it’s worse than what we felt back here as teens.”

Einar and Guat both laughed, nodding at the truth of that statement.

“One week off… I’m just glad my father didn’t toss my bed away,” the Lendmann’s son added.

Motioning at the young boy who was taking care of them, the blond-headed child raced over with a jug of ale, smiling at the one they all aimed to be like.

“I’m surprised Reinn didn’t build a new home after the way the village has grown,” Einar pointed out. “At least 100 more people are living here inside the new walls, and the farms have expanded further than I thought they might in so little time.”

Guat nodded as he gave the serving boy’s brown hair a tussle after he filled up the cup.  

“Father said that he has a list of people wanting to move and be part of the village.  There are now seven thegns who live here, helping to train and do more raiding into the forests.  Last I heard, they were able to push back the barrier almost a quarter mile and harvest more trees.  That hasn’t happened in ages, but with the money he earned, my father was able to hire a few packs to protect and oversee the process.”

The smile on his face grew bigger as Einar nodded and gave the serving boy a similar head rub. He took off running toward the bar, where his mother and father were beaming with joy.

“The two boys and three girls fighting in a few months are expected to all reach the fourth day, I heard,” Osvif said before taking a big gulp from his drink.  “That means we might see a few of our own villagers in our warbands soon.”

Sighing, Einar couldn’t help but nod.  His new life had begun to replace the old one he called upon for Wisdom, but in the last nine months, he had begun to see himself as the boy about to turn seventeen.  

“Well, all I can tell you is tomorrow is going to be crazy.  No one is letting us outside of the ale house until then because of whatever they are planning,” Einar said as he motioned at the door where Brennor and one of the new warriors of the town, Ogmund, kept watch on the three of them.  “I couldn’t get any information from Brennor, and Ogmund looks like a brown-haired troll with a beard.”

All three of them started laughing as they stared at the two grown men, ignoring the glare and hand gesture Brennor sent them.

“You three better knock it off before I ask for permission to smack you,” Brennor called out in his gruff tone. 

“Would you like to go outside and fight?” Einar asked, standing up from his seat.

Brennor shook his head and smiled.  He could see the difference in all three of the men before him.  Each of them had put on over twenty pounds of muscle and grown a few inches.  Even Osvif, who was still short, no longer resembled a dwarf in his eyes.

“I might not be the smartest Viking out there, but I’m not dumb enough to challenge you now, Einar.  I can see that Bior has indeed lived up to his reputation of developing thegns.  Soon enough, I’m afraid the three of you will easily outclass me and even Reinn before it’s all said and done.”

Motioning to the ale house they were trapped in, Brennor smiled.

“Now then, if you’re done picking on your elders, enjoy this rare chance the three of you are going to get for a while.  Eat, drink, share stories, and relax.  Tomorrow will be here soon enough.”

Nodding, Einar smiled and took his seat again, laughing with his friends as they discussed the things taking place in their warband.  None of them really knew what tomorrow would hold, but each of them couldn’t wait.


The number of villagers surrounding the resurrection stone was close to double since the last time they had stood there.

All three were smiling and waving at the people who called them by name, cheering and clapping for them.

Reinn held up his hands, looking to settle the crowd down even as a grin was plastered across his face.  Every tooth of his was visible through his beard, which suddenly had a few gray hairs, Einar noticed.

“People of Kroppr!” he bellowed out, getting his people to quiet down after a moment. “We celebrate the first return of the three who have brought our village great honor and wealth!”

A few more cheers came, and Reinn groaned, shaking his head as he fought for control again.

“Now, tonight, we have a special celebration in their honor.  All food and mead shall be supplied by me, as always, but tonight, we will host a small tournament of a different kind!”

Laughter and cheers came as the villagers apparently were in on whatever Reinn had planned.

“I think we’re in trouble,” Guat said as he gave a gentle elbow to both of them.  “The look on Avitue’s face tells me we’re really in for something.”

Nodding, Magnus wasn’t sure Guat was right about the smirk on her face being a sign of what was to come.  Ever since she spotted him looking at her, their eyes had been locked on each other for a while.

“So come and greet Guat, Osvif, and Einar, and when the horn sounds, head out the west gate!”

Cheers came, and Reinn turned, giving each boy a nod.

“Good luck! Enjoy your fame!”

With that, the older man was gone, weaving through the crowd toward the west gate while Hrein was right behind him, laughing so hard Einar couldn’t help but groan inside.

Everyone from the young and old came forward, giving their congratulations and commenting on the way they looked.

Dozens of children and teens came to them, showing off their muscles when asked and talking about how great the training was, even if it left them tired and sore.

All around the village, excitement and joy filled the air.


That voice cut through the crowd of people gathered, and he saw his mother pushing through the crowd, Valgard right on her heels.

Carefully moving through the crowd and coming down from the small platform they were standing on, Einar embraced his mother, letting her squeeze him tightly.

“You look good, Mother. I can tell you are enjoying the aid I send home.”

She punched him in the gut, shaking her head before wagging a finger at him.

“Are you saying I looked awful before?”

Wincing as he shook his head, Einar dodged the playful attempt at a punch and grabbed her once more, giving her another quick embrace before letting go and nodding at Valgard.

He looked in better shape and was sporting another tattoo on his other arm.

“Son,” Valgard said with a grin.


Both men moved forward, embracing one another and patting the other on the back.

“Thank you for taking care of her,” Einar whispered when he got in close.  “You both look to be in much better health.”

Laughing, Valgard nodded as he pulled back.  

“We owe all of that to you son.  Really, we don’t need the aid.  What we earned from betting everything on you has set us up for a long time to come.”

Taking a deep breath and letting it out, Einar nodded and smiled.

“What kind of Viking warrior would I be if I didn’t send money to my parents?”

Everyone gathered, laughed, and agreed.  He showed great honor to them both by his actions, and everyone knew it.

A cough came, and Einar felt a poke in his side.

Turning, he saw the red-headed shieldmaiden standing there, smiling at him as her eyebrow flicked upward once.

“Avitue, you look beautiful as always,” Einar stated, giving a small bow.

“And you, Einar, look like you’ve finally outgrown those ugly teen years.”

Laughter came, and he ignored her jab, reaching over and pulling her close into his arms and holding his lips just a few inches from hers.

“What are you waiting for?” she asked, her breath hot on his lips.

“I don’t want people to think I’m taking something you don't want to give,” he replied with a wink. “You’ll have to come the rest of the way if you want it.”

Grunting, she twisted in his arms, aware she couldn’t get free as she played the helpless victim before grabbing his neck and pulling him close, kissing him before everyone.

Cheers and clapping came along with two groans from Guat and Osvif as the town watched the pair for a moment.

Two long horn blasts ruined the moment as Einar and Avitue pulled back from the kiss, each of them smiling at the other.

“Do you want to warn me about what we’re walking into?”

Shaking her head, Avitue smiled and slid her arm through his.

“No… this is going to be fun.”


“Go when the horn sounds!”

Osvif groaned as he looked at the elderly woman he was tied to.  Guat was laughing, and even Einar couldn’t help but chuckle as each of them had been tied to the three oldest women in town for the three-legged race.  

Every other group on the line was equally matched, and those who weren’t competing laughed and cheered at the race, which they knew would be fun.

“You’re taking this better than the others,” Gro said as she smiled, showing off her three missing teeth.

“Well, that’s because I’ve got the most attractive seamstress in Kroppr as my partner,” Einar replied with a wink.

The older woman laughed. Einar could see she had more wrinkles than a sailor and probably could tell a story worthy of any skald based on the life she had lived.

The horn sounded, and everyone raced toward the line that was set across the cleared field for the games.

“Forgive me,” Einar said as he scooped down and wrapped his arm under her, lifting her up slightly. He bent over and began scampering like a hunched-back person after the others.

Laughter came from both his helpless partner and the crowd as he dashed past other groups struggling to find the right pattern for running together, racing after the four pairs who had obviously practiced some.

The lead they had was decent, but with his Strength, Speed, and Stamina, it wasn’t difficult to reach the two pairs at the front, almost galloping with the stride he had to take, turning to glance at them and smile.

Both pairs were teenagers who looked like the year spent doing his program was paying off.

One set of boys tripped when they saw Einar smiling and laughing, old woman Gro cackling with amusement.  They fell to the ground, tripping and falling as the last pair, a boy and a girl, ran quickly, each of them muttering the cadence at which they moved.

“Should we let them win?” Einar asked as the string that marked the winner wasn’t that far off.

“No! Show Odin I’m worthy!” she shouted, laughing the entire time.

Grinning, he obeyed and loped on ahead, leaving the pair behind in surprise as he crossed the line and got to experience the cheering of the village.

Laughing, he carefully set down his partner, who almost swooned, falling against his strong body, cackling, and patting his chest.

Osvif and Guat came up just a few seconds later, both having seen what he did and mimicking the technique.  Others continued to stream across the finish line, some chuckling and others shaking their heads in disbelief.

“Oh, to be about seventy years younger… I would take you behind a barn and teach you the wisdom of an old woman.”

Einar felt his face become warm, and those around them were laughing, cheering for the pair as someone came and undid the rope that had bound their legs.

Without waiting or asking for permission, the second the rope was free, Einar lifted her off the ground and set her on his broad shoulder, carrying his partner above the crowd.

“Gro! Gro! Gro!” he shouted, getting the crowd to join in. They each cheered for the woman who had started to tear up, smiling and waving as she celebrated her unexpected win.


The day had been filled with countless games, all of them designed to make the three young men lose, yet somehow, they won about half of them, even when blindfolded or forced to compete with a hand or even both hands tied behind their backs.

Laughter filled the open area of the field, and as night began to fall, torches were lit, a massive bonfire was given life, and soon, the village joined in celebration around it.

“You’re a better dancer than I expected,” Avitue said, grinning as the two of them spun around like a top.

“Well, what can I say? The shieldmaidens in Kopanes made sure I knew how to dance.”

She rolled her eyes, shaking her head and her hips as they began to move quicker, matching the beat of the drums.

How many times did I wish for someone like this? The job was too dangerous, and I couldn’t leave someone at home knowing I might die and never return… knowing death isn’t like that here…

The cords began, and Einar focused on what was coming up next.  He knew Hrein was watching and ignored the red-headed warrior, having been given permission earlier in the day to express his affection.

Avitue came close, her body pressed against him, both of their eyes locked upon the other, and when the drum began, she leaped up, wrapping her legs around his hips as he began to spin faster and faster.

Others were dancing like the two of them, almost a dozen couples, spinning with their partner wrapped around their midsection.

The chords struck again, and Avitue laughed, letting go of Einar’s shoulders and neck, lying flat as he bent himself backward slightly, spinning faster and faster, her hair and arms whipping through the air.

The force created by the move was intense, but the grip she had on his waist was like a clamp, not letting go as they spun.

Cheers came as the couples continued to spin, knowing that in a moment, the real test would come.

Drums echoed louder and faster, and the trill of a singer rose above the noise.

Each pair had to decide whether they were ready for the next part.

With tremendous Strength, Avitue pulled herself up until she could lock hands with Einar, a massive grin decorating her face in the light of the fire.

“Do it!”

Nodding, Einar waited for the beat, and when it came, he began to move, no longer trying to stay in one spot but now trying to control the centrifugal force as they moved around the edge of the bonfire, only two other couples continuing the dance.

Avitue let go of his hands, her body tugging at his hip as she leaned back and then began the climb upward again.  Over and over, she repeated this movement as Einar had to fight to keep his balance, control his steps, and stay close enough to the fire without falling in.  

Sweat was running down both of their bodies, and the chants of the village spurred on those strong enough to attempt this.

Seconds passed, and the moment was coming when the final beat of the drum would end this moment, but all Einar could think about was how beautiful Avitue looked and how amazing she felt like this.

One last salvo of hands struck the animal skin over the massive drums, and Avitue pulled herself up, grabbing onto his hands as he pulled her toward him.

They spun faster as their mass was combined, and then the last drum strike came.

In a heartbeat, Einar planted his feet and stopped, holding her close as both of them breathed heavily, their chests heaving against the other.  The heat of their bodies and the fire next to them sent trickles of sweat down their skin.

“You need to hurry up and prove yourself like you promised,” Avitue whispered in his ear before biting it.

Groaning, Einar nodded, and then the sound of people rushing up to them broke the moment. His dance partner undid her legs and slid down from his waist.  

“Soon enough,” he got out before the village overtook them both.


“You three have done great things for us,” Reinn said, his gaze moving between the three young men who sat in chairs across from him.  Shifting in the seat only the Lendmann could use, he studied how they held themselves now. “None of you are a boy anymore, that is for certain.  The past two days have shown our village what is possible through hard work and a desire to be worthy of Odin’s blessings.”

Hrein and Brennor saw the nod Reinn gave them, and each man came, giving the trio a belt with runes set upon the leather.

“These were made by the teens competing in the Symposia this year.  While they may not be imbued with magic, they are merely a gift from our village, reminding you that where you go, our prayers and Strength are with you.”

Each of them took the belts and nodded, smiling as they examined the leatherwork and etching that had been done on them.  

Heroes of Kroppr.

Einar felt a sense of pride and purpose as he held the belt, knowing it had little value besides what it was designed for.  To be a reminder of where he had come from.

“I am honored as always for this gift.  Thank you Lendmann Reinn.”

The older man smiled and nodded.

“Now then, I know you all must leave and rejoin your warbands.  Do me one last favor and share a mug of mead with me.  With the Symposia in Bardmannes this year, I will not get to see you three.”

Each of them stood, the sound of their chairs scraping across the wooden planks. Grins were present as Bolla came in with six cups filled with a special mead Reinn only used for moments like this.

“To Guat, Osvif, and Einar,” he said, holding up the cup when every warrior had one. “May your axes strike true, and may you kill all the enemies who stand before you.”


Levi Booth

Brennor said "knock out down" I'm not sure what that saying is or if it was meant to be "knock out off". Great chapter! TYFTC!

