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No one bothered Magnus as he sat in the corner of the booth, the look on his face keeping even Reinn and the others who knew what it meant.  Guat had sat down, trying to talk, but when he read the rage in the look Magnus had shown, the boy left, joining the others who sat quietly.

“He’ll recover.”

Blinking, Magnus turned and saw Thorketil standing there, his eyes puffy from an obvious amount of crying.


“I said Osvif will recover. Hragnelf said the thread of life was almost snapped. I owe you for saving him.”

An arm was held out toward Magnus, and pushing up off the table, he clasped his friend’s father’s hand.

“That’s what friends do.  Don’t worry.  I’ll make Skardi pay.”

Two tears fell, one from each eye, and a tight smile appeared between that red beard of Osvif’s father.

“That, son, is what proves you are a warrior.  Osvif is blessed by Odin himself to have someone like you.  If ever I can make it right, you tell me, and my life is yours at least once.”

Having spoken, his friend’s father patted Magnus on the shoulder and turned, not bothering to dry his eyes, as he headed to where the rest of the village members waited.  

“A drink on me!” he shouted at his people. “Osvif will live!”

Everyone cheered and came to congratulate the man, seeing the relief on his face.

Magnus sat back down, feeling the weight of everything he was trying to do.

I came here to save Dawson and Martinez.  Now, I’m trying to save others as well.  For once, can a mission not happen without a major hiccup every day?

“It’s a good thing you are strong. Otherwise, I’d be certain you couldn’t keep carrying that weight.”

Arngrim had moved from where he had been sitting when Thorketil arrived at the adult table, having been elected to talk to Magnus.

“No one doubts your success, but if you try to act only on anger and hate, you will find the path much harder.”

Rolling his eyes, Magnus shook his head as the man sat down.

“That son of a goat tried to kill him!” Magnus hissed loudly. “Twice! Had his father not called him off, I’m not sure how that fight between the two of us would have gone, but Osvif wouldn’t have made it because I have no doubt it would have prevented the healers from being able to do their job.”

“Yet now you have a target as big as a giant on your chest.  Everyone knows what is coming, and the people are beyond excited.  They live for grudges, and now there is one.  You do know what this means?”

Groaning, Magnus nodded, already knowing where the rune crafter was going.

“Betting on me just got better.”

The goat laughter filled the corner as the older man nodded, twisting a stick in his beard.

“You wanted to become rich! This is how Odin has provided!  Osvif will live, and rumor has it that many of the warbands who have scouts were impressed at how he fought!” Arngrim exclaimed.  “To not flinch when everyone else did, to draw blood twice against an opponent like that is no small feat.  He will recover, and offers will come.”

Closing his eyes, Magnus took a deep breath and let it out slowly.  

Training had taught him not to get angry, but everything was personal now.  He had to succeed, and as people he needed got hurt, each time it scratched the wound that would never be healed until his friends were saved.

“So, tell me your plan for tomorrow,” Magnus asked, opening his eyes and seeing a cup that had been placed before him.

“Drink first, then we'll talk.  Reinn and Brennor want to be here for it.”

Nodding, Magnus took the cup and downed it.  The taste of the mead hit his tongue, and he almost choked from how amazing it tasted compared to the normal swill he was given.

A toothy grin rested upon Arngrim's face as he saw Magnus’s reaction to the drink. 

“You can thank Thorketil for that one.”


Guat and Magnus sat on one side of the table as the other three adults sat shoulder to shoulder.  

It was comical seeing the two massive warriors next to each other and then Arngrim’s skinny frame next to their Lendmann.

“Tomorrow will be the first major hurdle in what is going to come.  Day four,” Reinn said slowly. “Each fight will get harder as only thirty-seven remain.  The good news is someone will get a bye.  If it is you, you can offer it up and sell that pass.  With who remains, I expect it might go for up to ten gold.”

Guat whistled and nodded at the price.  

“Don’t act like that, son. If you get it, you won’t sell it.  Day five is where we aim.  Do you understand?”

Frowning, Guat nodded and said nothing.  To make day five had been his greatest goal.  He never lied to himself that beyond that day was possible.

“If you get it, Einar, I will buy it.  This crazy man next to me says that we need you to fight.”

Brennor coughed and scratched his beard, ignoring the look his Lendmann gave as he spoke.

“Reinn hasn’t come out and said it, boy, but the odds on you tomorrow are going to be crazy because of the bounty on your head,” the massive warrior informed him.

Frowning, Magnus watched as all three men frowned and nodded at the words of the man who once seemed to hate Valgard.

“Seriously? There is a bounty on my head?”

“One gold to beat you, ten gold to kill you.”

The tone in which Arngrim spoke left no doubt that the three of them were not joking around at all.

“Which means… whoever I fight will most likely cheat in some fashion?”

“We believe that, yes,” replied Reinn.  “However, if Arngrim is right, the odds are going to continue to rise in your favor.  Would you be willing to risk all this over money?”

“Why do you all ask like I wasn’t planning on fighting already?” Magnus replied.  “You know I never planned on skipping a fight, and the reason I’m here is to go as far as possible.  So far, most have used their tricks to get to tomorrow.  If Odin wills it, I’ll win no matter what.”

Arngrim was the only one to grin, while the other two just nodded.

“Then it’s settled.  How much of your earnings do you want to risk tomorrow?”

Magnus’s head flinched backward, and his eyes widened, now seeing all three of them grinning.

“Oh, that’s right. Guat told me he never shared with you that each boy earns a reward from their Lendmann for making it to day three,” replied Reinn, grinning from ear to ear. “Making it to day four means you have earned three gold.  A treasure for many, but word is everyone behind me is ready to bet the farm and all their earnings on you tomorrow.  What about you?”

Holding up his hand, Magnus glared at Guat, who was grinning also.

“Why didn’t you tell me?! I would have bet it on myself yesterday!”

“I’m not allowed to,” Guat replied.  “I only know because I’m his son.  It’s a secret most people keep to prevent us from being stupid and taking risks.  Besides, we aren’t supposed to get the money until after all this is over.”

Groaning, Magnus looked at Reinn and lowered his hand.

“Sorry about that. I’ll bet everything I own on me tomorrow and the day after that, no matter who I’m facing.”

Laughing, Brennor pounded the table and clapped Reinn on the back.

“Then you two need to go rest,” the Lendmann replied. “Don’t worry about guard duty.  I’ll have that taken care of.”

Guat sighed but said nothing when his father’s eyes fell upon him.

Standing, Magnus held out his arm toward Reinn.

“Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and my family. I’m fortunate to have you as my Lendmann.”

Snorting, Reinn cracked a grin as he stood, clasping Magnus’s arm with both his hands.

“Just rest.  Tomorrow will be a long one.”


“That looks like a crock of shite,” Hrein said as he spat on the ground.  “Reinn, tell me that someone didn’t pay them off to draw that boy's name last.”

Their Lendmann didn’t respond, but the frown said enough.  Some grumbling from the stands told others that it seemed too coincidental that Skardi ended up with the bye for the fights today.

From the temper tantrum being thrown by the giant teen in the stands, it seemed like a wise move, regardless.  

“One hour till we start.  You two stay here and don’t go anywhere without Hrein or Brennor.  Understand?”

Magnus and Guat nodded.  A wider berth than usual had been given to their group as they waited during the name drawing.  Magnus saw the one he would be facing talking with one of the warriors who had escorted Jarl Unnulf to the field when his son had gone berserk.  No one hid anything as they talked and watched him.

“It seems like you’re the favorite over there,” Guat joked. “Should I change my bet?”

Shaking his head, Magnus kept his eyes on his opponent. He had seen the Arnor teen fight before. No matter who he faced, the boy only used a single axe and a shield. His technique was flawless, overcoming stronger opponents with well-placed attacks and counters. If Magnus remembered what Arngrim had said, Arnor hailed from a village about four days away in their area, closer to the waters.

“Nothing matters, not even if it was Skardi.  I’m not going to go home today.”


Guat’s fight had ended with both boys suffering from injuries, yet his friend managed to pull out a win by feigning being injured and making his opponent commit to an attack that left him open.

The axe blade had dug deep into the boy's stomach, causing the judge to end it as entrails started pouring out the moment Guat’s axe came free.

Magnus could only wait, being one of the last fights of the day.  By the time his fight with Arnor was about to start, the crowd had reached max capacity.  The sun was overhead, and the temperature had risen, causing every fighter to glisten with sweat after just a few minutes in the sun.

“He’s going to come at you and test your defenses,” Arngrim said quietly as he double-checked the knots on Magnus’s armor. “This is your most skilled opponent to date.

“Think he’ll cheat?”

Stepping back, the older man waited till Magnus was looking at him and shrugged.

“From what I’ve learned, I doubt it.  He’s from an older family of thegns.  A little more honor takes place among those with their name, but I’d not go in without being cautious.  Listen to what I say very carefully.”

Putting one hand on Magnus’s right shoulder, he pointed to where Arnor was finishing getting ready as well.

“You’re skilled. Probably right up there with Reinn himself.  Your Speed and Strength are on a different level than most of these other teens.  The problem is you don’t trust yourself enough.  If you went in there with a spear, I think you’d feel more confident, being able to play defense and attack when it suits you, but I’ve seen when you attack.  Like a wolf, you’re dangerous.  Today, you need to be dangerous.  Let everyone finally see what the All-Father has chosen.”

They stood there silently for a moment, and then Arngrim burst out laughing, his goat bleating sound, letting everyone know the time to start was coming.

“Or die… either way, don’t do that until the next round… We’ve bet too much money on you.”

Shaking his head, Magnus smiled and reached out, grabbing the back of the neck of the older man and pulling him close, putting their foreheads against each other.

“I’ll win for Midgard.”

Arngrim reached up and squeezed Magnus’s neck as they stood there a moment in an embrace everyone understood.

The time to fight was now.


