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“Happy Birth Day,” Thora said as she kissed Magnus on the forehead.  She patted the braids she had just finished putting in his hair, admiring the handiwork.  “You remind me so much of him.”

Magnus smiled and nodded, seeing the water welling around her blue eyes as she sniffed and turned, moving back toward the area she cooked in the house.

“Ready for the celebration?” Valgard asked.  “From what I understand, Reinn is going to give you an axe today.”

Recognition of being a dreng… One task down, and only Odin knows how many more.

“I’m ready.  Now, if I can just get Mother to wipe her face and head out, we can get to town.”

“Bah, you’re an ass, just like my husband,” Thora called out, sniffing again and wiping her cheek once more with a sleeve.

Both men stood up, and Valgard studied the teen who had just become a man.  Three years had passed, and the one who stood before him was nothing like the child he had hated for so long.  Not once in those three years had Magnus ever talked back, and even when told to do something pointless, the boy did it without complaint.  

“How long till you leave this place and start your own family?” 

A cup hit the floor, and both turned to see Thora glaring at Valgard.

“Do not do that! So help me, you will find your bed cold for a while if he answers that question!”

Magnus started laughing and cinched his pants a little tighter.  They were constantly needing to be adjusted or new ones acquired.  His shirts always hung over his broad shoulders and never fit around his waist.  Until it was tucked in and drawn tight, one would think he was an overweight farmer, two things that never went together.

“Stop worrying about the outfit.  Every girl in the village knows how you look,” Thora said. “Their mothers constantly hound me about how their daughter might catch your eye.  Never in an Odin’s age would I have imagined you causing me this much anxiety.”

Valgard strode toward the open door and motioned for them to come.

“Let’s go, I don’t want to be late.”


Every square inch of the Longhouse was filled with people who had come by to wish Magnus a happy birthday.  More than a dozen young women had laid a bouquet of flowers before him, letting him know they were open to any interest he might have in their hand. 

“I’m certain Avitue threatened each of them with death if they stole you from her,” Guat said as another young girl came by and bid him a happy birthday, giving him another bouquet to be added to his growing collection.

“She’s not here,” Osvif teased. “She has been traveling with the shieldmaidens for the last year.  Hrein said she would be at the Symposia, though.”

Magnus ignored the two of them, glad to have made peace with Guat and secured Osvif an axe. Thorketil was sad to know his son might soon join a warband, but that honor brought enough money to cover the cost of a thrall and help with the tasks around the farm.  Also, the knowledge that Osvif would be able to contribute a lot more money if he was successful in his raids into the different realms eased the pain his father pretended to be experiencing.  

An elbow came from Osvif, catching him in the side.

“Smile, Einar! Everyone thinks you are upset or something.”

Realizing he was frowning, Magnus quickly replaced the expression and saw people relax.  His mind was elsewhere, but he needed to focus on how important this day was.  Arngrim had promised to come by and teach him everything he needed to know to unlock his stats, and he couldn’t wait.  


“People of Kroppr, raise your cup with me!”

Reinn’s command echoed off the walls of the Longhouse and out into the street where many more were gathered.  Hundreds of cups were lifted into the air, and a cheer came from the assembly.

When it quieted down enough that he could continue, Reinn motioned for Magnus and his parents to join him at the head of the building.  Behind him sat his wife and Guat.  One looked ecstatic, while the other was doing their best to appear content at the celebration at her husband’s expense.

“Today, we celebrate Einar Sibbison becoming a man!”

Another round of cheers took place after each person took a long drink from their cup.

“We have seen the changes our whole village has undergone by his dedication to us, and we can see the three black pelts that hang on the wall there, slain by our very own Guat, Osvif, and Einar!”

Feet stomped against the floor, and hands beat against people’s chests as they cried out in celebration at such a feat of three boys with barely a hair on their chin.

Raising his hand to quiet the masses, Reinn motioned to his son, who came forward holding a cloth-wrapped item. Everyone already knew what was inside.

Slowly, Reinn took the cloth and unwrapped it while his son held it across his arms, beaming at Magnus, who stood there, a real smile finally upon his face.

When the axe was completely uncovered, Reinn gave his son the horn he held with his drink and took the axe, lifting it above his head.

Every moment before when people cheered fell short of this one.  For a solid thirty seconds, people hollered and cheered, some chanting Einar, Einar over and over while others banged their cups against the table.

Quieting down the crowd, Reinn’s eyes sparkled in the light of the torches and the fire in the massive hearth.

He took Magnus and turned him toward the people.

Brennor, Hrein, Guat, Valgard, and Osvif all formed a line before him.

Rein handed the axe to Brennor first, and the warrior grinned and held up the axe in one hand and the back of his hand in the other.  With a swift movement, he cut the back of his left hand and then passed the axe to Hrein.  Each man repeated the gesture and then gave the axe back to Reinn.

He turned Magnus toward him, both watching the other as only the sound of breathing, a few children, and the popping of wood came through the hall.

Reinn repeated the act of cutting the back of his left hand and then motioned to Magnus.

Holding out both hands, palms down, he watched as the Lendmann cut the back of each.

Taking blood from his own hand and from both of Magnus’s, Reinn smeared it along both sides of the axe blade.

The simple weapon, sharp and only two and a half feet long, was wrapped with leather, each cord bound by the warriors who participated in this moment.

“This axe has been bloodied by your family, friends, fellow brothers, and by your lord.  May Odin and Thor see the blood of his people, and may this axe bring forth rivers of blood from those who stand against the Vikings!”

After he finished speaking, Reinn handed the axe to Magnus, who took it and could barely contain the grin across his face.  Turning, he faced the gathered people, lifted the axe high into the air, and roared.

A matching cry echoed from the people, drowning out the warrior who had just been marked.  Ringing in the moment, a boy became a man.  Before them now stood a dreng.  One who had already proved beyond all doubt their village would be honored by the deeds he had already done.


“It took you long enough to make it,” Magnus said, hiding the yawn that escaped behind his hand.  “I was beginning to wonder if you were not going to show up after all.”

Arngrim rolled his eyes and sat down on the chair next to the boy who had transformed by the power of Odin himself into a man.

“The All-Father would not have forgiven me if I had not come tonight.  Besides, I have a gift of my own, but we will need to go somewhere else if you are going to receive it.”

Dozens of people were passed out on the floor of the Longhouse, and Reinn and his family had already retired to their home.  Only a few grown men and foolish children were still awake at this hour, enjoying food and spirits they would not get to experience for a time to come.

Every birthday for a man or woman was special at this age, but a boy who became a warrior was celebrated ten times more than a normal one.

Nodding, Magnus rose and let Arngrim lead him.  

The older man’s eyes scanned the people, always aware of anyone watching him, and continued his charade of laughing randomly or twitching.  

Through the torch-lit streets, he led Magnus along a path that made him wonder where they were going at first until he recognized the side of town they were on.

“We’re headed to Kalzara’s?”

A groan came from Arngrim as he scowled at Magnus.

“Stop ruining my surprise, or at least pretend you don’t know where we are headed,” the rune crafter said.  “Let me have my moment of joy in knowing I am doing something for our god.”

Magnus grinned, and even in the light of the moon, he saw enough teeth in Arngrim's beard to know the man was now smiling again.

They reached the house and saw the door open, light spilling from the doorway and onto the stone walkway outside.

Following Arngrim inside, Magnus paused when he saw Thora and Valgard standing near the etcher table.

At the end of the long stone table with multiple lines marking the parts of the human body was Kalzara. The older man was grinning, and his red hair was brighter than Hrein’s, hiding the man's rumored age well.

“Welcome, Einar,” Kalzara said.  His voice was thick like Thorketil’s and had that same accent to it.  “If you would not mind, please take off your shirt and lie down on the table, on your chest.”

Magnus’s head turned quickly to where Arngrim stood, the man grinning as he held out a rune toward the etcher.

“A back rune?!”

Arngrim nodded, winking as he let the etcher take it from him, seeing the surprised look on the older man’s face.

“Arngrim, are you certain? This is—”

“Yes!” the rune crafter shouted, cutting him off.  “It is a gift, and Odin told me it was meant for Einar.  Now, please, help him through the process.”

Muttering something under his breath, Kalzara nodded and motioned toward the stone table again.

Taking his shirt off, Magnus saw the two people who loved the boy each of them saw.  A twinge of guilt was there as each believed it was Einar, son of Thora and Gunnar.  Neither knew the truth, and Magnus was certain he could never tell them it.  They were proud and felt he was a gift from Odin.  For their kindness and help, he would always care for and protect them.  Magnus would honor Einar by allowing his name to be sung for the deeds he would do for Odin.

Climbing onto the table, he felt the cold stone suddenly turn warm. One moment, it had a chill, and the next, it was like being immersed in a warm bath.

Pausing, he heard a chuckle from everyone and saw their smiles.

“You’ll do fine, son,” Valgard said.  

The man’s voice faltered, trembling before he said “son,” and a pool of water formed quickly in one eye.  Thora had already lost her ability to control the flood that came from her face, and she ignored them, letting them fall with joy.

“Your axe,” Kalzara said, holding out his hand.

Magnus blinked as he looked down.  The moment caught up with him, and his mind was frantically racing, excited at what was about to happen.  There on his hip was the axe, blood still on both sides, not to be cleaned until the morning sun.

Pulling it from the loop, he handed it to the man.  His wrinkled hand took the weapon and inspected it.  Looking at the rune in his other hand, Kalzara started to shake his head as he grinned.

“Odin has a plan for you, boy. I can see the threads of fate.”

Hearing those words, Magnus smiled and lay on the stone, feeling the warmth spread across his chest and arms.

“Now breathe and relax.  This next part might overwhelm you.”


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