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Monday is here and all I can say is I wasn't planning as I should have in regards to having six kids and the end of a school year. So many concerts, performances, track meets, cheer competitions and more.

Good news I enjoy it... bad news it's like 2-3 things every day.

ON to stuff about writing.

Started book 5 and the first chapter lists Max's stats (Fully geared).

All I can say is after reading books 1 & 2 again about 2 weeks ago, those numbers feel soooo small... I mean... it's almost cute. But what I like even more is it has grown to what I wanted it to be. Seeing Max (and don't worry, I'm going to be sharing some of the other's stats also) and where he is and looking at the formula I created that is where he will end up, makes me smile.


I hope you're enjoying book 4 as it starts. The tower is fun and near the middle of it I hope you enjoy the little twist :)

Viking Story -

It's done with developmental edits and has been sent off to the line editor.

June 3rd I'm going to drop like 25 chapters or something. Week one will be about 40 chapters or so.

Working on book 2 with that series and glad to be limiting myself to 2 things right now.

I got a LOT of stories waiting in a folder to be written and as time allows I'll be doing what I can to slowly build up backlog so more hit here.

Thanks as always for the support!



I will say this about the numbers...sometimes they get soooo bloated that they trivialize the concept of numbers; you have not gonna that route. Imagine starting a DnD session and by the end all your stats are in the 1000s