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“You need to rest.  Amaranth is right and so is Foros.  You are lucky to be alive.”

Phillip grunted, struggling with the loss of sensation in his left arm.  An ogre with a wand had used it on him as he stood there in a weakened stated, watching Hess and his students kill the large ogre.

Disease had riddled his body and Amaranth had healed him all that she could, but the damage to his left arm was never going to be fully healed.  Even the potion Ava had given him had simply mended the bones and skin. 

“I’ll try,” Phillip replied, sniffing as he fought back the anger and hurt he felt.  “Foros will be back soon.  You can go, I’ll be alright.”

Frederick shook his head and scooted the chair he was sitting in closer to the bed Phillip was recovering on.

“It doesn’t work that way and you know it,” his best friend informed him. “We’ve done the impossible and I know in time you’ll be back to your old self.  I mean look at Kaen.  He over came blindness, getting diseased and more.  Just give it time.”

Phillip nodded and saw Frederick’s gentle smile.  He could feel his friend squeezing his arm.  

“Besides, from what everyone is telling me, you’re the real hero of the battle,” Frederick said.  “The stories are greater than anything I have ever heard about Kaen.  Practically all the mothers in town are offering their daughter up in marriage, even the nobles!”

Chuckling, a small coughing fit came over Phillip.  Wincing he tried to match the stupid grin on his friends face.  

“I’m tired of my stories… tell me about your fight again.  And tell it better than the first two times.  Pretend your Kaen telling it to us.”

Both of them started to laugh, each knowing they couldn’t match the skill of their mentor. 

“Well, there I was surrounded by ten thousand barbarians, all by myself,” Frederick said.


“How long has it been since the rulers of all the kingdoms have met?” Aldric asked as Sedel and Dagan all faced each other.

The room they sat in was plain and even more so were the three wooden chairs that they reclined in around the small wooden table.

“I cannot recall,” Dagan replied.  “Perhaps we can work harder to not allow as much time to pass between them.”

Aldric smiled and nodded as Sedel played with the cup in her hands.

“Sedel? Is everything alright?”

She nodded and gave a forced smile.

“The cost was high and even though my people suffered far less then both of you, I cannot wonder about what comes next.  The kingdom of Luthaelia is going to be a problem we need to solve quickly.  Those there are torn as we know between a hatred and fanaticism of Stioks.  Yet the food each of us knows the other needs is growing abundantly and if nothing is done, it will rot and be wasted.”

“Dagan was right,” Aldric replied with a chuckle.  “You don’t beat around the bush.  I agree, we need to solve that problem quickly and between the three of us, I would like to believe that the decision made will be the best for all people.”

Each of them sat there in silence for a moment.

Clearing his throat, Dagan drummed the table with his fingers.

“Now for the dragon in the room… Is it true that Kaen and the other riders may be moving somewhere else?”

Aldric frowned while Sedel smiled.

“He has mentioned that a few times,” Aldric replied. “I can understand why.  It will be difficult for us to continue to support them all, even while the dragons often feast on the animals on the other side of the mountains.  In the end, it is their choice.  I am not foolish enough to think I could bind one to my bidding.”

All three groaned and frowned at the memory of Havannath and what his foolishness cost the elven kingdom.

“They will not stay away,” Sedel stated. “I know Kaen and Ava enough to know they will find a way to be a part of all of our kingdoms.  Besides, the tree growing in each of your capitals will allow us to communicate a little better.   My people will show you how it works before I leave.”

Dagan’s shoulders sagged and the dwarf leaned his head back, stretching and letting out a sigh.

The other two watched as the dwarf snorted and shrugged.

“Maybe you two are stuck up enough to worry about expressing what I know we all feel.  We won…” Dagan said quietly.  “We won!”  Slamming his fist onto the table, Dagan’s face lite up and a massive grin came over his face.  

“The fear that has kept each of us awake for a decade or more is gone! Other problems might arise but we know that there isn’t anything we cannot overcome if we work together and trust Kaen and Pammon.”

Aldric took a deep breath and let it out, grinning as Dagan had earlier.  

“You’re right.  Perhaps you three might be willing to celebrate with a fine vintage?”

Dagan roared with laughter as he nodded excitedly.

Sedel nodded slowly and smirked.  “I guess leadership does require that I celebrate on occasion.”

Sliding his chair back and standing, Aldric rose and motioned for the other two to follow.

“Come, I got a room filled with drinks I never thought would get to be enjoyed.  Today, they shall find their purpose fulfilled, toasting to our people and the dragons and riders who fought for us.”


It feels different… like we both know it needs to be done.

Kaen nodded as he held Stein in his arms.  Ava was next to him, holding their daughter Anastasia, tickling her gently.

“Sia is such a happy baby,” Ava said.  “Nothing like her brother who is stoic.”

Tell me again why she calls the baby by a different name?

Coughing to hold back the laughter, Kaen grinned at his dragon.

Sometimes people give other people nicknames.  Ava wanted the name Anastasia due to a family name yet also wanted to shorten it.  

So will Stein be called Ein?

Unable to hold back, Kaen roared with laughter and his son fussed a moment before returning the to steady gaze that always seemed locked on Pammon when he was around.

“Should I ask?” 

“Pammon just wondered what Stein’s nickname would be.”

Nodding, Ava said nothing else and stared across the desolate ground.

Everywhere was burnt and the grass and life that wanted to grow was being held back by the taint of magic Stioks had used on Roccnari.  

Burnt and ruined stone littered the area where the castle had been.  Much of it had fallen completely as the spell destroyed everything.  Yet there in the middle of the land, where two streams flowed around space the elves called home, Kaen held in his other hand the second seed Sedel had given him.

“I’m ready when you are,” Kaen said, moving to the hole he had dug out with his boot.  “It’s time for one last thing before we build a new home.”

“You’re certain the other kingdoms and the remaining elves won’t mind?”

“I’m not certain about anything besides my love for my family,” Kaen replied.  “This part has to happen.  If people come and join where we are so be it, but this will be our home. Our dragons and family will make this land what it is by the sweat of our backs.  Someday this might be a place that rivals the other kingdoms, but that is not my goal.  For now, we will build a home.”

Moving up next to Kaen, Ava nodded and put her hand on his arm.

“I’m ready.”

As am I.

So am I.

Kaen and Ava smiled at Amaranth who had been silent.  She was nestled up against Pammon and different since Foros and Phillip had gotten hurt.

Do not leave me out!

Glynnis was on Pammon’s other side, not allowing Amaranth to hog him for herself.

“Then let us do it.”

Kaen plunged his hand into the ground, holding the seed in his hand. 

Everyone waited for him to start the process.  

His mind raged at memories that harkened back to what had happened and seemed like only a few weeks ago.

The massive dragon near him had once been so small he could almost hold him.  A chicken had injured that dragon’s pride and yet served as a moment of laughter for so many years.

Hess had taught him how to be an adventurer.  Shown him that life wasn’t easy and that adventuring was pretty.  It smelled, stank, required nasty things to be touched and also meant that death could come at any moment.  The memory of Luca brought tears to his eyes.

Wherever you are Luca, I pray what I have done was worthy of your sacrifice.

Every adventurer he had known and the field where so many were buried brought pain.  

A slight thrum came and Kaen turned to see Amaranth sliding her body against Pammon.

His family had grown when Amaranth and Glynnis had joined them.  Unknowingly he saw them as just that.  They weren’t dragons to command or dictate, but individuals with souls and a choice.  

They loved him, and he could feel it and even more they loved his wife and children.

You are going to make me cry if you do not stop thinking about these things.

Kaen sniffed and saw that a few tears were coming down Pammon’s golden eyes and along the bronze scales that were nearby.

Sorry… just… not a day goes by that I can begin to imagine my life without you.  Everything changed that day we found each other.   Thank you for never giving up on me and loving me.

Pammon’s snout came close and Kaen felt the softest touch from the hardest scale he had ever felt against his cheek.

Thank you for loving me and not giving up on this eggling.  No man comes close to you.  So many would have given in to power and enslaved my kind.  They would have given excuses on how the cost was worth it.  Yet you… you proved why you’re worthy of the lifestone in your chest.  Thank you for loving me and my family.

Sniffles came from next to him and Kaen glanced up to see Ava blinking away tears.

“Gah, I can feel the emotion coming off the two of you in waves.”

Laughing, Kaen nodded and focused on his lifestone.

“We did this to protect our families.”

His stone burned with a power that was greater than any he could recall.

Pammon almost flinched from the power he felt through their bond.

“It’s time.”

Power from Amaranth, Glynnis, Pammon and Ava joined together and flowed in Kaen.

Somehow the two female dragons gave theirs to Pammon and he was able to channel it through their bond.

The seed in his hand shot out roots faster than Kaen had expected.  They burrowed deep into the ground, finding nutrients and life deep in the soil where the magic had not managed to taint the soil.

Water was deep in the ground and the roots sought it out like a hunting dog on a trail.  The roots weaved between the soft soil and soon found the tendrils of water waiting for this moment.  

Deep in the ground, near those tiny pockets of water the roots also found a system of roots.  

Gasping, Kaen could see with his eyes not focused on the magic of the world what they had found.

The tree! They found the roots to the great tree!

Power and magic infused roots from the seed Kaen had brought, burrowed into the roots that already covered most of the dirt where the elvish capital had once been.  They started to join and intertwine with the network below, finding magic still hiding deep inside them

Kaen’s hand thrust upward and out as the root turned into a stem and then into a sapling.  Within a minute it was a full fledged tree, white bark and everything, growing so fast that Kaen had to backup as the trunk began to expand.

“Kaen! What is it?!”

“It’s the tree! The elven great tree was still alive underneath! The seed has joined it!”

No longer did just his magic and the magic of the others feed into the growing tree, but a life force that had been waiting joined in.  

Power from his body was pulled out, draining everything he and the others could give.  

Ava backed away first, panting as she felt wore out, staring in amazement at the tree that was already over fifty feet tall and growing.

Kaen continued to focus on letting the tree take all that he could.  

Amaranth bowed out next and soon Glynnis was empty.

It is just you and I.  Take what you must, I can feel what you feel from inside the tree.

You can hear it too?

It sounds like… singing and music… what we heard when we stayed here with Elies and Tharnok.

Kaen had thought at first he was imagining it but with Pammon pointing it out, he wondered what it was they were experiencing.  It was different than the forest Sedel lived in.  

Another minute seemed to stretch on and Kaen’s lifestone was coming to the end of its limit.  There was more that the tree wanted yet as the tree grew wider and he pressed his hand against the bark, letting it slowly move him backward, Kaen could barely keep standing.

Just a little more.  There is more I can give.

Kaen felt Pammon’s power change as it poured into him.

That’s your life force!

It is… this is our home and the place we are about to live needs it.  You cannot see why but will in a moment.  It will be worth it.

Pammon’s renewed power overwhelmed Kaen.  It reminded him of when he had been shot in Minoosh and could barely move.  Pammon had given him the strength to survive. 

“I… do this… for my family!”

Shouting those words took more effort than Kaen imagined but his lifestone changed colors.  Like a golden beacon of light the power it now drew wasn’t based on a simple desire but on a changed purpose.  The family that was standing around him.

Like rays of sunshine the power that came from Kaen and Pammon washed out over them and into the tree.  His vision with the ability to see magic was overwhelmed and blinded him as the power radiated from his hand.

“Dear spirits,” Ava whispered.

As if pure sunlight burst forth after a cloudy and dark month, warmth ran along everything.

The tree took it all and Kaen had no idea what it did with it.


A claw pulled him back from the tree, breaking the bond.

There in his dragon’s embrace, Kaen panted, feeling like he had come close to giving his own life in that moment.

Open your eyes.

Kaen’s lifestone went cold, his body ached and his mind throbbed.  He had to blink multiple times to get his eyes to slowly focus but when he did, his jaw dropped.

“Is that… all this?” Kaen asked no one in particular.

“How… how did you and Pammon do this?”

Kaen stared at the ground around them.  Green grass had replaced the burnt and black area.  Now it was covered with life.  The tree before them was over a hundred feet tall and the trunk was over twenty feet wide.

Why is it I feel that we will never hear the end of what these two have done?

Ava laughed first at Amaranth’s question but soon all five of them were laughing as Kaen and Ava turned, staring at the place one desolate now looked ready for a new beginning.

Kaen turned to Pammon and smiled.

“I guess we’ll need to fetch Hess.”


“Do you really want to live in a place that I build?”

Pammon’s thrum vibrated the ground.  

As his dragon laughed, Kaen drew Ava close and kissed her on the forehead.

“We’re home.”


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