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If you’d asked me where I thought ultimate level one would be the day I started plotting story details back in October. I would have probably said maybe 1000 followers on Royal Road.

When it took off on Royal Road, I was completely surprised, and having an achievement, over 5000 followers +2,000,000 views blew my mind

Today I reached the number one position on Amazon for action and adventure in the fantasy category. This is with authors like Sanderson, and I know this only happened because of people like you

Every day I’m grateful for you my patron to support me and encourage me. Give me feedback and tell me about all the grammar mistakes I make. 😂

I want to say thank you from a very special place in my heart Your support, and obviously the success of this book is truly allowing me to write what I love. That you continued enjoy what I produce, and that the stories make you laugh and cheer and maybe occasionally cry.

But thank you again !!




Glad to be a small piece in the growing of your legend! Congratulations 🎊