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Hey Everyone!

This isn't an April Fools Joke!!

April 9th is the launch date for Dawn of the Last Dragon Rider on Amazon!

I am having a contest for everyone who participates in the Early Advanced Review for the story. Here are the rules for Amazon:

First, you must have read the story. It doesn't matter if you read it on Patreon or Royal Road. As long as you have read it, you can leave a review on Day 1 (April 9th).

Simply state in the review - I read it on Royal Road / Patreon and then your review.

Second, I can't tell you what kind of review to give. Be honest. The more reviews I get and the better they are, the more Amazon likes a story and promotes it through its algorithm.

If you've done those two things, here is where the contest comes in.

Head over to : My Facebook Page

Post a screenshot of the review on April 9th or 10th, and I'll enter you in a drawing I'll conduct on Google for all those who submit the screenshot.

I'll be giving away three Prizes! The prizes can be Gift Cards to my store or Paypal transfers.

If you have any questions about this, please let me know! I'll send a reminder via the message system on April 9th via Patreon (this is only the second time I've ever used it, and I really try not to use it a lot).

Dragon Rider—Book 4 is shelved (it's there) until Podium decides whether to sign for it. This all hinges on how well Book 1 does. Book 3, though, is finished, and I NEED to update the chapters I created. Right now though, Patreon is having fits. Lots of crashes and lost documents for many writers...

Ultimate Level 1—Book 2 hits April 23rd on Amazon! Also, PRINT for Book 1 is coming out any day! We're getting the first copies in! Be looking out for a contest for a signed copy!!

Demonic Sunflower is live on Royal Road. Feel free to pop in and follow/like it. Always helps when you show love there! Just be warned, it changes drastically in chapters 30+. We see some of the top authors facing off in duels to the death! I'm having a blast writing the story and really using it as a tool to shout out many of the authors who helped me along my journey. (Later, a royal rumble thing is going to take place... which author lives and which author dies? well... only time will tell)

New Viking Story - I've been working with Selkie (Mango Media - Publisher of UL1) and started a new Viking Isekai story. I'm about 46k+ words into it and want you to know I may occasionally drop a few chapters to get feedback. Overall I've made some changes based on messages to chapter 1 (so it's different in my notes than on the Patron... I'll probably update soon). You'll get first crack at the story, so don't worry!

Goblin Isekai—It's on my desk, just waiting for time to start a chapter here or there. I promise. I still can't believe some of you love the series. I may get a developmental edit, fix the story up, and launch solo on Amazon. End of the day, it's near and dear to me! So I can't stop on it, don't worry. Right now I just have to focus on what pays the bills :(

Beyond all that information, I'm so grateful for each of you who support me!

Don't forget! DragonCon in August in Atlanta, Georgia!! I'll be there!


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