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The wolf-like monster charged at his left, bounding left and right in a zig zag-like pattern.  As it came, the massive bull-like monster raced toward him, the powerful upper body holding back both of the bladed arms, ready to slice forward in any direction.

Chi roared through Haylock as he prepared to unleash the trap he hoped would be successful.  

Each of the chi monsters came within the twenty-foot radius Haylock had pulled most of his roots into.  What had been spread out over sixty-plus meters inside Mimi’s property was wedged close, thicker, and poised for explosive movement.

Two strides brought both creatures within ten feet, and Haylock’s vines whipped toward them. He was surprised by the speed at which his own weapons moved. 

The wolf monster dodged sideways, losing some ground, but avoided the thorn-covered vine that had threatened to smack into it.  As Haylock’s other vine moved quickly toward the bull one, it planted both feet and swung its blades at the incoming vine, preparing to meet it head-on and see which one was stronger.

Haylock’s chi responded, sensing the impact about to take place, and raced to where the vine would meet the bull's bladed weapons. As the moment of contact was about to take place, seven roots came from under the bull, slamming into its hairy body, trying to pierce or hold it in place.

Somehow, the wolf seemed to sense the roots coming up from the ground underneath it. It bound in various directions, barely avoiding each of the jagged roots that attempted to connect with its scaled hide.

A roar erupted from the bull as three of the seven roots pierced its legs and midsection, tossing its slash with both arms off.  The vine and the blades connected, causing a loud sound to ring out from the impact of weapons on vines.

Good size chunks of the vine were cut off, but they held against the blades, forcing the bull into a terrible position as the rest of that vine wrapped around it, squeezing it tighter while the roots that had originally managed to impale it started to grow inside, immediately sucking the lifeforce from it while thorns erupted inside, preventing easy escape.

A chittering noise from Fufu pointed out that Haylock had yet to lock down the wolf. It was now racing toward the bull monster, appearing to come to help it break free.  

The blades of its arm dug deeper into Haylock’s vine, but he continued to pour the chi he had into strengthening it. He heard the sounds of the bull as it wailed, trying to break free but unable to. Like a snake, the vine continued to coil around the creature, thorns slicing open its skin under the thick fur.

As the wolf got within five feet of its friend, Haylock unleashed a new root attack, wondering if it would work as he intended.

A cage of roots appeared from the edge of the bull, throwing dirt up into the air and causing a massive amount of dust to rise up in the forest.  With his eyes, Haylock could see both creatures and their bodies, not needing to worry about normal sight.  Over twenty roots had formed like a bird cage over the wolf creature, choosing to go upward and then connecting together at the top.

In less than five seconds, a fully built cage that was twenty feet wide surrounded the beast and started to lower itself back into the loose soil.

The wolf raced forward, jaws clamping onto one of the roots and attempting to chew itself free.  As its mouth clamped down, biting into the foot-thick armored root, a surge of chi shot forward, entering the maw of the beast and plunging into its throat.

Other roots came off the root it had bitten, lashing themselves around its mouth and trying to hold it close.

Teeth clamped down with a force Haylock hadn’t expected, ripping the root in half as it pushed itself backward, trying to shake off the strands that had encircled its head.  Without waiting, Haylock willed the tip of the root that had been severed to regrow, pouring the precious chi he had left into it, watching as the black goo that oozed out slowly stopped bleeding.

Time wasn’t on the wolf monster's side as the cage descended upon it, pressing it into the dirt.  It bucked and fought, using its powerful legs to try and get a purchase, but the weight and power of over half a dozen roots forced it to its knees.  As its head was forced into the ground, more roots came forth from the ground, repeatedly slamming into its underside until the scaled armor was punctured and a way in was made.

Like piranhas around a piece of meat, the roots tore into the beast, seeking the core inside, desperately hungry for the chi Haylock needed.

The sounds of crunching and the cries of the monsters echoed out through the area Haylock and the rest were in until, finally the only sound was that of his vines hiding the corpses in the ground as his roots found their prize.

+ 20 Chi

+ 20 Chi

“Don’t celebrate yet!” Mimi called out.  “There are more coming!”

As the chi began to spread throughout his body and Haylock felt the power surging inside, he focused on directing some to the injured areas, preparing for the other monsters he could hear coming toward him through the forest.

A single monster reached Haylock first, a bird-like one with purple feathers and three sets of tiny wings.  It looked closer to an ostrich if anything, but once it was in range, it squawked, dashing toward him.  Before it got into range, the three sets of wings flung forward, and purple feathers raced at Haylock like throwing knives right where his core was.

Reacting almost on their own, both vines moved to cover his stem, where the core was spinning rapidly while a root also came up.  At least twenty purple feathers were coming toward him, and Haylock’s chi moved to protect him. 

Pain radiated from Haylock’s vines, and the root that had blocked the feathers fell to the ground, not responding to his commands.  Lines of purple moved along his vines, slowing their movement and causing pain as he tried to command them.  

A poison? For chi?

His body felt sluggish, and it appeared that where the feathers had hit was causing his flow of chi to be slowed down or even stopped.  The vine on his left had taken the hardest hit and was struggling to stay airborne, the end of it drooping toward the ground and dragging along it.

Another squawk came, and the bird started to move its wings again, more feathers moving from its body and into the position where the ones had just left.

It was about forty feet away, and clearly out of the range of roots he had developed.

Think… think… I can’t fight this one too long, as more are coming…

Haylock didn’t bother glancing at Mimi or Nini, knowing both were in the tree nearby. Yet they were hiding their chi somehow, not giving off the presence he knew would attract the creature's attention.

Forcing his roots closest to the bird monster, he willed them to drive through the dirt, trying to get close to the beast and hopefully give him a way to fight back.

The sound of another monster came from the southeast, and Haylock groaned inside, knowing that it would be less than a minute before he had at least one more here to deal with.

I got to do it.  Spend Credit!

[Credits spent successfully, 319 credits spent]

[Unlocked Chi Bullet{D}]

Haylock felt like his eyes must have grown as he saw that notification.

Is this like a gun? How does this even work?

[Chi Bullet]

[Spend Chi to Empower a seed, propelling it at the intended target.  2 Chi per Bullet.]

Oh, hell ya! Suck it mate! Bullet Seed!

Immediately activating the ability, Haylock focused on the bird and felt the two chi vanish from inside. Right between his eyes and slightly higher, a seed made a popping sound, and Haylock could barely keep up with the black seed that shot across the forest and impacted the bird.

The force of the attack knocked the bird to the ground, tearing off a chunk of its body on the right, leaving a gaping wound that purple blood poured out of.

It squawked and struggled to stand as it stared with hate-filled eyes.

Haylock knew his roots were closing in but wanted to keep the bird down, not giving it a chance to attack him again.

Bulled Seed!

[56 seconds remaining till Bullet Seed can be used again]

Crikey… a minute between each use?

The bird was struggling to rise; the shot had blasted more of its body than Haylock had originally noticed.  In another few moments, his roots would be upon it, killing it and dragging it under the ground for the meal he desperately wanted.

The sound of trees falling over snapped his attention back toward the creature Haylock knew was coming from the southeast.  With the purple feathered monster dying, Haylock brought his vision above the forest some and peered at the area where he knew a monster was coming.

Trees lay knocked aside, and a massive creature was making its way toward him, easily twelve or fifteen feet tall judging by the shape that move through the trees.  Any tree that was in its way simply got bowled over.  Seeing the difference in the newest creature compared to everything else he had fought so far, Haylock felt his roots tremble.

Fufu! I’m going to need help with what’s coming!

A chittering noise came at his base, and Haylock grinned.  

Time for a tag team cage match!


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