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First I want to say thank you to everyone who reached out and sent private messages or posted on the last thread.  I'm not going to take over my page, but I wanted to share a few images.  

The cyst is at the back part of his head.  We are waiting on the doctors to decide what the next step is but it looks like surgery based on size.  

I've often said I write for a lot of reasons.  One I love it.  Honestly any day I sit down and write is a win in my book.  

The next was to hopefully share the worlds and stories I create with others who might enjoy them as well.  

Lastly to potentially get a little money to help my family.  Now I see that the success I have had will do just that.  Nuero surgery isn't cheap but thanks to you all for supporting me I know I can make it work!

Grateful again for the prayers and the support!



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