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Hello everyone, I realised I hadn't done one of these in a little bit and started feeling guilty about that. It feels like both a lot and nothing is going on at the same time. It's quite an anxious week for me... Well, any week where I'm not just sitting at home 95% of the time is enough to give me anxiety.

My wife and I have our girlfriend, Lyra, visiting again this week. She has been super adorable in her nappies with me playing the role of Daddy. Probably egtting into the realms of TMI here but one of the aspects of our relationship that has been a little difficult is the sexual side. Lyra is pretty much asexual. It is rare when she gets "in the mood" whereas I have quite a large sexual appetite. You can probably see where the problems can arise. Though describing it as a "problem" seems a bit grandiose... I'm not a sex-obsessed maniac after all!

Anyway, on this visit Lyra and me have seemingly slipped into a sexual rhythm which makes sense for us. Normally I am the dom. I am Daddy and I change her diapers, take her out places, etc. However, when it comes to the bedroom I am not very assertive, in fact I'm very passive a lot of the time. Well, Lyra tried taking control a bit by whispering naughty things to me and edging me and I think it is the key to our sexual relationship. It feels great for me, and she seems to get a real kick out of turning the tables. I may be in charge most of the time but when her hand strays south of the border the lines become blurry!

Which has made me think about a relationship dynamic that definitely exists but which gets very little coverage in stories, videos and general discussion. That is "The Dominant Baby".

At first that may seem like an oxymoron, it certainly sounded funny to me at first, but the more I thought about it the more potential I saw. A bratty baby dominating their poor Mommy/Daddy, making demands like "Change my diaper!" or "Get me ice cream!" and whenever their big tries to assert themselves she can just grab at the caregivers sensitive spots or warn how hard she can make things if she doesn't get her way. Maybe you annoyed her by not letting her watch her cartoons. You take her for a nappy change and as soon as you've taped the new one you watch as she deliberately fills her pants making you change her again.

I think there is a lot of mileage to be had in this sort of scenario but I never see it talked about. "Domming from the bottom" has long been a thing but I think it has extra potential in the ABDL scene. Who knows, maybe I'll be the one to start a story like that...

In other news I tried out a new diaper today. The girlfriend and I went to watch Oppenheimer at the cinema and there was NO WAY either of us were making it through that three hour film without padding!

So I opened up the pack of NRU (Nappiesrus) Str8ups since they had been recommended by a friend. My verdict: These things are incredible.

They are very, very similar to Megamaxs. My first impression was that they are identical (and I'm still not sure they aren't) but their absorbency was insane. Both Lyra and myself had large sodas that we drank through the film. The nappies easily handled that and lasted well into the evening. I'm pretty sure that even now (about 14 hours after puttng it on) I could still be wearing mine without issue.

As well as the absorbancy I have to say they were pretty quiet which was a plus in the cinema and bulked up nicely as they were used. Just an all-round good experience. Would definitely recommend!

Oh, and Oppenheimer was great too. I gave it 9/10, Lyra went for an 8.5/10.

Finally I just wanted to mention another big thing coming up for me (and another test for these Str8ups), this Sunday, the 27th, it is my 35th birthday! And boy do I feel every second of that 35 years. For the longest time I've still thought of myself as a teenager. I know I'm not one but my auomatic image of myself in my head is of my late teens. I think time is starting to catch up. The passage of time and age regression is probably a good subject for it's own post but for now I'll just say that I would like it to stop. I'm happy with this age, I see no reason to accumulate any more years, thank you very much.

I got a little side-tracked there... So, it just so happens that on my birthday is a big wrestling event at Wembley Stadium in London. 80,000 people are going to be there and myself, my wife, my mum and my aunt will be among them. I expect a lot of you aren't big wrestling fans but I will say it's a pretty big deal and yes, I will definitely be padded. There is no way I'm joing the queues of 80,000-odd people to use some public bathrooms when I can simply wear my own personal one!

As a side note on that, I did notice that Wembley Stadium is actually outfitted with a few adult changing facilities which I think is really cool. I'm not incontinent or anything like that but I imagine changing in public is hard and more places should be equipped with changing tables. I would love to be changed on one myself but I don't see it as likely to happen unfortunately!

Anyway, that's all I have to say. Storywise things continue as normal. Tomorrow night will be the next instalment of "Livy" and next Saturday night is "Anthony".

Hope you're all well and wet :)



I just turned 37. I feel your pain lol. I too still see myself as a late teenager as a mental image, but my body reminds me daily that my mental image is as full of crap as my diapers lol. I live in the US, I've heard a very few places put in adult changing tables, but it really hasn't caught on yet, probably a lot of push back from companies not wanting to spend money on something they think they never needed before. I really hope more places get them just because I know caregivers of those that need that kind of assistance would really appreciate it and in my opinion really need it. Happy birthday and I hope your wrestling thing goes well.


I'm a huge wrestling fan since around Wrestlemania 11 and jealous you are rocking All In! Only the last few months have I finally found myself not watching religiously, but as a former huge ROH fan, AEW is where its at. Should be a great show - I'll be watching!