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Questions for everyone: How about you guys? What are your earliest experiences and memories with diapers?

Ever since i can remember I always wanted to be a gangster...

Wait, no, let me start again. Ahem.

Ever since I can remember I wanted to be in nappies. Genuinely, my first memories all involve padding and the attempts to get it. A strange pre-occupation for sure but one I think a lot of ABDLs are familiar with.

I don't know when I was potty trained but I remember that I didn't take to it quite as well as my parents probably hoped. I have vague memories of wetting the bed quite regularly after being ostensibly trained and I seem to remember it being a common occurence to be sent home from nursery (kindergarten) with my clothes in a plastic bag after having an accident.

Honestly I don't remember necessarily WANTING nappies then but I may still have needed them if the accidents happened as regularly as my memory suggests. I do have a memory of seeing an advert for pull-ups for slightly older kids and sayig to my mum that she should get me some. She said no.

My next memories of nappies came when younger cousins were born and I was probably around 9-years-old. When I saw the nappies there was a deep curiosity. It wasn't long until I would try to sneak one home. One time I basically put it on under my clothes and other times I hid them in a bag or even under my shirt. I never got caught taking them (something which surprises me because I was a young kid, not usually known for discretion...) but I got them home.

I didn't know why I had a fascination of them, I only knew that I did. I don't remember actually using them but I just like to have them. I don't have memories of wearing them but I do remember several incidents with them.

Obviously getting the nappies into the house was only half the battle. The other half was getting rid of them again. A few times I snuck out of the house and deposited them in wheelie bins (trash cans) down the street but there were two incidents that I remember and make me cringe even now.

The first was when my dog found the nappy. He clearly had an interest in it as well as he tore it apart and left bits scattered all over the floor. I was asked what it was and tried to play dumb but it wasn't the first time mum had found a nappy in my possession.

The second time was even worse. I had a nappy I wanted rid of and didn't know what to do with it. In the end my stupid child brain decided throwing it out the window towards next door would be a good idea. The nappy, thankfully unused or this would be worse, landed on the roof my neighbours conservatory. Fast forwards a few hours and I'm called downstairs to see my next door neighbour and mother wanting an explanation!

Interestingly my interest in nappies died off as I entered my teen years which is about the exact opposite of what you might expect. I didn't find my interest in them again until I was around 17-years-old. I would go out and buy baby nappies occasionally but by that stage they never fit.

It wasn't until I was 18-years-old and had received my student loan for university that I found out that they actually made nappies for adults! I went online and ordered some Cuddlz (at the time the only ABDL nappy supplier in the UK). When they arrived my dad brought them in. I tried to act casual when I went to get the (thankfully) discreet package. He asked me what it was and I mumbled something about clothes and practically ran away. I'm grateful more wasn't asked.

Putting on a nappy that actually fit was like the clouds parting and a divine light shining down. However, as curious as I was I didn't feel any kind of obsession or anything. I was soon going away to stay on campus and didn't get any more nappies and didn't really think about the subject at all.

I ended up dropping out after one semester (I did go back to university the following year and got a degree in History) and that led to an incident that is seared into my memory. It was my first interaction with another ABDL in real life. It wasn't a particularly good one for a lot of reasons but probably had a big impact going forwards.

I'll save that and more about my ABDL history for a part two though. This is already getting long and that's with summarising a lot of stuff!

How about you guys? What are your earliest experiences and memories with diapers?

PS. That line about a gangster at the top is the opening line from Goodfellas and I assure you I don't actually want to be a gangster!



my earliest experience happened when I was 6 I was babied by my aunt because of bedwetting.


I enjoyed it. The experience may have pointed out what I really wanted. I think I was always this way.


I wasn’t out of day time diapers till I was nearly 5. But nighttime was a different story. I didn’t have a dry night till I was 16. I was a heavy wetter so goodnights never work and had to have more absorbent diaper with tabs. My parents made me put them on myself when I turned 13. This was around the same time I realized I can have “pleasure” in them by moving around. I was hooked from that moment on.


Wow, at that point it must've been a shock when you started waking up dry! Did it cause any problems with having friends over or anything?


I wore them for a couple months after waking dry continuous mornings. It was a safety blanket at that point. Never really did sleep overs. My best friend from when we were 5 was the only one who knew about it. He would sleep over my place. He would tease me about it but in a playful way. It never bothered me, kinda enjoyed it in some ways.