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Patreon recently gave me the option of changing how people are charged. Currently Patreon charge all of you on the 1st of each month regardless of when you became a patron. This means someone who becomes a patron, for instance, a day before the turn of the month can get charged twice.

Last month Patreon gave me the option of changing this so instead of being charged on the 1st people get charged on the day they became a patron. For example, someone who first signs up on the 15th of a month would then be charged on the 15th of each month rather than the 1st.

The positives... Patrons no longer get double charged if they sign up at the end of the month. It would mean that patrons can control when they get charged based on the day they sign up, so they can time it for pay day or another time that they prefer.

The negatives... It becomes a bit harder for me to track how I'm doing month-to-month. Harder to see how I'm doing relative to other months.

The reason I would like all of your input is because this is a permanent change. Once I move to the new system I can't go back to the previous one ever. So I've been giving it a lot of thought!

I'm leaning towards the change and I can't promise I'll definitely go with the more popular option here but it will be taken into account for my thinking.

Finally, I believe all current patrons would continue to be charged on the 1st unless they cancel their pledge and then re-pledge on the date they would prefer. I'm not 100% sure on that but it would seem to make sense.



(Also, just to add that the regular Patreon update will still be coming later today!)


If you can never go back once switching, I'd guess this is a change they're going to be implementing on a permanent basis eventually. This seems to me like the typical "trial-run" where you think you have a choice, but they'll just force the new option on you eventually if it's not absolutely hated. I personally have no real preference, so I just voted the current system is fine.