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I'll start of by saying Patreon pledge amounts will remain exactly the same. $5, $10, $20, $50... I have no plan to change these pledge amounts at the moment.

In the last few months there has been a lot of interest in my commissions and that has had two effects: 1) I've had no time for my own stories. Bad Husband and Venus Institute are there to be continued but finding time is really hard at the moment and 2) I want to bring my prices closer to the levels of other similar people who write commissions.

My current commission prices are £5 per 1000 words but starting from now the price is going to rise to £8 per 1000 words.

As far as I can tell this puts me closer to the prices most others charge for commissions, though still at the cheaper end.

Just wanted to let everyone know.



Think bigger.


David, I agree with Bob, £8 or $10.50/1000 words is still too low. You need to raise it to £10-12‎ or $13-15. I mean, when you write you're not just vomiting 1000 words onto a computer screen, right? Of course not! You spend time editing, grammar/spell checking, and communicating with the person who wants you to write them a story - all part of the writing process for which you need to be compensated. To be sure you don't want to run people off but you also need to think about how much your time is worth.


Cool ;-)