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Andrew Mayo

In case you missed the history, caitlyn jenner was actually involved in a hit and run death and wasnt prosecuted. Part of the reason southpark rips on her so bad


While I strongly disagree with trans women being allowed to compete in women's sports (that's just common sense) I do find it a bit cringe to intentionally misgender them though. I mean, what is the harm to call them by their prefered name/gender, even if you disagree with the concept of them being a "real woman"? It's not like it is extra work, it just makes these individuals who already have extra shit do deal with feel bad. Just my opinion.

Freddie Higgins “TheFredster32”

Kyle has it rough this season. DTV, Butters is great, but Kyle is definitely my spirit animal. He's the character that I personally relate to the most. Also keep an eye on that Leslie girl!

Dope Sandwich

I thought a "hot Cosby" was that horrible 4 letter R word and that's why "Slow Cosby" meant love