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First of all, sorry for the lack of updates, been working on some stuff but I wasn’t sure if I liked it so it wasn’t shown, but now I feel it’s better so I’m gonna show it :).

Well because the Pyra jiggle did pretty well I decided to do something with her, most of the animation is done except the face and I still need to fix some minor issues (some of these are seen in some parts), I expect to send it to the VA this week with a hopeful release next next week.

Second, I discovered a new tech for bed sheets and stuff like that, might be useful for VR and some poses like missionary. Speaking of VR I haven’t started work on Nia VR yet. I’m gonna implement this tech to the VR version, although blender started to crash while rendering, this might be a reason why (but I’m gonna try to figure it out). I plan on sending Pyra to the VA and then working on the VR version of Nia which I expect to release this month.

Finally, some people might be a bit disappointed because I haven’t used any other characters in a while 😦 but maybe I could do shorter stuff with less popular characters to test the waters.

That would be all :),






more pyra and mythra pls

Alex Kleinheider

Holy wow this is incredibly good. One of the jiggle physics I've seen out there


This is great! I would love to see maybe melia or morag as they don’t really have a lot of content

Homer Simpson

Those pants make it that much hotter

Random Azar

Absolutely wonderful!!!


Great job, I love your work (pyra my beloved (please do anal with her))


Fan from korea I love your work!!!


Love your Pyra, Mythra and Pneuma. Would love to see Kosmos at some point. A none Xenoblade character i would love to see from you is Narmaya


Fire 🔥


i would LOOOOOVE a full vid with brigid, that paizuri gif you did with her was great

J Tor

I second this, Brighid definitely needs more love (or other characters in general).


I'm new here and really enjoy your work! If you want suggestions for less popular characters, I'd like to suggest Praxis or Kora.