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First of all, sorry for not posting too much haha. After finishing Ryza I decided to take it slow until the end of the month, needed to take a small break. Also, Regarding Ryza, it did surprisingly well so I expect to do something with her again. Probably after watching the anime when it finishes airing to get some ideas lmao 🤓.

Second, been messing around making models of different franchises. Doesn’t mean I will do something with them yet cause I just like experimenting with shaders and making models over animating lmao. This time I’m showcasing Rixia from the Trails series, the model is from Kuro but I also added her swimsuit (and ya her boobas are seriously huge).

Third, both loops of Ryza VR are already at the archive! I usually update the patreon discord first cause its easier to do so if you want to stay up to date it would be better to join the discord 😎.

Finally, I expect to start showing animation wips next month, gonna be something with the XC franchise.






More XC content you say👀


Bro fuckin hell yes, I support Rixia content.

Honey Latte

oh my god kiseki serise? I Love!


I am suddenly very interested in whatever game she is from. 👀


Great job on the VR version this time :))))) !!! I know a few people that would throw a lot of bucks for this quality stuff, so keep it up! :)


I like Rixia Mao! want to see her anime so much!!