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Lawrence B Keesler

Your work is flawless! Your characters maintain their appearance through different poses with perfection! Highly erotic!


Love his cock!


In the final image, you again have an awkward relationship between your name and the figure's penis. You need to be more aware of how the placement of your name or credit line negatively affects the beauty of what you create.


But the way the ball player's dick hangs in the crouching/dribbling pose is sexyasfuck. You achieved a great effect, artfully bringing his dick low, close to the floor, with curving potency between tensed, muscular thighs. In a similar way, in the rear view, the glimpse of flaccid cock between the player's spread legs is artful, intriguing and exciting. It contrasts with his lean and massive body, which is so powerful yet so available, as though he invites being dominated.