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One of our big new projects for 2024 is a monthly Spoilercast podcast, and our first installment focusing on Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth is out now! Featuring nearly two hours of spoilery goodness, we go deep on the game that has consumed our lives for the past month.

Video and audio versions of the Spoilercast are now available in our Patreon shop at no cost for Notification Squad, 1UP Club, Super Stars and the Final Boss. Each version is also available for individual purchase ($5) regardless of Patreon subscription status.

Video version: https://www.patreon.com/kitandkrysta/shop/video-like-dragon-infinite-wealth-100-142884?source=storefront

Audio version: https://www.patreon.com/kitandkrysta/shop/audio-like-dragon-infinite-wealth-100-142890?source=storefront

We hope you enjoy the podcast and we'll be back in a month with another one!

- Kit & Krysta




I'm surprised Kit dislikes the English VO so much. Now I played it in Japanese but playing a bit through New Game with English, I don't mind it. I would say the audio quality does sound off for some reason. As for Krysta talking about the game being hard, I do think early on it's very easy to get in a bad situation because it feels like none of the characters are particularly tanky. Though through my own completionist tendency I was OP as heck for the majority of the game.

Mellow Felloh

Alright, I spent 80 hours on this game so I I'd like my thoughts out there somewhere so I'll use this lol I'll follow your guys' format/questions: Did these plotlines work for you yes or no?: 1. Ichiban/Saeko Romance - No it didn't really work for me. I felt like in the previous game they didn't really have any chemistry and even in this one. It felt like one of those tropes of "Hey this is the main character and this is the main girl, they should get together." Sure it was cute seeing Ichiban talking with the guys about romance but didn't work for me past that. Also in the previous game if you did the romance substory with Saeko, she kisses Ichiban while he's sleeping/drowsy and then when Ichiban asked if something happened she's like "Uh no nothing, you were just dreaming cmon!" Isn't that kinda weird?? What if Adachi did that with Saeko? Or Ichiban even? Would that not have been frowned upon? Lol. Yeah that romance didn't work for me in the slightest. 2. Ichiban searching for his mother - I'm gonna have to go with no it didn't work for me. It felt like a shakey motivation for Ichiban from the get-go and as the story progressed it really gets sidelined to the point we don't even get a scene with them two at the end. Like what??? I feel you can even remove his mom from the main story and not much would change. Ichiban is a good and gullible guy as was emphasized in this game so he would've gone for any reason to Hawaii really. We didn't need his mom as a motivation especially if she was gonna get sidelined like that. She was kinda just the caretaker for the kid and that's it. 3. Kiryu gets cancer - Alright, this is my biggest gripe with the game lol talk about absolutely unnecessary. Why did he have to get cancer?? And why did he get it in this big hero moment, why couldn't he have just gotten it normally?? Lol. It would've been better if he got it normally to better emphasize that even the Dragon of Dojima can get cancer. But yeah I just felt it was totally unnecessary. Why not just have Kiryu be stubborn to leave the Yakuza life? By that I mean he's this very "Defender of the people" type of character almost like a super hero. Why not have him be stubborn to leave that life (since we already know he's a stubborn guy) and being stubborn on relying on others. But as he hangs out with Ichiban and his friends (especially Seonhee, Zhao, and Joongi) he realizes there are others now to take on what he's taken on alone in the past. A nice passing of the torch story woulda beaten a sudden cancer story any day. Especially since Ichiban and Kiryu had very similar upbringings. 4. Kiryu's Bucket List - Okay finally a positive one lol yes I enjoyed this but who wouldn't? Especially if you played some of the previous Yakuza games. It was nice seeing Kiryu reflect on his life and the lives he's affected both good and bad. The only strange thing for me is why is he having strangers tag along for this? lol He barely knows Nanba and Saeko and doesn't know Seonhee at all so why them? I feel that woulda worked better with characters from his past. 5. Kiryu and the Daidoji faction - I'll skip this one since I didn't play 6 or Gaiden. I've only played 0, 7, Kiwami 1, Ishin, and Infinite Wealth in that order. 6. Bryce's corruption of Palekana - The whole plotline with Bryce was very weak including Bryce as an antagonist for Ichiban, extremely weak. Even when Bryce was first introduced, I didn't really care for him or the Palekana thing. Especially with how Kit and Krysta have mentioned that the English lines for his character were ridiculous lol why not just get an English voice actor for his lines? It kept taking me out of the immersion whenever he spoke English and it was just a complete joke. Weak character as a whole especially if you compare him to the Young Master in the previous game. Also we have very boring final battles in this game. Its been mentioned before in the previous game AND IN THIS GAME that Ichiban see's things differently when he goes into battle. That's why people transform into whacky characters when they fight. So why not turn Bryce into a giant Cthulhu like monster for the final battle? It would actually make sense in the game and it'd be far more interesting than an old guy with uzi's. 7. Bryce's pursuit of Lani - Why would the Palekana worshippers suddenly turn if Lani showed up? I know they said she's supposed to be the next true sage but after Bryce has had his people killing others and going legit hardcore cult mode, they wouldn't turn on a flip of a dime if Lani suddenly showed up lol 8. Ebina and the Second Great Dissolution - I thought it was fine although kinda weak. This character that kinda showed up out of nowhere being the main antagonist to Kiryu. I do like how it ended with Kiryu apologizing and asking for forgiveness. I hope Ebina doesn;t come back though because I don't believe he is a strong antagonist and wouldn't make too much sense for him to come back. 9. Ebina and Ichiban are half brothers - Again, why? Lol. This doesn't really come into play at all and Ichiban doesn't even interact with Ebina once after that reveal so its kinda just thrown out there? And we also had a brothers rivalry in the previous game so why tread the same grounds again? If you wanted to do a siblings connection, I think making Chitose a possible half sister to Ichiban woulda been way more sweet and interesting. Think about it, Ichiban and Chitose bond so much over the course of this story and then find out they're siblings, then towards the end of the game Akane can talk about their father (Arakawa) and would find out more about their dad together. Then you can keep Chitose as a reoccurring character since I think she'd be a great addition to the team going forward. She's definitely one of the highlights of this game. I pray Ebina doesn't come into play next game. 10. Eiji and Bleach Japan - I think they were setting up Eiji pretty well at the beginning then he kinda leaves and he comes back to shortly screw us over after? Maybe having him call in from time to time or helping Ichiban through an earpiece the whole game woulda been nice to build their bond. The backstab then woulda felt stronger and the eventual ending with Ichiban and EIji woulda hit harder. But also they made Eiji a complete scumbag lol like practically irredeemable the way he was going to hurt a child (Lani) for his own gain. Thats honestly going too far for a character they want us to forgive at the end. 11. Eiji controlling Chitose through the Tatara Channel to expose corruption - I think this worked really well and made sense. It was kinda easy to connect the vtuber to either Eiji and Chitose since they were the only tech savvy characters we knew but the reveal was still great. Chitose eventually coming around also felt right and earned. Overall great/enjoyed it. 12. Yamai's Tragic Backstory - I don't know what they wanted us to think of Yamai really. Because he's supposed to be this bruting bad guy all dark and mysterious but they have us whoop his ass 3-4 times within the first half of the game lol He's practically Team Rocket from the Pokemon anime where he just comes back for an ass whooping every episode/encounter lol I felt his character woulda worked better if we hadn't whooped him at all until we got to his home base/theater. BUT I actually really loved his final scene in the hospital. His final line was *chef's kiss* Other general things I liked: - Miss Match mini game was super fun/funny - the localization was TOP NOTCH, one of the best things about the game tbh. In the Miss Match mini game theres a style called "Fuckboy." made me crack up lol - Bravo on the combat system. I for one didn't mind the combat system from the previous game but I do know some people got a bit tired of it by the end of it - Great rewards for the Drink Links with weapons and costumes - Substories as always especially the snow one, lemonade, and the one with the bird in Ichibans hair - Enjoyed the optional dungeons, great way to get exp, armor, weapons, etc. By the time I got to the end I was kinda over leveled lol - LOVED the Shark and Squid fights, one of the biggest highlights for me - Kiryu's Dragon of Dojima class was so fun and interactive Favorite character(s): - Seonhee is probably my fav with runner up being Chitose. I really wanted her to join the team last game but she never did. So I was super excited when she finally joined this time. But I also love Kiryu's and her's interactions. Her kinda fangirling all the time on the side when Kiryu does or says something cool or sometimes just existing lol Their substory together was a nice insight into how things are going with her in charge now too and its nice seeing a past Yakuza lead and a new Yakuza lead basically. The passing of the torch story line woulda worked wonders here if we weren't following the shoehorned cancer plotline. Also Seonhee as the Night Queen class, oh my. I put her on it too lol Paired with the bikini outfit you get later, whew. She was super strong if you built her as a Charm attacker. By that I mean just making her charm all her enemies through abilities and basic attacks. She carried Kiryu's side for me until late game. She was a charm machine. Hawaii being the setting: It was nice and had its charms, I also like saying Hey to everyone to build the friend meter. But yeah I agree, nothing can really replace the Japan settings and its history. Also Hawaii was sidelined anyway since Kiryu's story took center stage for most of it. Which game is better, Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth or Yakuza: Like a Dragon? - I think by a mile, Yakuza 7/Yakuza: Like a Dragon was much better. The only thing Yakuza 8 has over 7 is the gameplay which vastly improved the previous game's battle systems. Lots of ways to minmax ones damage by pushing enemies around. Never got boring. But aside from that, the story, mini games, and characters were all better than 8's. Mainly touching on story and characters, I feel it was a much better setup and it had characters that not only we cared about but also Ichiban cared about. We start with Ichi and the Young Master in the past setting up their bond and soon after Ichi has to take the fall, BOOM lands him in prison for ~15 years. He gets out and immediately wants to see his boss, Arakawa but is shot by him the moment he walks through the door. Now Ichiban has to find out why his boss did that and where the Young Master is. Him finding out about his father and his boss, having a Naruto/Sasuke feud with the Young Master that ends in such a satisfying tear jerking finale. It was near perfect. It does slow down a tad in the middle but Yakuza 8 suffers a lot from that too. I find Adachi, Nanba, the Young Master, Arakawa, Joonghi, Seonhee, and Zhao all interesting new characters in 7. Not to mention we learn about Ichiban for the first time in 7 too and he's amazing! The voice acting with his brother at the end of the game is legit some of the best voice acting I've ever heard (In Japanese of course). What rating would you give this game? - I think I'm landing right around an 8 (especially with the scummy practice of puttign NG+ behind a paywall). The reason I'm also giving it an 8 is because I feel this game at its core comes down to three factors and those are story, gameplay (battle system), and side activities. The gameplay is a homerun but I feel the story is front and center. This game takes a looooong time to beat for a reason lol I feel like its two stories jam packed messily into one and ultimately one of those stories gets sidelined (Ichiban's). And that side of the story wasn't strong to begin with. I don't know, I think I'm just very disappointed the route they decided to take with Ichiban and how he didn't really evolve as a character in this game. Everything he did was just an affirmation of what we knew from the previous game. And Kiryu's side of the story I feel shouldn't even have been there in the first place, I feel its such lazy storytelling (the cancer part). Like I said, it woulda been better if he were just stubborn to pass the torch on to the other people. Side activities are fun but I felt at a certain point I was getting too strong and the battles were too easy so I had to hold back on some activities until post game. I enjoyed my time but ehh I enjoyed the previous entry much more. Yakuza 0 I'd give a 9.5, Yakuza Kiwami an 8, and Yakuza 7 a 9. Oh also use English voice actors when a character is supposed to speak English smh. What's next for the series? - Please stay in Japan lol. Let's visit a different city we haven't visited yet. The Yakuza may be gone kinda but there's other organizations that operate like Yakuza basically. Some we overlook all the time like normal businesses and even the government can be very corrupt. Have Ichiban faceoff against government officials that are corrupt. Tackle the long work day society in Japan and have Ichiban fight against that. Basically have him fight corrupt organizations, they're all over the place lol also get Kiryu outta here his time is done lmao Let Ichiban be the star like he was supposed to be. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk lol