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This Huge Wii Sports Moment Almost Didn't Happen

Hello, wow wow wow we made it to Episode 10 of the Kit & Krysta Podcast, how exciting! Thank you all for watching and supporting us so far. This is truly just the beginning of the journey. This week we look back at an incredible moment in Wii Sports history that almost didn't happen. We also play a really fun game of 'guess that video game character' and of course we talk about the games we're playing, go through the news and answer questions from our lovely Patreon family.

0:00 - Let's go episode 10!

9:08 - The story of Wuhu Island (mysterious...)

31:13 - Never A Minute "Guess that Video Game Character"

39:11 - Games we are playing

59:26 - News news news

1:08:31 - Your Questions

As always, thanks so much for listening and we'll see you soon!

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-Kit & Krysta




Another awesome episode! Wuhu Island is making me nostalgic for Segway Circuit, for Wii Fit which I never had haha. Curious - do you guys enjoy the more traditional Mario sidescrollers (like NSMB) or are you more partial to the 3D-2D-ish installments like Super Mario 3D Land/World? I’m revisiting 3D World and forgot how much I really love that style of Mario. I guess they’re less 3D-2D and more 3D without a focus on collecting (stars/shines/etc) and more goal-focused.

Justin Powell

Just want to say, I’ve been really enjoying listening to y’all while I’m at work. Congrats on reaching episode 10! Now to reach episode 100 lol. I was wondering if y’all have any plans on possible doing live streams in the future, whether for gaming or doing live reactions to Nintendo Directs or any other gaming presentations?