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Our friends at Apogee Entertainment have sent us codes to celebrate the Nintendo Switch launch of Bread & Fred - and we want to give them away to you! Bread & Fred is an incredible co-op game that you may have seen us playing in our Discovering eShop Hidden Gems in Unexpected Places (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NA48bHZh258) video.

It's easy to enter - all you need to do is reply to this post with a comment telling us who you would like to play the game with, and we will select 5 winners at random tomorrow. Winners will each receive 2 codes so you can actually play with the friend you tell us about. Good luck!

-Kit & Krysta




I would enjoy playing this with my friend from sixth form once I return from university next week 😊

Kit Ellis

Congratulations to our five winners - Joker, Caleb, Troopage, Ryan Kennedy and Erika Urdaneta!


I'd play this with my best friend! Probably when I move in a couple of months