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Enjoy this week's Bonus Q&A, featuring answers to questions from Link, kilokibo, Switchingitup_, MandomeJock, lyn, ninja11 and Rivven!

Intro/outro music from Mega Man X (SNES)



I think Nintendo learnt the hard way about censoring certain mature titles from their systems during the Mortal Kombat/Night Trap controversies of the SNES era... and when then there was the Bayonetta thing with Wii U and Playboy association... everything was on the table within reason that was 'adult content'... there was a particular game I remember buyin on Switch from eshop that was about a certain adult oriented cult (think Eyes wide shut movie) and that got removed from the eshop, only to be brought back again later. Nintendo is ironically less censor heavy than Sony has been in the past several years!