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Hello everyone!

Woops, we missed the December bonus game, but it's here now! If you unsubscribed in December, please message us and we'll make sure you'll get your (extra) keys for Yardlings!

The January bonus game is Guardener! So two very vegetable-based games! 

Get your keys here: sokpop.co/patreon 

Hope you liked the recent Grunn announcement! Make sure to check it out if you haven't yet and wishlist it on Steam! :)

Have a nice day!

- Ruben


yardlings - Official Trailer

Official trailer for yardlings, part of Sokpop Season #8 Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1290790 Itch: https://sokpop.itch.io/yardlings We're releasing a new game every 2 weeks! Subscribe for 3$/month at https://patreon.com/sokpop


Spyridion Fotakos

Hello, Yardlings is not showing with the other games under the patreon access page. I can't seem to find the key on my email either


Same here. It goes from Beastrun in November to Guardener in January.