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Grab your key: sokpop.co/patreon 

Or buy separately: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2185880/wurdweb/ 

wurdweb is a game I made with Adriaan de Jongh last year. It's a word game where you grab words from a list and cross them with words on the board. You have to puzzle your way towards a Finish Tile, put down enough words, or put down as many words as you can!
Previously it was only available on Apple Arcade, but now it's also out on Steam & itch.io, and it's the October release for our Patreon :)
Adriaan & I spent a lot of time making the game, so I'm really excited to have y'all play it! Hope you enjoy!

Note: this game was supposed to come out in October. If you were a patron in October, you will have access to this game!

Note 2: the September game will also release soon!



Aran introduces the new Sokpop game #99: 'wurdweb'. You can claim a key here if you were a Sokpop Patron in October: https://sokpop.co/patreon_access/ Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sokpop Check it out on Itch.io : https://sokpop.itch.io/wurdweb Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/invite/Ye3HrWW



this is cool, but were are the september and october games?


wurdweb is the october game, the september game is coming very soon!


I played this on Apple Arcade back when it came out. Super fun :D

Maestro Pivetta

I got scared when I didn't see the sock intro, now it makes a little bit more of sense. The game is amazing


so cute ♡ ♡ ♡!