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Hello gamers!

We asked you what you thought were the best Sokpop games of 2019, and results are in!


In first place, with 32 votes, is Pear Quest! Wow! This means that Pear Quest will be available for patrons once more for the whole of February!

Squint your way over to sokpop.co/patreon and start playing this wacky, tiny adventure game!

Congratulations to the runner ups Fishy (27), Featherfall (24) and Brume (24). Go here for the full list of results.

Thanks for playing this year, and have fun!

- Sokpop

PS: if you didn't it see yet, labyrinth is now also up on Steam!


Pear Quest - Official Trailer

Official trailer for Pear Quest, part of Sokpop Season #5 Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1134630 Itch: https://sokpop.itch.io/Pear-Quest We're releasing a new game every 2 weeks! Subscribe for 3$/month at https://patreon.com/sokpop



I joined after Pear Quest was released, so that's cool! I don't have Featherfall either, so I was wondering: do you guys get more money if I buy through itch or steam?