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patreon acces: sokpop.co/patreon_access  

or buy separately: sokpop.itch.io/featherfall 

Featherfall is out! And it's another soulslike game! "Another soulslike!? "  h e l l   y e a h

  • travel through 4 areas
  • fight 7 different bosses
  • find more than 30 different items
  • listen to Aran's sick music while fighting zombies
  • multiple savefiles woah  

"I've never worked on a Patreon game for so long! This game might be a bit big for a Patreon game, so I gave you multiple savefiles! This game was so much fun to make and I'm very curious if you can find the secrets and how fast you will be able to finish the game!"- Tijmen 

P.S. we don't have a macosx build at this time since someone updated our xcode and we have trouble reverting all the preferences etc. We're trying our best to fix everything asap!


Sokpop Patreon #30 - Featherfall

Tijmen introduces the new Sokpop Patreon game 'Featherfall' Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sokpop



\o/ p.s. remove www so the link works


Awesome mechanics. The patreon source zip is somehow, unzippable?


yeah there was a problem with double file extensions. should be fixed now!


FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event0 for object oEyeball: Unable to find any instance for object index '125831' at gml_Object_oEyeball_Step_0 stack frame is gml_Object_oEyeball_Step_0 (line -1)


woops meant to put a comment with that, i got this error while sprinting in zone 2, and i think i was going towards a boss room ?

Kurt Refling

This was great, guys. Just finished the game last night. Really appreciate the controller support, too.


Great game and perfect length! Loved exploring and finding secrets!