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Patron keys: sokpop.co/patreon_access

or buy separately: sokpop.itch.io/oh-crab 

This week is a bit special. We've been working on another cool project which we hope to share with you soon. This cost us a bit more time than we anticipated, so we decided to release an older, unreleased game of ours for the Patreon, called Oh Crab!
It is something we made together and arguably the weirdest thing we ever created! Have fun!
- the squad

Get it before Wednesday October 24th


Sokpop Patreon #20 - oh krab!

We introduce the new Sokpop Patreon game 'oh crab!' Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sokpop Buy seperately: https://sokpop.itch.io/oh-crab



Why do I keep getting things like, WARNING VIRUS! Or WARNING DANGEROUS FILE! Whenever I download one of your games, am I putting my computer at risk?


I'm excited for a new cool project! In the meantime, on macos, when I try to play this game (and simmiland, but only these two) I get an error message that says "unable to find game." is there a fix for this? I'm unable to run the windows download in wine either


hi! if you copy and paste the file in another folder it should work!


It's because the application is uncertified. Apparently it is not worth your time or money to try and get certified unless you're a really big company. When you download something through Steam it IS certified because of Steam and its launcher. Since we distribute the games directly you may get this warning. I hope you can trust us when I say we are not trying to harm your computer in any way :)


Ok, thanks for the response, I feel better about this now.


Yo! I noticed this game (and soko loco, for the matter) looks kinda weird on my widescreen display. Is there a way to launch them windowed instead of fullscreen?

Dane Byrd

I just joined as a new patron! Do I get access to older sokpop games with patreon keys? I really want to play simmiland and llama villa but want to know if I have access through Patreon.


Hi, When I try to use your Patreon Access link, it takes me to the page to allow itch to access patron, and after I click allow it just sends me back to the first page, never actually letting me get to the games. Is there another link or something I can use?


Hi! The sokpop patreon is like a subscription, so you'll only have access to the two current games and all new games that come out while you're a patron. If you want to play the older patreon games, you'll have to buy them seperately through itch.io.