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Chapter 3

Harry was sitting comfortably in his usual compartment, eagerly awaiting the start of another year at Hogwarts. As he glanced around, he noticed that he was the only one occupying the space, which allowed him to enjoy a moment of solitude before the hustle and bustle of school life began. It had become somewhat of a tradition for Harry and his mother Lily to arrive early on platform 9¾, ensuring they secured a compartment without any hassle.

This time was no different as they arrived well before departure time. After exchanging warm hugs and promising to keep in touch regularly via letters (as always), Lily playfully teased Harry by suggesting that her letters might contain some unexpected surprises – perhaps even some cheeky moving images meant just for him! The mischievous glint in her eye hinted at an ongoing inside joke between them.

With their farewells said and promises made, Harry settled into his seat with anticipation coursing through his veins. He couldn't help but smile at the thought of receiving those playful letters from Lily during term time.

Harry found himself with some free time and decided to entertain himself by practicing his reflexes with a snitch that was flying close by. He enjoyed the challenge of trying to catch it as it darted around him. However, just as he was about to make another attempt, someone unexpectedly swooped in and grabbed the snitch right before his eyes. Looking up, he saw Ginny standing there, holding the snitch in her hands with a triumphant smile on her face.

Impressed by Ginny's quick reflexes and skillful catch, Harry couldn't help but compliment her. "Nice catch," he said warmly, returning her smile.

"nervous?" Ginny teased him playfully.

"No, it's good to know we have a replacement seeker if I can't play for some reason," Harry said with a slight smile. He watched as Ginny handed him the snitch and began dragging her worn-down trunk across the grass. As he examined her belongings, his expression shifted slightly. Most of Ginny's stuff consisted of hand-me-downs from her brothers. Harry couldn't help but recall the time she had shown up at Quidditch practice wearing their gear. While it wasn't terrible, there was definitely a noticeable difference between women's and men's quidditch gear.

Feeling compelled to make things better for Ginny, Harry decided to take her on a trip to Hogsmeade one day. There, he bought her new robes and proper quidditch gear that were specifically designed for girls. The joy on Ginny's face when she received these gifts was beyond words; she was absolutely over the moon.

"You got here early," Harry remarked casually as he observed the Weasley family arriving in their usual last-minute fashion. The sight of the red-haired clan bustling about, trying to gather all their belongings and make it to Platform Nine and Three-Quarters on time, was a familiar one for Harry. But today, something seemed different.

“Oh yeah,” Ginny giggled a little, her eyes sparkling mischievously. “Bill stayed with us for a few days so I talked mom into allowing me to go with Bill early.” Her voice carried excitement and triumph as she shared her secret plan with Harry.

Harry raised an eyebrow in surprise. It wasn't often that Ginny managed to convince their mother to bend the rules. He couldn't help but feel impressed by Ginny's persuasive skills.

“So Ron was his usual tardy self," Harry asked. The Weasley siblings were notorious for causing last-minute chaos during their departures from home – forgotten robes, misplaced wands, you name it – always leaving just seconds for them to make it.

"Thankfully, Bill agreed to take me to the train station today. I was so relieved because his willingness to give me a ride meant that I could arrive early and finally join you all for once," Ginny said with a smirk on her face. Just as she finished speaking, there was a sudden knock on the compartment door. Both Ginny and Harry turned their heads in unison to see Hermione standing there, wearing a bright smile.

Harry wasted no time in opening the door, eagerly welcoming Hermione inside with open arms. As he embraced her tightly, he couldn't help but exclaim, "Hermione!" His genuine happiness was mirrored by Hermione's own beaming expression, which even included a slight blush.

With her trunk successfully maneuvered into the cramped space of the compartment, Hermione settled herself among the Gryffindors. Unable to contain her excitement any longer, she exclaimed joyfully, "Harry! Ginny!"

The three Gryffindors, Harry, Ginny, and Hermione, settled into their compartment on the Hogwarts Express. As they chatted amongst themselves, more and more students began to fill up the train. Through the window, Harry caught sight of Daphne Greengrass arriving with her mother and younger sister Astoria.

Intrigued by a piece of news she had heard, Hermione turned to her friends and asked if they had heard about Professor McGinnings. Both Ron and Harry shook their heads in response. Curiosity piqued, Hermione proceeded to explain that she had learned that Professor McGinnings had been fired from his position at Hogwarts and was now replaced by a new teacher.

Harry's surprise was evident as he processed this information. While he didn't particularly enjoy Professor McGinnings' teaching style due to his age-induced limitations, he couldn't deny that the professor wasn't a horrible teacher either. Doubts filled his mind as he questioned the accuracy of this news.

"Are you absolutely certain?" Harry inquired skeptically, his brows furrowing with concern. He felt the need to confirm the validity of this alleged change in faculty before jumping to any conclusions or forming an opinion.

Hermione paused for a moment, her eyes scanning the room as if searching for reassurance. "Well, I can't say for certain," she began cautiously, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I've overheard numerous students discussing it lately." Hermione's tone grew more animated as she continued, "And what's interesting is that most of them have parents who serve on the school board."

As Hermione nervously bit her lip, she hesitantly added another piece of information that had caught her attention. "There was one instance when I happened to overhear Malfoy laughing and mentioning something about how this year would be great for him and his kind." She took a deep breath before quoting Malfoy's words precisely: "'This year will be great for us.'"

Harry turned his gaze towards Hermione, understanding the weight behind her nervous statement. If these rumors were indeed true – if witches and wizards who were muggleborns would truly suffer under this new faculty – then it was undoubtedly a cause for concern and distress within their magical community.

Ginny looked at Hermione with a reassuring smile, her eyes filled with warmth and confidence. "Don't worry," she said, her voice laced with certainty. "Harry will protect you." She paused for a moment, allowing her words to sink in before continuing. "Of course, there might be a small favor he'll need from you in return."

Hermione raised an eyebrow, intrigued yet slightly apprehensive about what Ginny was implying. "His homework?" she questioned with a hint of amusement.

Ginny chuckled mischievously, enjoying the opportunity to lighten the mood amidst the tension that surrounded them. "Well," she teased playfully, "that could be one option! Imagine Hermione Granger doing Harry Potter's homework!" Her laughter echoed through the room as Hermione couldn't help but crack a smile.

But Hermione wasn't so easily convinced. Determined to maintain her integrity and academic prowess, she shook her head firmly. "I will not," she stated resolutely.

Ginny's eyes sparkled mischievously, filled with a mischievous glint that hinted at her playful nature. Leaning closer towards Hermione, she couldn't help but let out a sly grin that stretched across her face, indicating that she was about to push the boundaries of their banter even further. It was as if Ginny thrived on testing the limits of their teasing exchanges.

"Oh come on now," Ginny replied coyly, her voice dripping with mischief and an undeniable allure. Raising an eyebrow suggestively, she playfully challenged Hermione to uncover what Harry might gain from their ongoing playful banter. There was a sense of anticipation in the air as Ginny waited for Hermione's response.

Hermione looked at Ginny with a mixture of confusion and curiosity dancing in her eyes. She couldn't quite grasp where this conversation was heading or what hidden motives were lurking behind Ginny's words. As her mind raced to make sense of it all, Hermione found herself blushing deeply under the weight of Ginny's suggestion.

"You know," Ginny said, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes as she playfully suggested, "if you really want to repay him, you could always consider snogging him." Her lips curled into a smirk as she watched Hermione's cheeks instantly flush with crimson red at the mere thought. It was clear that Ginny took great delight in teasing her friend.

Hermione stammered nervously, feeling both flustered and slightly indignant. "I-I won't do that either," she managed to utter, her voice betraying a mix of embarrassment and determination.

Harry glanced over at Ginny, his expression softening as he spoke reassuringly to Hermione. "And I never want you to feel obligated or pressured into doing something like that," he said sincerely. His gaze shifted back to Ginny who couldn't help but grin deviously at the situation unfolding before them.

In that moment, it became evident just how mischievous and playful Ginny could be when it came to pushing boundaries and teasing those closest to her. And yet, amidst all the banter and cheeky suggestions, there was an underlying sense of camaraderie between these friends - a bond forged through years of shared adventures and heartfelt moments.

"I would." Ginny playfully teased, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. "If I would witness your valiant act of defending my honor by punching Malfoy, even if it was for some inexplicable reason, I must admit that I would be more than willing to whisk you away into the enchanting realm of a broomcloset just for a passionate kiss."

Harry pondered her proposition for a moment before responding with an intrigued expression on his face. "You know what? Perhaps enduring the consequences of striking that ferret-faced bully would indeed be worth it."

Hermione interjected, her voice laced with concern and wisdom. "But Harry, let's not stoop down to his level. Violence is never the answer." Smiling harry dragged her next to him placing an arm around her shoulder.

As the ride went on the three gryffindors relaxed for the ride ahead. Settling before him, Hermione had some light reading material as she would like to call for her time while Ginny sat with her legs in Harry’s lap playing with the practice snitch from Harry.

Harry had a simple magazine about quidditch, but he got constantly distracted by girls walking past their compartment trying to get his attention. “Again? Don’t they have anything better to do?” Hermione said looking over from her book as she noticed another couple of girls standing by their door shooting Harry flirty looks. “Every year more and more witches do this. I'm surprised they haven’t started coming in here.”

“Your presence scared them off.” Harry joked.

“Very funny.” Hermione said. “Malfoy…” Harry looked over when the door opened.

“Still sitting with inferior blood, Weasley.” Malfoy remarked. Crabbe and Goyle laughed. Zabine stood behind them together with Nott.

“You could hang out with us.” Zabine said maybe revealing he had a little crush on Ginny. Ginny though was not interested. “I promise we could give you a nice time.”

“With you?” Ginny responded with a disgusted expression.

“Potter doesn’t have anything on us.” Malfoy said, his face high and proud. “And you little mudblood bookworm you’ll see this year we’re you truly belo-“ before Draco could finish that sentence though Harry had had enough and used his magic to push all the slytherins out of the door frame hard. He then closed it and locked it afterwards he pushed the curtain in front of the window. Harry’s show of power had a clear effect on both Hermione and Ginny. When he turned around Harry sighed annoyed.

“Couldn’t take it any more.” Harry said. Looking over at Hermione and Ginny he could see they didn’t really care about any of that now. “You two alright?” Harry knew very well showing off his magic like that had an effect on both girls. He had pushed all the slytherins out of the door frame without his wand. Hermione seemed to fight her urges and desire while Ginny seemed completely intoxicated by them and looked ready to go. “Are you both alright?” He asked, trying to sound concerned for their well being. Placing his hand against hermione he pushed some more magic against her, he wanted to make sure Hermione would break first she would likely stop the whole thing first. Hermione’s breathing increased while her eyes were closed. Harry couldn’t hold back a smile anymore. Hearing Hermione moan just a little was enough for him to know she would be willing, turning to Ginny he placed his hand on her forehead but immediately after Harry touched ginny she pushed his hand away and crashed her lips against his wrapping her arms around his neck. Moaning in the snog Harry placed his hands against her tight athletic bum squeezing it which made Ginny moan in delight.

Pulling back Ginny had calmed her urges it would seem. “Told you I would snog you.” She said a little lighthearted giggle. Harry laughed a little pulling Ginny back from him. Harry looked over to Hermione who wanted the same thing but needed a little push. Harry got closer to Hermione until they were a mere inch apart. “Oh just snog him.” Ginny said behind them. Hermione crashed her lips against Harry’s and wrapped her arms around him. Harry felt Hermione get more enthusiastic as time went on. Harry’s hands glided over Hermione's body from her abdomen to her wider hips and soft bum. Giving her bum a squeeze Harry couldn’t help but think about the comparison to Ginny’s, Hermione's was softer and he felt less firm but in a good way. As he squeezed Hermione's bum she moaned and pushed her chest against him harder almost falling both of them over. Harry steadied them and pulled back smiling while Hermione blushed a little embarrassed.

“Thank you.” Hermione said.

“You're welcome.” Harry grinned.

As they sat down and relaxed again Harry still had a smile on his face. “Can you stop smiling like that?” Hermione asked.

“Sorry can’t help it, I just snogged two of the prettiest girls in Hogwarts. Can you really blame me.” Harry responded which made Hermione blush at the compliment while she nervously tucked some of her hair behind her ear.

Harry noticed Ginny eyeing him again, this time Harry pulled her towards him which made her let out a surprised giggle and he kissed her on the lips. Ginny eagerly returned the kiss and settled herself in his lap for the remaining train ride to hogwarts.

Some time later.

Headmistress McGonagall's speech was yet again a hopeful and cheerful one. As she stood confidently at the podium, her voice resonated through the Great Hall, filling the air with optimism for the upcoming school year. The students eagerly listened, their eyes fixed on her every word.

Looking over the professor's table, Harry noticed a new face he hadn't seen before. A middle-aged woman sat among the other professors, dressed fully in dark robes with a hint of dark green. Her presence commanded attention and curiosity among both students and faculty alike. With a stoic expression etched on her face, it was clear that this woman meant business.

It didn't take long for everyone to realize that this mysterious woman had no intentions of teaching in the same manner as others. Interrupting Headmistress McGonagall mid-speech, she spoke assertively and directly, leaving no room for ambiguity or confusion. It was evident that she had a different approach to education - one that demanded discipline and efficiency.

Meanwhile, in the comfort of Gryffindor common room, Harry sat alongside Hermione and Ginny discussing their impressions of tonight's feast. Hermione couldn't help but express their disbelief at how boldly this new professor had interrupted Headmistress McGonagall during her speech.

“I guess she’s the one Malfoy referred to as the big change,” Harry said, his voice filled with intrigue. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of person this mysterious individual could be.

Ginny raised an eyebrow and smirked playfully at Harry's comment. "What a doom and gloom dressed toad?" she teased, causing both Harry and Hermione to burst into laughter. The image of someone so unpleasantly attired was enough to lighten the mood.

However, Ginny's playful tone shifted slightly as she expressed her doubts about Malfoy's description. "But no," she pondered aloud, her voice tinged with uncertainty, "she's a maniac who unfairly treats any muggle borns and half bloods? That does seem a little too far-fetched."

Hermione stood up from her seat, stretching her arms above her head before announcing that it was time for bed. She had an important day ahead of her tomorrow and wanted to ensure that she would be well-rested and ready for whatever challenges awaited. "You coming Ginny?" Hermione asked kindly.

Ginny turned her head towards Harry, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. She found herself contemplating whether or not to join Hermione in calling it a night. As she weighed her options, an exciting opportunity presented itself - the chance for a goodnight kiss. Playfully, Ginny voiced her thoughts aloud.

"Do you mean me or Hermione?" Harry replied, his curiosity piqued by Ginny's playful suggestion. A giggle escaped from Ginny's lips as she noticed Hermione blushing ever so slightly at the question. Emboldened by their reactions, Harry rose from his seat and leaned in to give Ginny a brief but sweet kiss on the lips.

Turning towards Hermione next, Harry repeated the gesture with equal tenderness. "Goodnight sleep well," he whispered softly before bidding them both farewell and heading off to his own dormitory.

The next day at breakfast.

Harry sat at the Gryffindor table, savoring his eggs as he basked in the company of almost every girl from his house. To his left and right were Hermione and Ginny, their presence bringing him a sense of comfort. Directly in front of him were Angelina, Alicia, and Katie, who seemed eager to discuss their plans for the upcoming Quidditch season.

Angelina leaned towards Harry with determination shining in her eyes. "This year, I really want us to win the Quidditch cup," she declared passionately. "It's mine and Alicia's final year at Hogwarts, and we're hoping to catch the attention of recruiters." Harry nodded understandingly; he knew how important this was to them.

"But it won't be easy," Angelina continued earnestly. "I think Slytherin will play dirtier than ever during our matches." Her concern was palpable as she emphasized the need for preparation.

"What makes you say that?" Harry inquired, his curiosity piqued by Angelina's statement.

With a thoughtful expression on her face, Angelina proceeded to provide further details to support her claim. "Well," she began, "I recently had a conversation with a close friend of mine who happens to be in Hufflepuff. According to them, Professor Yaxley is not only employed at the Ministry but is also widely recognized as a staunch supporter of pureblood ideology."

The revelation seemed to stir up a mix of concern and intrigue among the group. Eager for more information, Alicia interjected with an additional piece of unsettling knowledge. "That's not all," she added gravely. "From what I've gathered, it seems that Professor Yaxley possesses more authority than your average Hogwarts professor."

Confusion clouded the faces of most present as they tried to comprehend Alicia's statement. Sensing their bewilderment, she continued clarifying her earlier remark. "Allow me to explain further," Alicia offered earnestly. "Word has it that Professor Yaxley holds the power to overwrite decisions made by other professors if she deems it necessary or beneficial."

As these revelations sank in, Harry and his companions exchanged concerned glances while contemplating the implications for him and a lot of toerh students.


Harry Potter, the famous wizard and sole heir to House Potter, found himself in need of a private room. With his loyal companion Penelope by his side, he required a space where she could assist him with his work and provide tutoring services. Recognizing the importance of this matter, Harry reached out to Professor McGonagall to request a meeting.

Professor Minerva McGonagall was no stranger to Harry's determination and ambition. Having witnessed their previous discussions regarding important matters concerning their magical world, she understood that it was necessary for them to push the boundaries between mentor and student. As a powerful witch herself, Professor McGonagall had managed to maintain her youthful appearance through her mastery of magic.

In agreement with Harry's request, Professor McGonagall scheduled the meeting after dinner. This timing allowed both parties ample time to prepare themselves mentally for what lay ahead. The anticipation built as they each contemplated how this discussion would shape their future interactions and collaborations.

During dinner, Ginny eagerly attended her first Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA) lesson with Professor Yaxley. Surprisingly, she found herself deeply engaged and enlightened by the subject matter. However, her enthusiasm waned when it became apparent that Professor Yaxley held prejudiced views towards Muggle-borns and half-bloods - a sentiment that they had unfortunately anticipated.

Ginny recounted an incident where Colin answered a question correctly, only to be met with condescension from the professor. From that point on, it seemed as though only pureblood students were given opportunities to participate or answer any further questions.

As Harry glanced over at the head table during this disheartening revelation, he noticed Professor Slughorn seated next to Professor Yaxley. On the opposite end sat Professor Flitwick, Hagrid, and Professor Vector. Adjacent to them was none other than Professor McGonagall accompanied by Professor Sinistra. Harry enjoyed the rest of his dinner with his friends.

On his way to Professor McGonagall's office, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. Dorea had shared some insightful information about their headmistress that could potentially aid him in overcoming the formidable witch. As he entered the office, a wave of relief washed over him when he realized that it was only Professor McGonagall who awaited him there.

"Mr. Potter," she greeted warmly, motioning for him to take a seat in front of her desk. Eagerly complying, Harry sank into the plush chair, feeling its comforting embrace as he settled himself down.

With an amiable smile on her face, Professor McGonagall leaned forward and asked, "So what did you wish to discuss with me today?" Her tone conveyed genuine interest and willingness to assist.

Harry slowly pushed out more of his magic, a surge of power that he had harnessed to bring Hermione and Ginny under his control. As the energy flowed through him, Harry couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of authority. After all, he was now the head of the Potter household, responsible for carrying on its legacy.

In his rambling excitement, Harry began to articulate his desires for a more private space within Hogwarts. He longed for a sanctuary where he could retreat from the bustling halls and conduct any necessary family business. It wasn't just about having a room to himself; it was about establishing his presence as an influential figure in both magical society and within the school itself.

However, amidst this display of power and ambition, Dorea reminded Harry that Minerva McGonagall was no ordinary witch. She possessed years of experience and had encountered numerous wizards who had attempted to bend her will with mere displays of magic. This realization tempered Harry's enthusiasm slightly.

As Professor McGonagall listened intently to Harry's request, she couldn't help but acknowledge its audacity. "These are big requests Mr Potter," she remarked coolly. The idea of granting a private room to an ordinary student went against established norms at Hogwarts; such privileges were typically reserved for the headboy and girl.

"I understand the rules, but I was really hoping that you would consider making an exception just for me," Harry pleaded with Professor McGonagall. As he spoke, his magic swirled around the office like a mysterious mist, captivating anyone who lacked the strength to resist its allure. Feeling restless, Harry rose from his chair and began to stroll around the room, examining various objects along the way. Finally unable to contain his curiosity any longer, he turned towards Professor McGonagall and asked her about Professor Yaxley's hiring.

Professor McGonagall sighed softly before responding in a slightly strained voice, "I'm sorry Mr. Potter, but there are certain matters that I am not allowed to discuss with you. These discussions are reserved only for board members or ministry personnel working directly for the Department of Magical Education." Her words were tinged with weariness as she recalled her recent encounter with Harry's powerful magic during their conversation.

"I've been doing some research, and it seems that in the near future, I might have a chance to become part of the Hogwarts board or at least have someone representing me. Imagine that," Harry exclaimed enthusiastically. "I believe it's possible with the support of the Ministry and certain board members. Just think about how incredible it would be if we had a say in who gets to teach at our school," he emphasized, his eyes shining with excitement. "Instead of being forced into accepting whoever is assigned, we could handpick individuals who are not only capable but also fair to every student within Hogwarts."

Harry carefully placed an instrument back on the shelf as he continued sharing his thoughts. The idea of having control over such important decisions was truly captivating.

"It certainly sounds amazing," Professor McGonagall replied thoughtfully, her tone tinged with a hint of resignation. "However, this is how our world operates."

"What if things could be different?" Harry posed the question, his eyes filled with determination. "Minerva, I have a vision to change everything and I want you by my side at Hogwarts."

Minerva looked up from her desk, her expression thoughtful. "I'm just a headmistress of a school, Harry," she replied softly, using his first name for the first time in their conversation.

Harry stepped closer to Minerva's desk, his voice filled with conviction. "You underestimate yourself, Minerva. You are not just any headmistress; you are incredibly powerful and knowledgeable. Your wisdom would put any auror to shame."

As he stood before her, their eyes locked in an intense gaze. "Take your time to think about it," Harry offered sincerely. "But if you're interested, I would appreciate having private quarters at Hogwarts where I can conduct my business."

With those words hanging in the air between them, Harry turned and left the office. As he walked away, he couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and excitement about what he had just proposed.

Back in his own space now outside of Minerva's presence, Harry let out a sigh of relief tinged with anticipation. The encounter had been nerve-racking indeed but deep down, Harry knew that he was onto something important. The idea of having a say in the hiring process at Hogwarts was not just about personal preference, but about ensuring a fair and inclusive education for all students. He believed that by handpicking teachers who were not only knowledgeable but also empathetic and understanding, they could create an environment where every student had the opportunity to thrive.

On his way back to his dorm, Harry unexpectedly encountered Professor Sinistra. Startled but quick on his feet, he instinctively pushed out a burst of magic towards the professor as a reflexive defense mechanism. As he walked past her, he managed to maintain composure and politely greeted her without engaging in any further conversation.

Meanwhile, Aurora found herself turning a corner and let out a sigh of relief. She couldn't believe the audacity displayed by Mr. Potter at that moment. The encounter had left her feeling aroused and stimulated beneath her robes. Eager to find solace from these intense emotions, she hurriedly made her way back to her room.

Once inside the privacy of her own space, Aurora wasted no time shedding off her robes and slipping into a hot bath for some much-needed relaxation. Submerged in the warmth of the water, she allowed herself to indulge in pleasurable fantasies involving Harry claiming her as his witch. These thoughts fueled an intense desire within Aurora as she explored self-pleasure while envisioning this tantalizing scenario with Harry at its center.

upon reaching the portrait of the fat lady harry said the password and entered only find most of the students already in bed and only seeing hemrione sitting by the fire with a big heavy book in her lap reading. Harry smiled and quietly walked behind her, smiling he leaned down so his head was next to her. Hermione was so engrossed in her book she didn’t even realize Harry standing so close behind her. “it's getting late you know.” harry said surprised his brunette friend.

Harry couldn't help but smile as he quietly approached Hermione from behind. Leaning down so that his head was next to hers, he playfully startled her by speaking softly. Startled, Hermione exclaimed, "Harry! Don't do that, you prat! You know I get focused while I'm reading." She tucked her book away and scolded him good-naturedly.

Unable to resist teasing her further, Harry laughed and pulled Hermione into a gentle embrace before placing a tender kiss on her forehead. As they stood there together by the warm firelight, she asked about his meeting with Professor McGonagall.

"It went fine," Harry replied casually, his voice tinged with a hint of mystery. He chose not to divulge the intricate details of his secret discussions, knowing that there was more at stake than he could openly share.

Hermione's nerves were palpable as she mentioned their upcoming Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson with Professor Yaxley. The anticipation and uncertainty hung in the air, causing her words to tremble slightly.

Reassuringly, Harry responded by offering some advice. "Don't worry too much," he said calmly, trying to ease Hermione's apprehension. "Just take it all in stride and observe the situation first before making any moves."

However, deep down inside, Harry knew that staying quiet might prove challenging for Hermione. Her insatiable thirst for knowledge and unwavering passion for learning often propelled her into action without hesitation.

As if sensing her restlessness, Harry leaned closer and whispered an idea that caught Hermione's attention like a flicker of light illuminating a dark room. "We could make a little arrangement," he suggested intriguingly.

The possibilities swirled within Hermione's mind as she pondered over what this mysterious arrangement could entail. A glimmer of excitement danced in her eyes as she eagerly awaited further explanation from Harry.

Hermione's curiosity was piqued as she contemplated the kind of arrangement Harry was proposing. The mere thought of it seemed intriguing and filled her with anticipation. "Well, what if we make a little deal," Harry began, his voice tinged with excitement, "if you can ensure that Yaxley has absolutely no reason to speak out against you - because let's face it, we both know she will - then I suppose I should do something for you?" Hermione couldn't help but smile at his words; they held a promise of mutual support and collaboration.

With genuine interest, Hermione inquired further about the specifics of this proposed agreement. "Alright," she said eagerly, leaning in closer to Harry, "but what exactly would you be willing to do?" She wanted to understand the extent of his commitment before fully committing herself.

Harry met her gaze confidently and replied without hesitation, "Name it." His boldness only fueled Hermione's intrigue further. It seemed like he was ready to go above and beyond for their shared cause; an assurance that bolstered her trust in him even more.

Hermione's eyes slowly scanned from the top to the bottom of Harry's body, a slight bite on her lip revealing her contemplation. It was clear that she had something on her mind, but Harry knew better than to expect her to voice it directly. Instead, he decided to bridge the gap and move closer towards her.

With a gentle tone, he inquired, "Have you made a decision? Is there a particular dress that caught your eye? Or perhaps a potion or book that piqued your interest?"

Stammering slightly, Hermione responded with an almost whispered plea, "I... I want a private study night." A mischievous smirk tugged at the corners of Harry's lips as he recognized Hermione's attempt at masking her true intentions. She wasn't fooling anyone; what she truly desired was some much-needed privacy.

Feigning innocence and curiosity, Harry played along and replied nonchalantly, "Sure thing! Did you have anything specific in mind that you wanted to delve into during our study session?"

Hermione's heart raced as she quickly responded, her cheeks turning a shade of crimson. "Will see then," she managed to say, trying to hide the excitement in her voice.

"Alright, I'm heading to bed. See you tomorrow at breakfast," Harry said with a warm smile. Hermione nodded, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness for their upcoming meeting. But before she could make her way out of the room, Harry surprised her with a gentle kiss on the cheek.

Her hand instinctively reached up to touch the spot where his lips had briefly touched her skin. A rush of warmth spread through her body as she blushed even deeper shades of red. With butterflies fluttering in her stomach, Hermione hurriedly made her way back to the safety and solace of her dormitory.

As she lay in bed that night, thoughts of Harry's sweet gesture played over and over again in Hermione's mind.

Next day.

Harry and Hermione sat together in the front row of the DADA classroom. He could almost feel Hermione’s nervousness about the first lesson with professor Yaxley. “welcome.” professor Yaxley said, closing the door to her classroom. “I am Professor Yaxley, your new DADA teacher, I have a background as a unspeakable. Are there any questions?” she asked the class. Hermione held her own hands trying to stop herself from asking anything.

Harry, feeling a surge of adrenaline, placed his hand reassuringly on her thigh to calm her nerves. It was crucial for them to remain quiet and composed in order to fully immerse themselves in the upcoming lesson. As Professor Yaxley continued with her instructions, it became evident that she wanted a more practical approach from her students.

In an unexpected turn of events, the room underwent a transformation as all the tables were swiftly cleared away. The Gryffindors instinctively gathered on one side while their Slytherin counterparts assembled on the other. The atmosphere grew tense with anticipation as Professor Yaxley announced a thrilling challenge: "Slytherin versus Gryffindor! I want one representative from each house to face off against each other using hexes from this year or below."

It was not surprising to witness the air of confidence and knowledge that exuded from the Slytherins as they gathered, their mastery over various hexes evident through their poised demeanor. Among them, Draco Malfoy wasted no time in stepping forward, his eagerness palpable as he sought yet another opportunity to establish himself. On the other hand, a sense of hesitancy seemed to permeate through most Gryffindors who stood alongside them, unsure of their own abilities when compared to their cunning counterparts. Hermione Granger herself appeared visibly nervous at this prospect.

As Professor Yaxley took charge and prepared to initiate the challenge, her words held an air of authority and expectation. "Good," she acknowledged with a nod. "On my mark, let us begin." With those decisive words hanging in the air, Professor Yaxley conjured a small spark that shimmered brightly before fading away.

Draco wasted no time in launching a barrage of offensive hexes at Harry. However, this did not faze Harry much, as he had practiced countless duels with Bella back home. He was well-acquainted with many defensive spells and effortlessly blocked Draco's hexes with the Salvio Hexia charm. As he expertly defended himself, Harry couldn't help but put on a show for the professor and some of the girls in the classroom.

Amidst the duel, Harry glanced over to Daphne and Tracey, who were watching him intently. Smirking mischievously, he swiftly fired an incredibly fast stinging hex towards Draco's wand hand. The intense pain caused Draco to drop his wand immediately. Professor Yaxley let out a sigh of disappointment and halted the duel.

"That was quite disappointing, Mr Malfoy," she said sternly. "Get back in line and start practicing again." Her annoyance was evident in her tone as she addressed Draco. Meanwhile, Harry couldn't help but smile as he turned his attention back to his fellow Gryffindors.

While all the students continued their practice duels with each other, Professor Yaxley made her way around the classroom offering advice to them individually. Harry couldn't help but notice how she focused on Hermione as she practiced with Daphne. It seemed that Hermione's nerves started to get the best of her when the professor's gaze lingered on her for longer periods of time, searching for any mistake she could find.

Daphne, on the other hand, tried to hold back under Yaxley's watchful eye. However, it didn't take long for Professor Yaxley to grow annoyed with Daphne's restraint and shout at her to stop holding back. The command caught Daphne off guard, causing her to bite her lip in hesitation before finally letting go and giving it her all.

Meanwhile, despite being great at many things, Hermione still struggled with stopping all incoming hexes. It was only a matter of time before one broke through and caused Hermione's wand to fall from her grip. Without missing a beat, Professor Yaxley immediately summoned the fallen wand towards herself.

"Granger is it?" Professor Yaxley raised an eyebrow as she carefully examined the wand in her hands. Her tone held a hint of curiosity as she observed Hermione. "That's quite an uncommon name for a witch," she remarked, prompting Hermione to feel like all eyes in the room were fixated on her. The pressure to respond weighed heavily upon her, causing her to hesitate.

Unfazed by Hermione's silence, Professor Yaxley persisted with a touch of annoyance in her voice. "Care to elaborate?" The question hung in the air, demanding an explanation from Hermione. However, before she could gather herself and find words to reply, Harry sensed his friend's unease and decided he had endured enough.

Summoning every ounce of his magical power, Harry pushed out his energy towards the professor with forceful determination. His intention was clear - diverting attention away from Hermione and onto himself. Startled by this unexpected display of magic, Professor Yaxley turned towards Harry with surprise etched across her face.

Caught off guard by Harry's intervention, the professor momentarily forgot about pressing Hermione further. Sensing an opportunity to protect his friend even more fiercely now, Harry spoke up boldly: "Is there something you would like to say Mr Potter?"

Professor Yaxley's eyes narrowed at Harry. She was clearly taken aback by his audacity and the sudden shift in attention. Harry could feel the tension in the room rise as all eyes turned to him, waiting for his response. But he stood his ground, determined not to let Professor Yaxley intimidate him.

In that moment, Harry felt a surge of confidence as he stared back at Professor Yaxley. He knew he had to choose his words carefully, as the outcome could greatly impact both himself and Hermione. Taking a deep breath, he spoke with conviction.

"Professor Yaxley, I believe that Hermione's name is not relevant to the current situation at hand," Harry began, his voice steady and unwavering. "We are all here to learn and grow as witches and wizards, regardless of our names or backgrounds. It is important to focus on the task at hand rather than getting caught up in trivialities."

The room fell silent as Harry's words hung in the air. Professor Yaxley's expression softened slightly, her initial annoyance giving way to contemplation. After a moment of silence, she returned the wand and kept quiet untill the end of the lesson.


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