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Chapter 2

Harry held Lily tightly in his arms, their bodies pressed together as they sat on the comfortable couch in anticipation of Dorea's return from her long day at the wizengamot. The room was enveloped in a cozy warmth, with soft cushions supporting them and a gentle flickering fire casting dancing shadows on the walls.

Suddenly, as if on cue, the door swung open and there stood Dorea, her face etched with exhaustion and frustration. She dropped her belongings onto the floor without even sparing them a glance. Her eyes swept over the scene before her - Harry and Lily sitting so intimately close to each other on that very couch - almost like lovers lost in an enchanting moment.

A mixture of surprise and curiosity flashed across Harry's face as he noticed Dorea's reaction. He couldn't help but wonder what thoughts were swirling through her mind at that very moment. Sensing his confusion, Dorea let out a weary sigh before finally speaking up.

"I suppose it was only a matter of time," she remarked dryly, unable to hide both amusement and resignation in her voice. Slowly making her way towards them, she joined their embrace by taking the spot next to Harry that he had silently offered.

Dorea joined both Potters on the couch, sinking into its soft cushions as her tired body found solace in its embrace. With a heavy sigh escaping her lips, she conveyed the weight of the day's burdens to Harry. "That kind of a day?" he inquired gently, his concern evident in his voice.

A weary smile played upon Dorea's lips as she replied, "You have no idea." The exhaustion etched across her face hinted at the trials and tribulations she had endured throughout the day. Leaning back against the couch, she continued to share her frustrations with Harry.

Dorea recounted, "Longbottom also seemed to be caught up in a whirlwind of displeasure today." Harry nodded empathetically, understanding all too well how one bad day could cast a shadow over everything else.

As they commiserate together on their shared struggles, Dorea revealed another layer of frustration. "To make matters worse," she sighed heavily once more, "my niece had suggested pushing forward an important meeting." The mere mention of it caused her shoulders to slump further under the weight of disappointment.

Lily smiled affectionately as she gently ran her fingers through Harry's soft, unruly hair. "How considerate," she remarked with a hint of sarcasme in her voice. Positioned on the opposite side of Harry.

Dorea turned her gaze towards the heartwarming scene before her and nodded appreciatively. "Yes, it was quite thoughtful of my nephew Cygnus to purposely prolong the meeting," she replied with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Eagerly taking this opportunity to share and connect further with each other, Harry began recounting the events of his birthday: As they engaged in an animated conversation filled with laughter and empathy.

"Wow, it was truly an incredible day! Not only did all of my friends show up, including Narcissa, Bella, and Andy, but even Sirius and Hestia managed to make an appearance. Although their visit was unfortunately short-lived, lasting only about an hour." Harry excitedly recounted the events of the day.

But amidst the revelry and joyous atmosphere, Dorea had something important to discuss with Harry. As he had come of age, she reminded him that there would be no more delays from the Ministry in his role as the head of the prestigious Potter family. With a serious tone in her voice, she explained that being the last male Potter alive meant that all titles and authority now fell upon him.

Harry paused for a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. "Well... I have been thinking about this for quite some time," he began contemplatively. "While I am at Hogwarts pursuing my education, I still want you to hold my seat in the Wizengamot." Dorea nodded understandingly; she had anticipated this request from Harry.

His determination grew stronger as he continued speaking passionately. "I want to bring about real change for the better," Harry declared firmly. "I want to make a significant and lasting impact on the world, striving to bring about tangible improvements in society. It deeply troubles me to witness instances where individuals like Hermione are unfairly targeted by certain teachers simply because of their muggleborn status. Similarly, it is disheartening to see someone as talented as Penelope being relegated to the role of a mere delivery girl when she possesses immense potential to excel in more prestigious positions such as an unspeakable or even beyond. Both Hermione and Penelope deserve so much more than what they have been given thus far! And not just them, but everyone deserves better opportunities and treatment." Harry passionately expressed his thoughts while locking eyes with Lily, conveying his unwavering determination for change.

Lily's heart fluttered as she leaned in, a smile playing on her lips, ready to plant a gentle kiss on Harry's waiting mouth. The warmth of their connection enveloped them both, filling the air with anticipation and love.

In the midst of this intimate moment, Dorea couldn't help but interject with curiosity about Harry's grand vision for the world. She wanted to know if he had formulated a plan that could bring about meaningful change and progress.

Harry paused briefly, his mind racing to articulate his thoughts clearly. "Well," he began thoughtfully, "I have an idea that revolves around uniting a diverse group of talented witches who can occupy influential positions across society. I want to challenge the notion that leadership roles should solely be reserved for wizards." As he spoke these words, determination shone in his eyes and resonated in every syllable.

Dorea sat in rapt attention, her eyes fixed on Harry as he passionately articulated his hopes and dreams. she found herself nodding along fervently. It was clear to her that Harry possessed a profound longing for a world where magical beings of all backgrounds - muggleborns, halfbloods, and every other classification - would be granted the same rights and opportunities within the wizarding community.

As he delved deeper into his beliefs, Harry's voice brimmed with an unwavering determination. His desire for greater equality resonated strongly with Dorea; after all, who could deny the inherent worthiness of individuals irrespective of their blood status? The mere mention of muggleborns and halfbloods being denied equal rights stirred a sense of indignation within Harry.

However, it was when he broached the topic of creatures in connection to equal rights that disgust tinged Harry's words. The very notion that Fleur Delacour or any other magical being could be labeled as such left him incredulous. He couldn't fathom how some fanatics had reduced someone like Fleur to the level of a repulsive beast during the Triwizard Tournament.

"It's a good thing you're such a remarkably powerful wizard," Dorea said, her mischievous smirk widening. Harry turned to her, his expression filled with confusion. "You see, in our world, people are naturally drawn to those who possess immense power and expertise in magic." Despite Dorea's explanation, Harry still seemed unable to fully grasp the concept. "That's why it comes as no surprise that countless witches desire your company. And when it comes to someone like Fleur, who happens to be a veela herself, the attraction towards a skilled wizard like yourself becomes even more intense." As the realization dawned on him, Harry found himself at a loss for words. Dorea continued with an air of certainty in her voice. "Don't be taken aback if you find yourself surrounded by more veela in the future. They have an uncanny ability to sense power within wizards better than any other being alive."

"So from what I can hear," Harry said cautiously, his voice tinged with a hint of concern, "it seems like both of you are in favor of me continuing with this plan." As he spoke, he couldn't help but feel a knot of anxiety forming in his stomach. The potential risks and consequences that could arise from their actions weighed heavily on his mind. However, despite these reservations, Lily and Dorea appeared resolute in their decision to follow along.

"And not only that," Lily interjected confidently, her eyes sparkling mischievously as she continued, "we're also fully on board with the idea of creating a harem along the way." Her words hung in the air for a moment as she exchanged an amused glance with Dorea. The thought of such an unconventional arrangement added another layer of complexity to their already daring plan.

Harry's eyes widened in disbelief upon hearing his mother's bold statement. He couldn't believe what he was hearing - it was as if a whole new side of her had been unveiled before him.

“What she means to say is that more than one witch will be interested in a romantic relationship.” Lily said, kissing his cheek. Harry’s eyebrows shot up. “It’s not unheard of, rumores about Merlin, Godric and Salazar all seemed to suggest they had a harem of witches around them.” Lily said.

Lily continued, delving into the intriguing history of legendary wizards. "It's not unheard of," she explained, her tone tinged with fascination. "Rumors surrounding figures like Merlin, Godric Gryffindor, and Salazar Slytherin have often hinted at their entanglements with a multitude of witches. It seems they were surrounded by a harem of devoted admirers."

Curiosity piqued within Harry as he absorbed this information. He couldn't help but wonder about his own potential future and what it might entail. Turning to Lily and seeking clarification from her wise perspective, he asked hesitantly, "What do you two think about that? I mean...I'm no Merlin or anything like that...but for me to create a harem?"

Lily smiled at him before sharing her perspective. "Harry," she said gently but confidently, "if you want to improve the world, it will happen eventually."

"Most purebloods are very aware of this," Dorea began, her voice filled with a knowing tone. "Girls like Daphne and Ginny, they understand the expectations placed upon them. They know what it means to present themselves in a certain way." She paused for a moment before continuing, "Even Molly, though she may act as if she's above the norm, was married to Arthur just like any other pureblood would be. And I wouldn't be surprised if she courted Ginny in the same traditional manner."

Dorea then turned her attention to muggleborn girls. "Now, they might pose a bit more of a challenge," she admitted thoughtfully. "But given that you're such a handsome and kind young man, I have no doubt that they would be more than willing to consider you." A warm smile graced her face as she spoke.

Lily chimed in with an intriguing insight. "And here's something interesting: unbeknownst to them, their own magic seems to push them towards you," she revealed with excitement evident in her voice. "Take Hermione and Penelope for example; I believe they would both be more than willing participants if we were to make an educated guess." As Lily mentioned his friends' names, he couldn't help but imagine being in bed with all of them.

"Although Hogwarts students are undoubtedly talented, we need more than just their skills for this plan to succeed," Dorea emphasized.

Harry pondered the possibilities and began listing off names of exceptional witches who he believed would be perfect additions to their cause. "Narcissa, Bella, Andy, Amelia...and let's not forget about Headmistress McGonagall and Professor Sinistra," Harry mused aloud. He was confident that these individuals possessed the necessary expertise and influence to make a significant impact.

Grinning with satisfaction at his choices thus far, Harry continued strategizing. "Headmistress McGonagall already holds me in high regard, while Professor Sinistra has shown great favor towards me as well." Recognizing the importance of maintaining some stability within Hogwarts' faculty, Harry decided against replacing Professor Flitwick. Not only was he competent but also had unique qualities as a half-goblin.

As Harry contemplated his vision for Hogwarts' future, it became clear that assembling a team of powerful witches in their prime would be crucial for achieving success in his grand plan.

Dorea nodded thoughtfully, her curiosity piqued. "Who did you have in mind?" she asked Harry, eager to hear his ideas. As Harry's gaze shifted towards Lily, a spark of excitement ignited within Dorea. Perhaps this was an opportunity for them to create the ideal teaching staff at Hogwarts.

"I was hoping you would like to teach potions," Harry replied, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "And maybe Bella for defense," he continued, mentioning another potential candidate. But he didn't stop there; he had even more ideas brewing in his mind. "We could also consider Fleur and make Hagrid an actual Professor."

Lily and Dorea couldn't help but smile when Harry mentioned Hagrid. The lovable half-giant had always held a special place in their hearts.

However, Dorea's curiosity got the better of her as she pondered how exactly they would convince someone like Professor Sinistra to join their cause. She turned to Harry with genuine intrigue in her eyes and posed a question that had been lingering on her mind: "How do you plan to persuade someone like Professor Sinistra? Have you heard about the power some witches possess...the ability to bind others through intimate means?"

“How do you plan to get, for example, Professor Sinstra to join you?” Dorea was curious if Harry knows about the power to simply bind a witch to his will through sex. It was highly unusual but in some of the family libraries it had been heard of. The black library had many books about enslaving witches or even muggles from decades ago. The potter library had more ritual based books about, some sex rituals would allow the participants to telepathically communicate while others would merge their magical knowledge to a certain extent.

"Well, I hadn't thought of that just yet," Harry said, his brows furrowing as he sought guidance. He was in a predicament and needed some sound advice to navigate through it.

"Seduce them," Dorea suggested with a mischievous glint in her eyes. As they discussed Professor Sinstra's situation, she hinted at the possibility of the professor harboring secret desires for an intimate relationship with one of her students. It was an intriguing idea that could potentially offer a solution to Harry's dilemma.

Harry raised an eyebrow skeptically at Dorea's suggestion. While he acknowledged its potential effectiveness, he couldn't help but express his reservations about putting such a plan into action. After all, seducing someone is no easy task and requires finesse and tact.

As they delved deeper into their conversation, Harry contemplated the complexities involved in pursuing this unconventional path. He pondered whether it would be worth risking professional boundaries and potentially compromising his own integrity for the sake of achieving his desired outcome.

"Is that so?" Dorea raised her eyebrow, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. Her eyes sparkled with a glint that was unmistakably inherited from the prestigious House of Black. "You know, you still have two more days until your first day at Hogwarts," she continued, leaning in closer to Harry. "I have an idea. How about I teach you some enchanting tricks and techniques that most witches would absolutely adore a wizard to perform for them? And then," she paused for effect, "you can apply these newfound skills on a witch of my choosing within the confines of this very house."

Harry's interest was piqued as he contemplated Dorea's proposal. The prospect of learning secret spells and seductive maneuvers intrigued him greatly. After all, who wouldn't want to impress someone they desired? With a nod and a hint of excitement in his voice, he replied confidently, "Deal."

Little did Harry know that this innocent agreement would unveil an unexpected journey into the world of charm and allure – one filled with tantalizing secrets and hidden desires waiting to be explored under Dorea's expert guidance.

The next day.

Harry and Dorea sat comfortably in her spacious study, surrounded by shelves filled with ancient tomes and magical artifacts. The soft glow of candlelight illuminated the room, creating an atmosphere of warmth and intimacy.

With a thoughtful expression on her face, Dorea leaned forward, eager to share her extensive knowledge with Harry. She began explaining the intricate dynamics of relationships within the wizarding world, particularly focusing on witches who craved attention or longed for affection.

"Narcissa," she started, her voice tinged with empathy for the woman trapped in a loveless marriage. "Oh Harry, if you were to show even the slightest hint of subtle affection towards Narcissa Malfoy, she would be utterly captivated by you."

Dorea's words hung in the air as Harry absorbed this newfound understanding. He couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and sympathy for Narcissa – a woman whose heart yearned for genuine connection amidst a life devoid of love.

As he contemplated this revelation, his mind wandered through different scenarios where he could offer solace to Narcissa without compromising his own principles. Perhaps it was time for him to embrace not only his role as a powerful wizard but also as someone capable of bringing comfort and happiness into others' lives.

"Subtle?" Harry asked, his curiosity piqued. He couldn't help but wonder what Dorea meant by that intriguing term.

Dorea leaned in closer, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she explained further. "When I say subtle, I mean the art of complimenting her in ways that catch her off guard," she began. "Imagine lightly brushing your fingers against hers when passing an object or whispering sweet words into her ear when she least expects it."

As Dorea continued to elaborate on the concept of subtlety, Harry found himself captivated by her words. It was all about making the woman feel desired and appreciated without being too obvious about it.

"And let's not forget admiring her openly," Dorea added with a knowing smile. "It's about letting your gaze linger just long enough for her to notice, but not so much that it becomes uncomfortable." The idea of subtly expressing admiration towards someone intrigued Harry; he had never thought of it as an effective way to make someone feel wanted before.

But then came the unexpected twist - dirty talk. As Dorea mentioned this aspect, a mischievous grin spread across her face. "Of course," she said playfully, "a little bit of naughty banter can go a long way."

"You really thought this out, didn't you?" Harry said. Dorea smirked at him.

“I asked Lily to invite a certain person over for you to seduce and get into bed.“ Dorea said. “I want you to make her submit to you.” Dorea went on making harry nervous. “Don’t worry I think you’ll be more than capable of making her submit to you once you have her in bed.” Dorea had asked Lily to call over Bella as their little test subject for Harry to seduce.

Bella and Lily sat at the table talking about nothing meaningful because as soon as Harry entered the room Lily smiled at him pulling a chair for him to sit on. Harry joined the women at the table. Harry knows Bella is attracted to powerful wizards; she dated a few of them but it always ended early with nothing lasting more than a few weeks, maybe a month or 2 at most. While he listened to Bella and Lily talk Harry began pushing out his magic focusing mostly towards Bella. Bella had a little stumble while she talked but didn’t openly respond to it. This went on for a couple minutes until he stopped. Bella looked at him challengingly, Harry left for his room awaiting her arrival.

An few minutes later, feeling satisfied with his efforts, Harry lay on his bed and prepared. Bella would certainly challenge him when she arrived, there was a gentle knock on his door. "Come in," he called out curiously.

Bella entered the room and closed the door behind her. Holding her wand in hand, she moved around seductively while making spells around the room. The atmosphere became charged with anticipation as Bella ventured closer towards the foot of Harry's bed. “What game are you playing?” She asked.

Harry left his bed walking towards Bella standing only a few inches from her he looked in her eyes. “Many wizards tried and failed. Do you want to be next?” Bella said almost with a bit of sadness in her voice.

“Why would I fail, you felt it my magic. Do you need more convincing?” Harry said as a matter of fact. “We can duel.” Harry this was bluf Bella could crush him without her wand.

“We don’t need to duel.” Bella said, her voice a bit breathless. Harry could almost sense that she was enjoying this challenge.

“Than why do you resist.” Harry said slowly taking her hand. Bella allowed it as Harry took her wand from her hands. “Its been a while hasn’t it.” He said looking over Bella’s form. She nodded only a little. “Such a shame.” Harry said. “I suppose the only explaintion could be you saving yourself for me.” No other wizard would could tame the famed Bellatrix black other than he. Bella nodded again. Harry got next to her ear. “You want this don’t you.” He said as a fact. Bella nodded again, harry pulled back with a grin. Letting go of her hands he walked back to the bed and laid down.

"You know what to do," Harry stated confidently, keeping a close eye on Bella's every move.

A mischievous smile played across Bella's lips as she sensually ran her hands over her body. The sight of this beautiful woman standing before him caused Harry to let out an involuntary groan; he couldn't resist being captivated by her allure.

"I like to hear you say it," Bella purred teasingly in response to Harry's command. Harry's heart raced with excitement as Bella continued to tease him. He knew exactly what she wanted, and he was more than willing to oblige.

"Strip," Harry commanded, his voice filled with desire. Bella eagerly obeyed, her fingers deftly working to undo the buttons of her corset. With each button that came undone, her cleavage became more pronounced, teasingly revealing a glimpse of what lay beneath. A mischievous smile played on Bella's lips as she positioned herself at the foot of the bed, one leg gracefully lifted to showcase her long leather boots that accentuated her slender legs.

Leaning forward ever so slightly, Bella ensured that Harry had an unobstructed view of her enticing cleavage. The anticipation in his eyes fueled her confidence as she slowly reached for the zipper on one of her boots. Her fingers glide effortlessly along its length, gradually unveiling the elegant curve of her foot hidden within.

With a flick of Bella's wrist and a subtle tug at the heel, the boot slipped off and landed softly onto the floor below. She took a moment to savor this small act of seduction before placing her barefoot delicately upon the plush surface of the bed beside it – an invitation for further exploration and intimacy between them.

Shifting her position slightly, Bella gracefully proceeded to do the same with her other boot. With a mischievous smirk playing on her lips, she confidently stood before Harry, now barefoot and prepared to remove her long robe. Loosening the string that held it together, she began to swirl around in an elegant motion, almost as if performing a mesmerizing dance. As the fabric of her robe effortlessly slipped off her body, cascading down to the floor at her feet like a delicate waterfall, Bella revealed to him the sight of her enchantingly creamy white long legs. It was as though time had momentarily frozen as he took in this captivating display before him.

Bella slowly crawled onto the soft, inviting bed, positioning herself on Harry's crotch. With a sensual grace, she reached up and pulled her corset over her head, revealing her lacy bra and panties underneath. As Bella settled herself in Harry's lap, she couldn't help but ask with a mischievous smile, "Did you enjoy that?"

Harry's eyes sparkled with desire as he responded huskily,"you're not finished yet." his hands trailing tantalizing circles on the delicate skin of her soles. Belle closed her eyes momentarily to savor the sensations coursing through her body. Feeling an overwhelming need to please him further, she took a deep breath and let her hands slide behind her back to unclip her bra.

Bella glanced at Harry through lowered lashes as the now-loose bra hung seductively from only one shoulder. The intensity in his gaze sent shivers down Bella's spine; it was clear he wanted more - and he wanted it now.

With a playful yet commanding gesture of raising his eyebrow, Harry silently demanded that Bella hurry up. A wicked grin played upon Bella's lips as she placed one finger against them suggestively, signaling for him to use his mouth instead.

In response to this incredibly alluring and irresistible invitation, Harry couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through his veins. With bated breath, he leaned forward eagerly, inching closer until his head found itself nestled between her inviting breasts. The anticipation was palpable as he used his teeth to delicately grasp hold of the tantalizing bra that covered her treasures.

Exerting a gentle yet determined force, Harry tugged back with fervor, skillfully maneuvering the bra in his teeth as if it were a prized possession. Finally achieving success in liberating Bella's exquisite assets from their lacy confinement, he couldn't suppress an exhilarated sigh.

Leaning back against the plush headboard of the bed, Harry allowed himself to fully appreciate the sight before him. Bella's flawless pale white breasts stood proudly on display like ethereal works of art.

Reaching out with a mix of anticipation and desire, Harry gently placed his hands on Bella's breasts, feeling their softness beneath his fingertips. As he squeezed them ever so slightly, a wave of pleasure coursed through both of them. Bella couldn't help but let out a low moan, her own longing growing stronger as she felt the pressure building between her legs.

With an instinctual movement, she slowly began to shift against him, seeking the undeniable hardness that pressed against her from underneath his pants. The friction created by their bodies moving in sync ignited a fire within them both - an intense heat that seemed to consume every inch of their beings.

As Harry continued exploring Bella's breasts with adoration and skillful caresses, he could feel her responding eagerly to his touch. Her breath grew heavier with every passing second. Harry felt rather constricted in his pants now with Bella's movements.

"Ride me," Harry whispered seductively, his voice filled with desire. Bella's gaze shifted downwards to meet his eyes, and in that moment, he could see the unmistakable lust reflected in her own. Slowly, she pulled away from him, her fingers deftly undoing his belt as anticipation hung thick in the air. With a slight lift of his hips, Harry allowed Bella to remove his pants completely.

As the fabric fell away, revealing Harry's impressive tented boxers, Bella couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement course through her veins. Her delicate fingers wrapped around the waistband of his boxers and expertly tugged them down until they revealed what had been concealed beneath all along - a massive appendage that left no room for doubt about its capabilities.

A mischievous smirk danced across Bella's lips as she wasted no time shedding her own panties and positioning herself above him. The anticipation was palpable as their bodies connected in an electrifying embrace. A deep groan escaped from Harry's throat as he instinctively gripped onto Bella's hips tightly.

"Mmmhhhh yes," Bella moaned sensually, her voice laced with longing and pleasure. She began to move her hips rhythmically against him, relishing in the sensation of him filling her completely. "I missed this."

"Missed it?" Harry chuckled, his laughter intermingling with the sound of his labored breaths. Bella, filled with excitement and pleasure, eagerly bounced up and down on top of him, her movements synchronized perfectly to their passionate rhythm. As he continued to explore her body with a firm grip on her breasts, Bella's moans grew in intensity as he continued to pleasure her, his skilled touch and attentive movements driving her closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy. Every breath gasp that escaped her lips was a testament to the overwhelming pleasure she was experiencing in his hands. The way her body writhed beneath him only fueled his desire to bring her over the brink of pleasure, knowing that he was the one responsible for unraveling her in such an intoxicating way. As Bella's moans reached their peak, he could sense that she was on the precipice of release, eagerly awaiting that final push into blissful surrender.

Their bodies moved in perfect harmony, each thrust bringing them closer to the pinnacle of pleasure. The room was filled with the sounds of their passionate moans and the rhythmic slapping of skin against skin. Harry's hands roamed freely over Bella's body, exploring every curve and crevice with an intensity that only heightened their desire for one another.

"Ahhhh Harrryyy," Bella screamed out in ecstasy as waves of pleasure washed over her, causing her juices to spray all over him. The intensity of the moment was overwhelming, and Harry couldn't help but let out a deep groan of satisfaction as he released his seed straight into her. Their bodies intertwined in a passionate embrace.

Bella and Harry were lying together, with Bella gently stroking Harry's hair. As they enjoyed their intimate moment, Bella couldn't help but bring up a topic that had been on her mind.

Harry sighed softly, feeling both excitement and uncertainty about taking such a significant step. He reached out to rub his hand soothingly over Bella's thigh.

“You planned this didn’t you?” Bella said. Harry smiled and gave a nod. “Lily is aware of this too?” He nodded again. “Does Dorea know?”

“She helped me in fact.” Harry said. “Do you mind?” Bella left his chest smirking at him with a glint in her eyes.

“Who’s next?” She asked. Harry grinned and pulled her down kissing her hard.

"Mostly making sure my friends will be with us, and hogwarts staff.” He said. Bella nodded along. "Professor McGonagall seems to have taken a liking to me. She's always there for support whenever I encounter any issues or when idiots insult Hermione - she swiftly puts them in detention when I call them out." Bella couldn't help but smile at the thought of Professor McGonagall using her authority for their benefit. It was remarkable how magic allowed witches and wizards to maintain a youthful appearance despite their actual age.

"And then there's Professor Sinistra," Harry continued with a playful tone. "She tries to act unaffected by my advances, but it's quite evident that she enjoys putting on a show during her classes when everyone else is preoccupied." The nickname ‘dark queen of the night’ had been bestowed upon Professor Sinistra; the beautiful professor was the thoughts of many male students.

"Well done! Having McGonagall and Sinistra on your side will definitely be adventege," Bella remarked, impressed by Harry's progress. "But don't forget about the other professors as well. Flattery can go a long way, especially with someone like Professor Slughorn. He loves to surround himself with talented and influential individuals."

"I know," Harry said with a mischievous grin, teasing Bella playfully. He knew exactly how to push her buttons. In response, Bella smacked his arm lightly, trying to hide her amusement.

"Ah, you know I wouldn't miss out on the opportunity to tease you," Harry replied cheekily. "But don't worry, he won't be joining us in any intimate scenarios."

Bella rolled her eyes at Harry's comment but couldn't help but smile. "I know that, you prat!" she exclaimed mockingly. "I won't let him get anywhere near me like you do." She paused for a moment before adding with a sly smirk, "Especially not when compared to your magnificent cock." As Bella sat up straighter and crossed her arms defiantly, both of them burst into laughter at the absurdity of their banter.

Harry, with a commanding presence, gently grasped Bella's chin between his fingers. His voice filled with authority as he posed the question, "From now on, you will be mine, won't you?" Bella's eyes sparkled with excitement as she eagerly nodded in agreement. Harry continued to assert his dominance by stating firmly, "You will do anything I want." Once again, Bella nodded enthusiastically.

Not content with just her compliance, Harry pushed further and declared triumphantly, "I can have any witch I desire." A mischievous grin spread across Bella's face as she wholeheartedly nodded in affirmation. Unable to resist their intense connection any longer, Harry captured her lips in a fierce kiss that left no doubt about who was in control.

After indulging in their passionate moment together for a while longer, Harry and Bella eventually made their way back to the living room. To their surprise and relief, Lily and Dorea were waiting for them there with warm smiles on their faces. Dorea couldn't help but tease lightly as she remarked playfully to Bella, "Good thing she didn't hex you!" Lily rose from her seat and approached Harry affectionately planting a loving kiss on his cheek.

"You want something to drink?" Lily asked him with a warm smile, her eyes glancing over at Harry. He nodded appreciatively, his throat feeling parched after the long conversation they had just engaged in. Bella, sitting nearby, caught Lily's gaze and equally nodded in agreement. "Yes please," she chimed in softly.

Lily excused herself from the table, promising to be back shortly with their requested beverages. As Harry and Bella took a seat around the cozy table, they couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort settling over them. The atmosphere was relaxed yet intimate - perfect for sharing stories and getting to know each other better.

Bella playfully nudged Dorea who sat across from her, teasingly encouraging her to give Harry a chance. "You should give him a try," she whispered mischievously before turning her attention towards Harry again. With an amused expression on her face, Bella continued, "Harry is very thorough." She couldn't help but notice that he seemed slightly flustered by the compliment as his cheeks turned a faint shade of pink.

“You're a natural.” Bella said. Harry looked up from his thoughts. “Only a little assistance from Dorea and that was enough.”

“I’ve had my short little adventures at Hogwarts if you must know.” Harry almost looked offended.

“Oh I’m well aware, was it Fleur who gave you a blo-“ Bella got cut off by Harry.

“Right!” Harry said loudly. The women in the room laughed.

“Harry dear, you might as well let her talk about it because next time Bella or I will join you.” Lily said.

“Maybe even both.” Bella said looking at Harry's crotch licking her lips overly suggestive. Harry groaned, annoyed shifting in his seat.

"Alright you two," Dorea said, her voice filled with a mix of determination and concern. She turned her attention to Harry, who had just proposed the idea of adding McGonagall to his harem as a means of gaining control over Hogwarts. However, Dorea knew that such an approach would not be sufficient in achieving their ultimate goal. "Harry," she continued, her tone serious yet thoughtful, "while having McGonagall on your side is undoubtedly advantageous, we mustn't overlook the importance of securing influence over the school board as well."

As Harry absorbed this information, he couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency creeping up within him. He realized that controlling Hogwarts required more than just individual alliances; it necessitated strategic control over key decision-makers within the institution.

Curiosity piqued, Harry's gaze met Dorea's as he posed an important question: "Who exactly sits on this influential board?"

Dorea took a brief pause, allowing herself a moment to collect her thoughts and ensure that she provided the most accurate information possible. The importance of having reliable and precise details at their disposal could not be overstated. With a resolute expression firmly etched on her face, she responded with unwavering determination: "In order to confirm all members, I will need to conduct a thorough double-check. However, one name that particularly stands out is Lucius Malfoy." Her voice held an air of certainty as she continued, "Additionally, I believe Mr Greengrass may also be involved in this matter."

By taking the time to carefully consider her response and emphasizing the necessity for accuracy, Dorea demonstrated her commitment to ensuring they had the correct information before proceeding further.

Harry quickly formulated a plan in his mind. "Malfoy will be replaced by Narcissa," he thought, pondering the possibilities. "And maybe I can use Daphne to get to her mother." The idea seemed promising - using Daphne as a means to gain access to Evangeline, it would certainly make it easier to keep everything quiet for now.

Dorea, intrigued by Harry's proposal, chimed in with her thoughts. "That could work," she said, considering the plan from various angles. She continued, "If we go through with this approach and utilize Daphne's connection, we can maintain a level of secrecy that is crucial at this stage."

Realizing the importance of thorough planning, Dorea offered her assistance further. "I'll gather a comprehensive list for you," she suggested. "This way you can review and assess any potential replacements that may be necessary along the way." She reassured Harry that replacing certain names wouldn't pose much of an issue.


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