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The great hall buzzed with students from the three schools enjoying breakfast. Harry sat between Hermione and Ginny, savoring his meal. As usual, at this time of day, nearly every male in the school lost focus and gazed as Fleur and Suzette entered the hall for breakfast. Dressed in blue, they walked past many fellow students before joining Harry, Hermione, and Ginny at the Gryffindor table.

When the two stunning girls sat down, the whole student body began talking about what had just happened. Harry glanced at the French girls with concern, but felt reassured when Suzette smiled at him and brushed her caf against his.

"So this is how you feel every day, Fleur?" Hermione asked the French girl, her eyes darting from left to right, noticing all the looks they were receiving.

"Not exactly. Most were looks of lust, but some appeared jealous and hateful, mostly aimed at Mon Ami," Fleur said, looking at Harry with a crooked smile. Harry blushed slightly but smiled back.

"Who cares," Ginny said. "If they want your attention, they should get their heads out of their arses." The redhead added.

"It's too late now," Suzette said. "We only have eyes for wild dark hair and dreamy green eyes." She exaggerated her motions and spoke in a mockingly girly voice. Harry acted like it offended him but chuckled.

"That's all I am to you!" Harry said playfully, placing his hand on his heart and feeling hurt.

"Don't forget, you're rich," Hermione added with a smile.

"And Triwizard champion," Ginny chimed in, grinning.

Harry grumbled as the girls laughed. Fleur waved her wand quickly around the five of them. "Muffliato," she whispered while holding her wand. "And a great cock," she said seductively as she waved her wand again to lift The Muffliato Charm. Harry blushed but felt rather proud as he noticed the girls blush and smile.


Walking back and forth nervously, Pansy waited for Quin by a door that only opened from the inside of Hogwarts. 'What's taking him so long?' she thought, annoyed. Then there was a knock on the door. Holding her wand, Pansy slowly opened it to find a large man holding a broom. "Quin?" she asked.

The man smiled and bowed. "I'm the one and only Mrs. Parkinson," he replied.

"What took you so long?" Pansy asked, holding the door open for him to enter. Quin chuckled as he entered Hogwarts. Breathing deeply, he closed his eyes and let out a little laugh.

Opening his eyes, Quin turned to Pansy and smiled. “Thank you, Pansy. I knew you would be the right witch to ask for help.”

“So, how do you want to stay hidden here?” Pansy asked.

Grinning, Quin started shifting until he transformed into a black snake. “You’re an animagus!” exclaimed Pansy.

The snake hissed at her before transforming back into a man. "Tell them you asked your mother for your pet to bring to Hogwarts, make up something if necessary. Say you've been struggling and your pet will help," Quin said. "Who is your head of house?"

"Professor Snape has been replaced, and Professor Sinistra is now the head of Slytherin house," Pansy explained with a scowl. "Mrs Malfoy now works here as the potions professor."

“Narcissa Malfoy.” Quin said, raising his eyebrows. Pansy nodded.

“Do you know her?” She asked.

"Something like that," he said, looking into the distance and recalling old memories. Shaking himself out of his thoughts, he smiled a little. "This will be fun," he added. "Tell me about the school, anyone you think would be an excellent target." Quin asked as he transformed into his snake animagus. Pansy squealed as Quin wrapped his coils around one of her arms and waited silently. She started walking back to her dorms while talking about the school.


As night fell over the campus, the students finally succumbed to exhaustion from a long day of studying and drifted into deep sleep. In this moment of peace, Quin experienced a strange sensation as he transformed back into his human form. With a satisfied sigh, he stretched his limbs and smoothly retrieved an object from the inner pocket of his elegant black coat. A mischievous smile graced his lips as he carefully unraveled its contents - a tiny suitcase. Enlarging the suitcase with a charm, it grew to its original size. Placing it on the floor, he simply opened it and stepped inside.

Quin was in his workshop, surrounded by shelves full of magical gadgets and tools. The dim light from floating orbs lit the room, casting eerie shadows on the walls. He walked to a door that led to a smaller chamber within the workshop. Inside, he grabbed some edible bars he created himself and went over to several boxes. Quin slid back the grille, tossed a bar inside each box, and closed them again. He repeated this for all the boxes statified and closed the door to the chamber once again and made his way over to his workbench.

Quin grabbed his stool and sat down, studying his latest project. A collar he's making to make the wearer completely obedient to him. Quin carefully examined the collar on his workbench, checking that every enchantment and rune was in place. He had worked on this project for weeks, perfecting its magic to achieve the desired effect. Running his fingers over the smooth surface of the collar filled him with anticipation. This creation could be a powerful tool in his arsenal.

One of the most remarkable and highly coveted features of this exquisite collar lies in its complete absence of dark magic. Unlike many other magical items on the market, which often rely on questionable sources of power, this collar is meticulously crafted using only pure charms and enchantments.

Moreover, by eschewing any connection to dark magic, this collar possesses a unique advantage: it remains undetectable by even the most sophisticated dark magic detector spells. This means that wearers can enter any place of importance that has you pass any security checks undetected.

He had already tested his creation once, one of the kinks he noticed for now was that the collar only worked on a willing subject, apperently because of its lack of dark magic he cannot force the collar onto someone Quin pondered this limitation and decided to embrace it as a feature rather than a flaw. The idea of having willing subjects obey him willingly intrigued him. It added a layer of complexity and challenge that he found exhilarating. As he sat there, lost in thought, his mind started to wander to the possibilities this collar could unlock for him.

Quin grabbed a book from the shelf and smiled, remembering his time with Rosmerta.


Quin smiled as he watched his captive struggle against the magical bonds that held her in place. The witch's eyes widened in fear as Quin approached, holding the gleaming collar in his hand. "Don't worry Rosmerta, I think this will look good on you."

Madam Rosmerta looked at Quin with fear and squirment in her trapped chair. Still in her prime Madam Rosmerta is a absolutly gorgeous woman. Her long flowing blonde hair and piercing green eyes only added her allure. he had been tracking her for months, waiting for the perfect opportunity to capture her and test his latest creation.

Gently he held Rosmerta's head steady as he fastened the collar around her neck. The it clicked into place, smiling Quin leaned back to admire his handiwork The collar shimmered in the dim light of the chamber, its intricate designs glowing softly. Rosmerta's struggles ceased as an expression settled over her features.

"You Freak!" Rosmerta gasped, her voice filled with a mix of anger and fear. Quin simply chuckled in response, admiring the way the collar seemed to enhance Rosmerta's natural beauty.

"I think it looks great on you," Quin said. "Don't you agree?" This would be the first test. Rosmerta should agree with him here. Quin waited eagerly for Rosmerta's response, filled with anticipation.

"No, you disgusting pig," Rosmerta said defiantly. Quin looked at her, confused why it didn't work. He walked over to her and examined her face closely, checking her eyes for any signs of change, but they showed no sign of control.

Quin's excitement turned to frustration as he realized that the collar had not taken effect on Rosmerta as he had anticipated. He pondered what could have gone wrong, considering the meticulous planning and preparation he had put into this moment. As he studied Rosmerta's unyielding expression, a sense of disappointment washed over him.

Removing the collar from her elegant neck, Quin tossed it aside in frustration. He paced back and forth in front ofmerta, his mind racing with thoughts of what could caused the collar to fail. Was it a flaw in the design? A miscalculation in the enchantments he had woven into it? Or perhaps there was something unique about Rosmerta that made her resistant to its effects.

Deciding he didn't have time to change his work, he smiled and turned to Rosmerta. The beautiful witch was still tied up, her bare feet sticking out towards him. He had already enjoyed playing with her feet but decided on one last time before disappearing again.

"Get away from my feet!" Rosmerta's voice was filled with a mixture of defiance and fear as she tried to move but the ropes held her perfectly in place. Quin ignored Rosmerta's protests and knelt down his fingers tracing lightly along the arch of her foot. He relished in the shivers that ran through her body as he continued his ministrations. The power he held over her was intoxicating, even if the collar had not worked as intended.

Sitting on the small stool in front of Rosmerta's feet, Quin picked up the feather that had been lying next to the stool from earlier before. He gently ran it along the sole of Rosmerta's foot. Her laughter filled the room, a mix of amusement and discomfort. Quin felt satisfied at her reaction, even though it wasn't what he had planned.

"S-Stop t-that." Rosmerta muttered jiggling up and down in her seat.

Quin continued to tease and tickle Rosmerta's feet, enjoying the way her feet tried to move away from the feather.

Quin flexed his finger and danced them over Rosmerta's other trapped foot, playing over the smooth curves of her arch, the soft skin of her sole. Rosmerta's whole body shook and bucked as she was unable to stop herself from laughing out loud. She cackled and rolled her head, her blonde bun becoming undone by her quivering movements.

"Stop it!" She yelled.

Quin couldn't help but chuckle at Rosmerta's futile attempts to resist his playful advances. Her laughter was music to his ears, a sweet melody of vulnerability and defiance.

"Absolutely perfect," Quin muttered as he twirled a finger around the middle of Rosmerta's sole, running it over the ridges of skin. Her creamy-soft toes fanned and curled against the restraints as Quin worked his fingers into the tender flesh beneath them, gently easing them back when they bunched up in response to his teasing.

"Please..." Rosmerta gasped between fits of laughter, "Please..." She twisted her foot, wriggled her toes, anything to escape from the feeling, but as it continued to crackle through her she let out a sound that was halfway between a shriek and a moan. “It's too much! It's too much!” she panted. Unable to hold it in any more she literally screamed laughter as Quin raked his fingers up and down the vulnerable bare sole.

"Too much you say?" Quin paused for a moment, savoring the sight of Rosmerta squirming under his touch.

"Ohh...." Rosmerta panted. "ah..."

Rosmerta's breathless pleas filled the room as Quin continued his playful assault on her sensitive soles. The laughter that had once been a source of amusement bordered on desperation. With tears in her eyes and gasps for air between giggles, she finally managed to speak.

"Quin, please," Rosmerta begged, her voice shaky but determined. "I can't take it anymore. Maybe Put the collar back on me."

Quin paused, "You could take pictures of me wearing it," Rosmerta suggested, hoping this would satisfy him. Rosmerta's suggestion caught Quin off guard. He stopped tickling and looked at her, considering the proposal. The idea of capturing such a moment appealed to him in ways he hadn't expected.

"Don't you want to immortelize this moment in a way that will last forever?" Rosmerta's eyes sparkled trying to sound flirty and seductive. Quin pondered Rosmerta's suggestion, intrigued by the idea of capturing their playful moment in a lasting form.

"Alright then." Quin reached for the collar. "So you want to put the collar on..."

"And take some photos?" Rosmerta finished his sentence, a mischie glint in her eye. Quin chuckled at her eagerness, admiring her playful spirit even in the midst of their intimate moment.

Quin fastened the collar around Rosmerta's neck, the cool leather contrasting against her warm skin. As he adjusted it, a mischievous smile played on his lips at the thought of capturing this moment. He reached for his camera, positioning himself to capture different angles of Rosmerta's expressive face and vulnerable posture.

After taking a few pictures, he wanted Rosmerta to pose her feet in various positions. "Squish your toes for me, Rosmerta. I want to capture your wrinkled soles," Quin said. His request made Rosmerta giggle, finding his fascination with her feet charming. She playfully scrunched and wiggled her toes as Quin took more shots, capturing the details of her wrinkled soles.

Quin smiled at the camera before he looked at Rosmerta surprised, Quin's eyes widened as he saw Rosmerta obediently following his command. As Rosmerta awaited his next instruction, Quin felt a rush of excitement at the thought exploring this dynamic further.

Quin walked over to Rosmerta's legs and clicked the restraints open. wachting her closely Quin decided to test the power of his collar over her by giving a simple command, "stand up." Rosmerta hesitated for a moment, her eyes searching for reassurance. Quin's gaze was intense, a mixture of curiosity and anticipation dancing in his eyes. With a subtlety from him, Rosmerta obeyed, slowly rising to her feet as he had commanded.

Quin stands behind the camera, his eyes fixed on Rosmerta as he directs her with a commanding tone. He instructs her to adopt a seductive pose, emphasizing the delicate curves of her bare feet that glisten under the soft studio lights. As she complies, Quin's lens captures every intricate detail - from the way her toes scrunch and wiggle mischievously to the subtle arch of her foot that exudes an alluring charm.

In this intimate setting, each click of the camera shutter marks a moment frozen in time, immortalizing Rosmerta's vulnerable beauty for eternity. The air around them seems to thicken with anticipation as their dynamic evolves; Quin revels in the power he holds over Rosmerta, feeling a surge of excitement course through him at every shot captured.

With a simple gesture or command, Quin effortlessly guides Rosmerta through each movement. His presence is both straightforward yet undeniably authoritative, fueling unspoken tension between them that crackles with desire. "Wizards would pay gallons to see you like this, Rosmerta."

Rosmerta giggled as she struck another pose for Quin. After taking what felt like two hundred photos, Quin finally lowered the camera, a satisfied smile on his lips as he gazed at Rosmerta.

It was time to leave Quin thought, packing up all his belongings quin looked at the beautiful blonde woman waiting for his next commands. "I had a lovely time Rosmerta." Quin said rather ironiclly. "i hope you had aswell."

Standing behind her, Quin stunned Rosmerta and removed the collar from her neck. Placing her in bed, Quin wiped her memory of tonight. As Rosmerta lay in bed, with her memory of the evening wiped clean by Quin, he couldn't shake off the lingering feeling of satisfaction coursing through him.

flashback end 

With his thoughts back in the present, Quin thought about his new ally Pansy. She could be useful for a certain amount of time

Pansy could prove to be quite useful, he mused. At some point, he would probably add her to his collection and give her a special collar of her own. But for now, she was a valuable resource. With access to the castle through her, Quin could gather all kinds of information. He might even find some more subjects to test his new collar on.

Quin stood up and exited the suitcase, and with a wave of his wand the suitcase shrunk again to put back in his chest pocket, he then transformed back into his snake form. From here on out, the castle would be his playground for as long as he pleased.  And if things got bad, he could always disappear. Nothing could go wrong with this plan, he thought smugly. Little did he know, fate had a way of turning even the best-laid plans into chaos. 


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