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Watch video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JcOmsLfbAoArhQdmHuOfrtst7U5ip0wy/view?usp=sharing

.CSP file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WHOMzcz3Upz60_NlODQXY0mt_0XuLbPQ/view?usp=sharing

At first, I thought of making her a dwarf since they're commonly associated with mechanical things. But being an elf is kinda nice too. Since most people associated elves with magic, giving her a mechanical theme gives a nice contrast to that XD

And the clunky-looking mech arm is to show that she isn't some pro mechanic but just a child who loves tinkering things!





I really love that her arm has the good ol Rocket Punch move! I guess her being a elf and being a mechanic/engineer is nice. I recognize that racoon girl from one of Porvforever pieces!


I see!~ It's fun seeing you develop characters like this, trying to contrast our expectations with the opposite, like an elf using machinery instead of magic~💖


Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it XD Yeah! She's Porforever's OC!