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.CSP file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ks10l8wafBzznSnW-bz6qxKeIBW3W2ps/view?usp=sharing

Watch video: https://youtube.com/shorts/EqNf8qHiABc?feature=share

This time I tried not doing lineart. It's not that bad I think? I'm not sure at this point that my art takes time because of my working process or because of how I made a lot of adjustments during rendering. It's probably both lol


commission Jordon 2020 05



Oh, no lineart? How fun! Would you say it was faster/easier this way?~ :3


This one is so cute and warm feeling. The no line art style kind of adds its own little softness I think. ☺


Thank you so much! ^^ I'm not really sure myself which is better too lol


Hmmm, that's quite hard to say.... It's like taking time from doing lineart to use it in cleaning it up. I think it ends up with similar time usage lol