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Journalist Shannon Liao joins the panel to cover game journalism, the Twitch meta, and hot sauce recommendations. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers, and Shannon Liao. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.

Questions this week:

  1. What is, and what is not, video game news?
  2. When was the last time a screenshot of a video game was enough to drive interest?
  3. The concept of video game unions is still pretty new. How do you see it paying off?
  4. What is the Twitch Meta in 2023, and where is it headed?
  5. In the song “Player of Games,” Grimes claims to be “in love with the greatest gamer.” Assuming that you did not know anything else about Grimes, who would you think this song was about?
  6. LeFish asks: What can the average person do to preserve videogames outside of financial contributions?
  7. Who is the Christopher Nolan of video games?

LIGHTNING ROUND: Name Design - City Pop Hits

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Shannon: Updater, Shannon Liao's gaming newsletter, Baldur's Gate III

Frank: Don’t complete with Frank for the things he needs on eBay, if you have any family who might have a Polaroid Freeze Frame Video Recorder please get in touch, say hello and visit the snuggle tent at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo

Tim: Taeko Onuki - Aventure

DIRTBAGS: You can submit your questions to the show using this form. And, thanks!


Dustin Reno

Shannon was a lot of fun to have on the episode! Honestly, Frank's response to LeFish's question was not what I expected in a really great way. Obviously Frank is living with and thinking about preservation in a capacity that few, if any, do, and the suggestions for working small and local make so much sense. For whatever reason, Tim Schafer makes sense as the Christopher Nolan of video games, but I have absolutely no argument to make that case.