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While the audio quality of Ep. 276 - Bye Forever DICE 2023 may have been a bit difficult from the perspective of podcast listening, Brandon's exploded-out lav mic actually has exactly what you'd want to see for a brainmelting noise album.

Enter the legendary dicegame uchiha, mining the raw audio ore from Brandon Sheffield and Kurt Feldman and reshaping it into brutal, beautiful, lifechanging noise rock that will leave you speechless, and thoughtless, and faceless.

you can hit Play above to listen to the whole album as a continuous track, or download the album as a .zip below for full listings plus cover art!! thanks again to our friend and comrade dicegame for this incredible work

WARNING: hell yeah it's loud 😈😈😈😈


Ben Richardson

This is fantastic! Way to turn adversity into something creative and fun


this is ripping


Definitely not my thing, but definitely A thing! Agreed with Ben, way to make the most of it, I'll never complain about crazy creative stuff like this ❤️


Freakin’ love this! Reminds me of The Mars Volta, when they gets experimental 🔥❤️🤘


I don't think I've ever listened to noise before, but this is really cool. Just listened to the whole thing (favorites are probably "Opening Theme I", "Wednesday at 7-07 PM" and "Closing Theme") and I think I might have to get into noise now.

Zack Daigle

GIMME THE NOISE!!!! Brandon and Kurt are going to slowly turn all of these on the street episodes into Hanatarash albums. Hopefully with minimal broken glass or broken bones!

Branden Wood

In heaven everything is fine.

insert credit

(brandon:) just a little bonus background for you - though I had nothing to do with the creation of this album (that's all dicegame and irmawept), I proposed this because while I don't sit around listening to noise albums at home, I do like seeing the stuff live. I used to go to a place called Life Changing Ministries (LCM) in West Oakland like every other weekend, and they'd either have experimental techno, a visiting noise artist from somewhere around the world, some goth stuff, some sludge, or just generally something interesting. It was a place you could reliably show up, pay $5-$10, and have a sonic experience you hadn't had before. It was a former church with scuzzy carpets, BYOB or homebrew beverages, a bathroom door that wouldn't close, a wrecked backyard, a weird tape shop in the corner, and a cobbled together sound system, but/and it was a great place to be. the kind of unspoken rule was that nobody was on their phones there, unless you were recording the band with your brightness down, and everyone just... paid attention to the music (or sounds, such as they were). that all got shut down when all the DIY venues in the bay area got shut down, but it was a delightful time, and this makes me think of that, so it's all very nice!


hell yeah


i wasn't joking when i said this lured me back to patronage. can't wait to hit play


This is intensely hard to listen to. Thank you so much.