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Hey all, Esper here. 

In episode 262 of the show, we have a tribute to the recently departed Rieko Kodama, a legend of the video game industry. In it, original Insert Credit correspondent Azurelore Korrigan shared a wide range of feelings.

Her full recording was too long for the episode, but I wanted to include a lightly cleaned up version here at full length. Azure explores her gender identity, purple hair, the Master System, growing up alone, Sega design philosophy, hope, and the ways we can all reach out and believe in each other.


Ross Hamrick

Beautiful listen. Thanks to Esper for putting this together and, of course, thank you Azurelore for the words.

Dustin Reno

That was a really moving tribute, Azurelore Korrigan. Thank you for sharing and being so open in your words.

David Noo

This is great, thank you for sharing with us!