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The panel convenes to assess the Oofya, share controversial Klonoa opinions, and choose the first five video games to be given the Criterion Collection treatment. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers, and Brandon Sheffield. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.

  • What difficulty mode do you start games on? (00:42)
  • How do you remedy the tone of Grand Theft Auto while maintaining crass irreverence? (05:53)
  • How do you create urgency in a video game without an explicit timer? (16:35)
  • What should Roblox replace its iconic “oof” noise with? (20:31)
  • Jaffe Guesses the Golden Age of Konami – Round 4 (28:37)
  • Tom asks: If the Criterion Collection were to release video games, what might the first five titles be, and what would the ideal special features be for each of them? (30:04)

LIGHTNING ROUND: The Inaugural Criterion Collection of Video Games (01:01:33)

Recommendations and Outro (01:05:27)



Tim: The Criterion Channel

Frank: Get some good sleep and poop on the regular

Brandon: If you drink wine buy a wine aerator, and if you live in the Bay Area buy Alvarrado Street bread

Jaffe: The Bear on FX

DIRTBAGS: You can submit your questions to the show using this form. And, thanks!


Zack Daigle

I clapped like an idiot for all the sound board sounds. Video game sound good, make brain happy. WA-HOO!!

Dustin Reno

The deeper dives into some of the topics this week were great to hear. Also, the statement of people that used to call for banning of certain games being the same people upset over GTA rumors seems so incredibly on point, but it never once occurred to me. Hearing that made me react outloud, haha Another good episode!

Nygile Oliver

Loved the GTA conversation this week, I’m also curious to see what a more matured, meaningful GTA could look like at this scale with all the money in the world Great episode, and great job, Esper, get well soon!

Branwen Shoop

What was the Twitter account Brandon mentioned w/r/t Hamster? Something like "o5 pro"?