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This is the LAST GAME in my (brandon's) series of things I had to review for game competitions in 2021. I don't think I talked about his much on the podcast, if at all? I forget. Anyway, I really expected to hate it because I didn't like the original at all, but I didn't dislike it? I might even go back to it some day? confusing. Here we are:

So this one will be pretty subjective. I played the original DS game and bounced off it hard back in the day. Trying again now, I was thinking... maybe the "edgy teen" characters will feel funny now! Maybe the music will loop back around into something I enjoy 15 years later (or however long). Not so. For my money it feels like an old guy writing teen characters and deciding what's hip and cool and youthful. I mean no offense to old guys, I'm getting up there myself, it just smacks of talking down, almost!?

I went into this game thinking it was a remake, so just in case anyone else had that misconception because of the title, it's actually a full on sequel. So I guess it's more accurate to say I *still* don't like the music or the dialog.

Anyway: NEO TWEWY is a game in which you've died, but are able to play a game around Tokyo (mostly Shibuya) in order to get a wish (such as coming back to life, etc). You have to form a team, and it's treated like an app/game within a game where you get missions, have to find partners to group with, and fight monsters, called "noise." You collect pins from fallen monsters and quests and stuff, all of which can be equipped to give you different powers. You can also "scan" the area to read NPC's thoughts, and it can be kind of cool to have folks just talking ambiently as you're running around.

The premise is basically the same as the original game, but this is 100% a sequel. The world is full 3D, the characters are different, the battle system is different, only the tone, themes, and visuals really have the same vibe.

So here's where it gets super subjective. I think the battle system is excellent - it's full 3D, and you control multiple characters at once but it never feels overwhelming. By and large you target one enemy at a time, hitting the button that corresponds to that character. You can then combo by hitting the buttons that correspond to your other characters. If you keep it all straight, you can get a real feeling that you've got an RPG party here. For example you can be using R2 to put a constant effect over an enemy, while peppering it with shots from afar with a character you've mapped to the square button, while a melee character comes in with triangle, or R1. It feels pretty good, and you can quickly go from mashing buttons to intelligent choices.

I also enjoy collecting and leveling up pins, because they correspond to new attacks and are fun to try out. You can also "chain" enemies, meaning you pass by a bunch of them, they follow you around, and then you can activate your battle and fight them all at once. You'll fight four enemies in a row, but you'll get bigger bonuses out of it and better items. This is also handy because you can basically clean up a whole zone with one or two battle sessions and then explore at your leisure since enemies don't respawn until you leave.

ON THE OTHER HAND, I absolutely hate the music. It's numetal or "hard rock," often with vocals straining to hit notes they just can't reach. It's painful to listen to and made my partner put her headphones on. I think people of a certain vintage will like it but as a pure metal enthusiast it's really nails on a chalkboard for me. Likewise, the teens' "omg, like f'realz" style of talking is super grating and feels extremely dated. It's that way even in Japanese, which I think actually makes it worse for me since I understand the language. It is firmly "vapid cool guy" language all the time, where people use super limited vocabulary, most of it slang or shortened versions of words, and it's dramatically uncool despite its intentions. At least for me! So while the story itself actually intrigues, the dialog makes me want to leave the house and go for a walk.

I also don't like tetsuya nomura's character designs and fashion sense which has not changed even a little bit since 2003 (new clothes came out since then, I swear). So it's a tough one! I really think it's a good RPG, with a neat premise, but I hate playing it because of all the audio, textual, and aesthetic choices.

Is it in my top 5?

I don't know!!! I urge everybody to play this one and see what you think for yourselves. If the audio, dialog, and visuals didn't bug me so much I do think it'd be in my top 5. But I can't really ignore that, because it is part of the craft after all. Your mileage may vary! I'm leaning toward no, but guilty about it, if that makes sense.


And that's that! My final mini-review. Hopefully you enjoyed these somewhat! Maybe I'll do this again next year??



I never played the original but I tried the demo for this and boy was the music incredibly bad! Wasn't much to latch on to with gameplay either. Definitely not for me either.


Man I think I had basically a completely opposite read on basically everything about this game haha. I never read these teens as "cool", they're nerdy little weirdos. I'm sure this isn't what teens actually talk like(I cannot pretend to know that LOL) but I think the earnest kind of tryhardness of them works because it is dropped many times throughout the game as their more authentic voices come out. I also loved most of the music and even the hard rock, which isn't my thing to listen to for pleasure, I felt worked as it was typically deployed for Rindo specifically. I also just found it very funny that it was even in there! It's also just a really good follow up to the first game! It isn't masturbatory in calling back to it, the ways it reveals itself as a sequel are pretty classy imo. My one real complaint about the game is that I think it's a bit too long with sections that drag too much. So yeah! I thought it was a great game.

insert credit

good! I'm glad it was for somebody, ha ha. but this was definitely written as close to japan's "cool teens" trope language as possible - maybe divorced from that context it didn't bug you. For the music, genre and style aside, they could've gotten someone who could at least hit the notes on key I feel.


Thanks for doing these reviews! I enjoyed them - please keep doing these. As far as NEO:TWEWY, I really enjoyed the first game and got way into this one too. Mechanically, they both try some really interesting things, and are mostly successful. I gotta agree about the aesthetic though - definitely pretty cringey. Once you get through the story and can just play around with different pin combos, it gets pretty good. It’s kind of like Metroid Other M in that way


I saw the usual kind of people complain about the “bad localization” in this one, but IMO you can’t trust a translation review unless they can recognize bad writing in Japanese too - and Square has plenty of that. Of course that can be hard in a Western fantasy setting; the pirates in the FFXIV pirate starting city don’t sound piratey in Japanese but there isn’t, like, an official way to do that.