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A smorgasbord of content swept neatly off the floor of the cutting room and into The Dirtbag. Marvel as Brandon discusses film, Tim discusses video games, and Jaffe discusses television (The Moving Image Trinity). Can Frank hunt down the specter of a basketball legend haunting the code of a game? Tips, tricks, reviews, previews and more abound in Bonus Credit 8!


  • (Ep. 179) Brandon, Jaffe and Special Guest Tyriq Plummer discuss anime, volleyball anime, and volleyball. Frank would love to do a clap.
  • (Ep. 180) Tim makes a joke about normal podcasts and brings back a beloved feature of the show.
  • (Ep. 180) Brandon uses Frank's time to pee. Frank is going to see a chiropractor for his shoulder thing he's had for like four years. Special Guest Patrick Miller and tim rogers know all about that. Jaffe makes a pretty good Batman joke.
  • (Ep. 180) Brandon confesses he doesn't know what makes for a good episode of Insert Credit Show. Special Guest Patrick Miller has gotta get back to work, yall. tim has not watched that Tokyo Drifter recently.
  • (Ep. 181) Brandon is having trouble getting a clean cartridge of Contra: Hard Corps. Frank explains that the CGC doesn't grade games, kind of.
  • (Ep. 181) Frank has been living in the NBA Jam source code, Searching For The Ghost Of Michael Jordan. Ash Parrish doesn't remember Horace Grant. Jaffe gets another killer joke at the end of this one.
  • (Ep. 181) Brandon got his Sega CD working again.
  • (Ep. 181) Jaffe recommends Infinity Train to Brandon.
  • (Ep. 183) Brandon watches Infinity Train and reviews most of the first season. Jaffe is not surprised.
  • (Ep. 183) Frank does not have an answer regarding The Marios for Brandon. Jaffe does. Special guest Jim Stormdancer has a theory about further lineage.
  • (Ep. 183) Extended outro. Brandon and Jaffe reminisce on one year since the show's return. Jaffe got Ristar for his birthday. Frank tells Jaffe not to make a loud noise because he's been clipping the whole show (we're working on figuring out Jaffe's mic situation, everybody). Special Guest Jim Stormdancer gets a little friendly griefing over the format of his podcast.



Did you accidentally leave out the Tim on TLoU2 part? It weren’t straight from Tokyo Drifter to Hard Corps for me. 😶

insert credit

ah jeez. this bonus episode in particular had a handful of weird things happen, I either cut that bit because of sensitive information, or it somehow fell out of my Adobe Premiere timeline. if I can still use it, I’ll try to post it sometime this week; if not, then I’ll find something else nice to do for everybody. thanks for the heads up!! (for what it’s worth, I remember tim saying it was A Good Game and not elaborating beyond that) -Esper


A little surprised there was discussion of the best sports anime with no mention of Ping Pong! It's good.

insert credit

I (brandon) dislike every character in that anime. I really tried but there's just nobody likeable in it! That's a lot of anime of course, with a main character who's pathetic and a rival who's arrogant or whatever but I just can't enjoy that anymore. So that's why it didn't come up for me, anyway! (sorry!)


hrmmm.. fair enough! i think i was so taken with the style - both visually and storytelling-ly - that the characters didn't bug me like that. but i also haven't watched a ton of anime and maybe that helped. ah well!

insert credit

There's nothing wrong with it, and it is widely beloved! it's just a thing that bugs me specifically that I can't get around. it's me not them etc!! ~brandon

Tree Froggy

It's got Taiyo Matsumoto's funk all over it, and if you don't vibe with that it's a no-go! It's heavy Zen-Buddhism themes are really important though! Ping Pong is one of my all time favorites! Also, I tried watching Infinity Train last year, and, yeah, not for me!