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SPECIAL NOTE FOR PATRONS: this episode features a surprise around the halfway point. Please refrain from discussing this surprise until the episode has gone live in the main feed. thank you!! -esper 

Twenty years of insertcredit.com, as remembered by past and present contributors. Featuring Vincent Diamante, Chris Woodard, Azurelore Korrigan, Patrick Miller, and more. Original music by Kurt Feldman.

Questions this week

  1. What do you remember about the GP32, and how does obscure hardware fit in Insert Credit’s taste? (07:20)
  2. What are the best video game comeback stories?  (11:42)
  3. If Insert Credit could secure the film rights to any video game, what would it be? (16:09)
  4. What gets changed when porting a video game?  (19:19)
  5. What Insert Credit-type games influence Vincent’s music composition? (23:06)
  6. What is Tose up to now, and what other important game companies don’t we know about? (31:51)
  7. Insert Credit declared the death of print video game media on April 16th, 2008. Is that about right? (36:38)
  8. In 2009, there was some pontification on Insert Credit on what constituted "good" or "bad" video game journalism. Where do you stand on that now? (41:03)
  9. What are some of the most striking video game convention displays you’ve seen? (44:43)
  10. How did the cottage industry of new games for old consoles happen, and which ones are worth discussing? (49:50)
  11. How did the forums and community shape Insert Credit’s identity? (59:03)
  12. How can one still find obscurity on the internet? (01:09:03)
  13. What are the biggest differences between video game culture in 2004-2006 and now? (01:14:00)
  14. After all these years, how would you define your relationship to video games? (01:20:35)
  15. What the hell is wrong with video games? (01:24:54)
  16. How has Insert Credit changed since the start of the podcast? (01:44:53)
  17. How did you all go from writing about to developing and preserving video games? (01:49:24)
  18. Are video game blogs dead? (02:00:09)
  19. What are the best things to come out of Insert Credit? (02:04:40)
  20. Finish this sentence: Insert Credit is the _____ of video games. (02:09:15)



George Rohac

I literally screamed at 45:24. I did a meeting/interview with the ApeXtreme during E3 at 2004? where it was an off site at the hotel demo of the unit (which crashed) and clearly the reps were worried about comparisons to the Phantom (which they viewed as their direct competition) they didn't even have documents for me to take about the system, just a business card for the PR company (not even the ones making it.) Anyway this has been my white whale for YEARS because I never saw it covered, and would always occasionally search for any coverage of it and could never find any, so confirmation from other people that heard/saw stuff about it is WOW. I didn't hallucinate that thing.

insert credit

We definitely covered it, photos and all, on insert credit back in the day! Possibly also on something gamasutra-adjacent but I'm not sure. (~Brandon)

Robert Rostant

This was the best episode of insert credit! Thanks to everyone involved for a great 20 years, I definitely need to get round to joining the forum!

insert credit

As a bonus thing for context, I (brandon) was nineteeeeeeeeeeeeen years old when I started insert credit. I guess tim was 21, azure about the same. Vince was probably also 19. Just a bunch of wee babes trying to change game journalism *forever* lol Within two years we were pulling in 250k uniques per month, which was pretty good for 2003! We were certainly in the top 20 game websites while covering exclusively the weirdest stuff. I never really appreciated that until later in my life, but what a thing! Anyway yeah, thanks to everyone for being here, whether it's been 20 years or 20 minutes!!


:') <3 love the surprise in part three. excellent episode


gee, such a great episode. azure rules!

George Rohac

Yeah, I think it was something that only popped up in my head around 2010 or beyond, likely any time I came across my "I BELIEVE" Phantom t-shirt after a move. Also the naming convention not being clear made tracking it extra hard. I still think it was ApeXtreme, because the silver demo unit they had was vaguely xbox in appearance. I'd LOVE to see the link to that article if it still exists in some form because that E3 experience was so weird, and that's saying a lot, as Kentia hall was where I loved to live during the show.

insert credit

It's gotta be somewhere... as we get our archives back in order (eventually) it will come to light I reckon.

Tree Froggy

this episode is brilliant! becoming more acquainted with y'all in the intro already has me realizing I have like 0 degrees of separation from y'all already XD


Fantastic episode! I found the post where Tim declared the death of print video game media and it's very much the post I expected it to be. https://web.archive.org/web/20080416150831/http://www.insertcredit.com/

Andrew O.

Thanks for the Nokia N-Gage talk! As someone with a complete US game set, but wasn't in the zeitgeist, it's a weird system for me. Good information is hard to come by, probably because nobody cares. Please Frank, do a Video Game History Hour episode covering the N-Gage!

insert credit

It was a weird system even if you were there at the time, believe me! Absolutely nobody took it seriously, which must not have felt fantastic for Nokia. Will pass the suggestion on to frank!

Matthew Yon

Frank from the car killed me! Love the whole episode, guys. Thank you!


You could say it’s an Apex Legend!