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Welcome to the second patreon-only bonus episode!! It's for you, our lovely subscribers, and you alone! These are all from recent episodes, which as you may surmise, means there's a lot more to mine from some of the older episodes that we're still getting to. Esper is hard at work on that but there's a LOT OF BIG FILES and that takes some time to sift through, as they took over the job from Blaine.

But there'll be more! And soon! We even got some bonus friends in this bonus episode, including Laura Michet, and a brief appearance in the intro by Liz Ryerson.

Hope you enjoy, and thanks again for helping us make this happen!!


  • (Ep. 152) Frank buys a physical copy of each release of his game. Brandon decides against doing that. Tim doesn't get a New Years card from Goichi Suda. People like Mega Man. (00:14)
  • (Ep. 152) Tim, Frank and Jaffe ponder the names Craig, Steve and Alex. (03:35)
  • (Ep. 153) Brandon ponders Twitter and almost gets a movie made. Jaffe makes a Dalton Trumbo reference. Tim reviews Pride and Prejudice and Zombies in one word. With Special Guest Laura Michet (06:03)
  • (Ep. 153) Jaffe decides to check out Hades and introduces The Dr. Seuss Cinematic Universe. Brandon explains his problem with Supergiant Games. Tim explains voiceover techniques. (11:00)
  • (Ep. 153) Special Guest Laura Michet shares her history with the Pathologic series. Tim shouts in the background. Brandon explores literary things. Jaffe hears a storm a-brewin'.
  • (Ep. 154) Tim gets linked to a change.org petition. Celebrities refuse to change their names to accommodate aging.
  • (Ep. 154) Brandon reviews Shrek. Jaffe shares his favorite tweet of all time. Tim explains Smash Mouth.
  • (Ep. 154) Brandon reveals his favorite Guillermo del Toro movie and reviews Raised By Wolves. Jaffe reveals Pan's Labrynth's working title and has just started Money Heist. Tim asks if anyone has seen Money Train and has career advice for Snipes and Harrelson.
  • (Ep. 155) Brandon expands on a buzzer-silenced question and mentors an indie developer. Jaffe references a song I really like.



I've never felt that the name "Alex Jaffe" was awkward.