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Just FYI, because apple is about to start requiring all transactions in its application to use its own payment system, everything, including things like patreon, are beholden to apple's 30% cut.

This means starting in Nov 2024, anyone who signs up for the patreon through their iphone will either have to pay more, or we just get a much lower cut of the money. we had the option of covering that fee ourselves, thereby just making less money and giving it to apple, or making it so folks on iOS etc will have a higher price. We went with the latter in the hopes that people will see the price jump on iOS and just not do it there, and do it on the web instead where the 30% fee doesn't exist.

Patreon of course still takes its own fee, but we can't avoid that ~for now~
Figured we'd give everyone a heads up in advance!



Done & done

Garrett Cullen

Appreciate the heads up. They already do this with YouTube premium so if anyone sees this and pays for that through the Apple Store, re subscribe on a PC (or anything non apple OS). I saved 50$ on a year long sub which is a lot of loot to give the Apple Store for absolutely no reason