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Frank, Tim and Brandon increase replay value, examine trendy new Mario 64 opinions, and search google for sgdq 2024 recommendations reddit. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers, and Brandon Sheffield. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.

 Questions this week:

  • What differentiates a good turn-based battle system from a bad one? (05:15)

  • How do you maximize “replay value” in a single player game? (14:15)

  • How do you start watching GDQ? (19:44)

  • If you had to choose a doctor from a video game to be your GP, who would it be? (30:05)

  • Spencergifs asks: What are the greatest video game menus? (37:21)

  • What is something you once believed video games would have gotten around to by now, but still haven’t? (45:25)

  • Which four games best represent the four conflicts of man vs. man, man vs. self, man vs. society, and man vs. nature? (52:52)

LIGHTNING ROUND: GameFAQ&As - Stardew Valley (55:17)

Recommendations and Outro (59:12)

Discuss this episode in the Insert Credit Forums


Question 1: What differentiates a good turn-based battle system from a bad one?

Question 2: How do you maximize “replay value” in a single player game?

Question 3: How do you start watching GDQ?

Question 4: If you had to choose a doctor from a video game to be your GP, who would it be?

Question 5: Spencergifs asks: What are the greatest video game menus?

Question 6: What is something you once believed video games would have gotten around to by now, but still haven’t?

Question 7: Which four games best represent the four conflicts of man vs. man, man vs. self, man vs. society, and man vs. nature?


Brandon: Lady Reporter (1989), Don’t use Sticker Mule

Frank: GDQ, Don’t use Sticker Mule

DIRTBAGS: You can submit your questions to the show using this form. And, thanks!



Hey Brandon, I'm gonna be in Hanoi for a couple days in August, and i was wondering if you recall any video game shops, etc. that might still be around? I live in Bangkok, so this is a fairly casual trip. Just occurred to me that it would be nice to see a local game shop if any still exist, and I recalled that you seem to have some knowledge of SE Asian game scenes. I'm staying in the Old Quarter. Any other reccs are also appreciated. If you read this--thanks!

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Brandon: Oh, I don't know if I gave the impression I'd ever been to Hanoi but I've only been to HCMC and surrounds - I was on the hunt for records which was hard enough (they were all on the antiques street after much discussion and prodding), and I did not see a single game store. But yeah, that's HCMC not Hanoi, so I dunno! If you find something do report back!

Dustin Reno

Great episode, and Tim coming in with the perfect answer to the truffle question hah