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When you need to know all about the trends and fashions and interests of the youth of today, the Insert Credit Bonus Credit Patreon Exclusive Podcast is widely known as the best possible source. From hot film directors like Martin Scorsese to the baggiest jeans and Nirvana tees possible, we got more of it than J.D.’s got Salinger. Also, photos of Game Gear screens.


  • (Ep. 332) Pre-show. Dog talk! Pomeranians start to shed their baby hair at six months. HDR sensors can depict some dogs more true-to-life than the human eye. Frank is in a sticky situation with a person who doesn’t seem like a real person but is a real person.

  • (Ep. 332) Extended break. ScreenRant pays $10 a post. Tim shares an anecdote about a video he made regarding beard growth and the foundations of Action Button as a video series.

  • (Ep. 333) Pre-show. Frank has some hot Game Gear photography. Tim only just two weeks ago lifted the curtain on basic. Usage of the word “based” in current social contexts is discussed. Skinny jeans are called dad jeans now.

  • (Ep. 333) Extended break. The full, unedited list of everything Jaffe saw in the video feeds of everybody’s recording setup while everyone’s away. Tim’s dog is caught between two planes. Brandon got Ultrabox 5 for the PC Engine in the mail.

  • (Ep. 334) Pre-show. Frank finishes a Robert Irvine Fit Crunch bar before recording. Tim always means to look up whether or not the Atkins guy died of a heart attack or not.

  • (Ep. 334) Extended break. Frank files PTO with Jaffe so he can go to his expensive gym. Ambient barking is a feature of the show at this point. Special guest Phil Salvador of the Video Game History Foundation is unfortunately not picked up by the mic. Jaffe provides a helpful key to know when the second half of the show is starting.

  • (Ep. 334) Post-show. JK Rowling gone bonkers. Movie talk! This new Francis Ford Coppola film Metropolis is finished, but it’s impossible to market, unless you like cool stuff. Tim spoils Saltburn for Mimsy, and potentially you. The current young generation is very good at knowing who directors are. Let’s all hope George Lucas is secretly making movies on his ranch to be released after his death. Got more suits than Jacoby & Meyers.


Matthew Yon (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-08 22:19:45 Hail the return of What Alex Sees in Everyone's Windows.
2024-07-08 22:19:45 Hail the return of What Alex Sees in Everyone's Windows.
2024-07-08 22:19:45 Hail the return of What Alex Sees in Everyone's Windows.
2024-06-07 08:20:12 Hail the return of What Alex Sees in Everyone's Windows.

Hail the return of What Alex Sees in Everyone's Windows.


This was a fantastic and chaotic episode to listen to while driving to IKEA. I had to relisten to Jaffe's pun of Braising Saddles, assuming it was a Blazing Lasers joke. It took me 20-30 seconds of processing to realize that it's just about Blazing Saddles